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Posts posted by suiging

  1. Well lads the USS Blue Ridge has just visited Hong Kong. Thousands of servicemen have hit the bar areas of town, visited prostitutes spent money and in general had a ###### good time.

    There were a number of street brawls. The odd lad got rolled by the tarts, and a number of them went to pay for their round to find their wallet was no longer at home. While they were here, a number of the low lifes which plague every city stabbed each other, albeit thankfully with no gun play reported.

    The difference with Pattaya ?

    Well not one untoward incident made the press. On the contrary, all involved hail HK as one of the safest cities in the world.

    If the same amount of crime was noted in Patters, the bashers would have a field day and threads would abound about what a shit hole Pattaya is and how ashamed all the people who live there should be.


  2. The ECO lobby have been encouraging people to go " green" for years.

    In cantonese, the term " hoi kong " is used, which roughly equates to digging for coal. This would suggest a well laid out pile, sun dried, would have uses in home heating. The benefits seem endless !!!!

  3. I think the guys that commited suicide this way must have been pretty determined and if this avenue was closed would have tried another.

    Some years ago a security guard ( female ) decided enough was enough and jumped off the top of the block of flats we were living in at the time. She missed my son by about a foot, and the noise of the impact was totally mind blowing ( certainly blew her's ).

    Keep the ranges open.

  4. Twenty odd years ago I used to run an SDS ( Special Duties Squad ) team against prostitution in Mong Kok, the red light area for locals in Hong Kong. One thing for sure that no matter how many girls I would load into the lorry on any given night, the following day the same number of new comers would take their place

    Good morning, Sir! :o

    I thought the lights were mostly in yellow.

    I guess the HKRPF had to keep one eye shut as well so as to keep a harmonious atmosphere with the mafia like 1?K?


    The laws of supply and demand will always prevail. What the Govt should do in my humble opinion, is to accept this fact and re-direct it's efforts to educate the girls in how to look after themselves financially as well as medically.
    Hear! Hear! But I doubt the hypocrites(selfish people) like the government and the legislators will give a shit!

    True true, yellow they were. Both eyes open sadly. HKG as bad if not worse than the LOS mob in pretending their " <deleted> don't stink " and allowing the rat bags in HK to run vice, just like the rat bags here.

    Huge revenue opportunity for both with the demand for girls, never ending. The tax income would be enormous. Makes you think who has their dirty hands on the dosh behind the scenes, as neither Govt ever attempts to enact legislation to place such substantial amounts into the hands of the treasuries?

  5. Laws are a set of rules which a society consider a reasonable way for that society to function. Prostitution is in demand in every country in the world. The demand exists not through force, but by a need form a part of that society, for what ever reason, to fulfill a need which will not go away.

    As you can't stop it. As people need it. Legalize it, keep it as clean as possible by enacting reasonable laws and let those who prey on the unfortunates who now have to hide what they do on pain of arrest, be the ones to suffer.

  6. Yes and to comply with these rules they just go to the clinic,handover 100 baht and get a checked stamp in their book without any testing.All done in 2 minutes.

    Most girls do go for a proper check up....after all they dont want to die either.... :o


    Potentially true. However, if they have a habit, a violent other half demanding money, or are just out of the boonies, things can slip. Better get the profession legalized and centrally medically controlled where the bar owner is too scared to loose his license if they miss their check.

    Will never stop the " Beach Road " traffic, but it would give you and the girls a fighting chance in the " legal " bars.

  7. We all worry about which way the Thai's will turn in the next few years as many on here prepare or settle in for retirement. When you get on a bit you do not need the stress of worry about your status etc etc. But hang on a sec, Nirvarna last time I checked was a defunked pop group, the land of milk and honey is still a dream and almost impossible to find. In the past similar worries have occuredin the LOS, but if you are over fifty, I honestly believe in time you will be seen as an asset as long as you have money to pump into the local coffers. As for Malaysia, please take the time to read what the youth arm of the ruling party think about non Malays and non-followers of the faith in general. The youth arm will evolve to be the movers and shakers, just as you settle down to your Pimms in the happy years of you dotage; they are a very angry group indeed.

  8. Some good advise for the poster.

    The " one liners " probably feel the question asked could be better answered on other forums set up for the benefit of sex tourism, I was under the impression that this was not one of those ?

    In addition ( as we wait with baited breath for the next Maigo rant ), the question had the potential and sadly the expected outcome to attract the " Bashers" who swoop on anything sex related and belittle the place we all love for whatever reason.

    Good on you for loving the place and accepting the faults. Maigoo and his crowd are often quite right in what they say, but is it helpful in anyway to people who ask questions of any nature on the Pattaya Forum to have them turn any given topic to the same old tired rant?

    There is more than enough sex in BK, Fhuckit, Samui and just about every place in the world. Yes Pattaya may have more than it's fair share, but as has been posted on here time and time again there are many other things on offer.

    A number of Pattaya defenders have given up, snowed under by the constant waves of attack, would you really like this forum to be just questions about which is the best Hotels for short time romps and those questions answered by Maigoo and Co's rants ? I think not.

    You are the worst offender. Every time we read a post from you we get this: "Women should be obscene and not heard. Groucho Marx". Please change it to something that does not belittle women.

    There you go. Changed it just for you. Now you can't say Winston belittled women can you ?

  9. Twenty odd years ago I used to run an SDS ( Special Duties Squad ) team against prostitution in Mong Kok, the red light area for locals in Hong Kong.

    One thing for sure that no matter how many girls I would load into the lorry on any given night, the following day the same number of new comers would take their place.

    The laws of supply and demand will always prevail. What the Govt should do in my humble opinion, is to accept this fact and re-direct it's efforts to educate the girls in how to look after themselves financially as well as medically.

    The Issan farm girls have to live and for many of them there is little choice in the profession they choose. Start small collective banks and loan agencies run by the girls themselves much the same as the wonderfully successful schemes run for lady subsistance farmers in India/africa, then at least they will have something to work for rather than boyfriends/husbands of whatever creed who abuse and rip the poor sods off

  10. Best Pizza for me is the Dao Cafe off the old Soi Muslim, little helpers to wipe you down afterwards round the back.............smashing.

    Oh the one on the cornor to little hill resort is rather fine too Tisino.........or something like it. ( take your own helper )

  11. libya -most likely Maigo was dumped by a TG in Patters or was it a Katoey??? :D

    Exactly. 'Mangoo' probably retains a deep-seated hatred of Pattaya following an unfortunate mistaken gender experience. :o

    I love the smell of satire in the morning, cheers guys gave me a bloody good laugh :D

    Back to the OP for a minute. What is a 'girl friendly' hotel? Do you mean an establishment that doesn't check who their guests are bringing back to the room? Does anyone have a problem with their lady friend having to leave her ID with reception or is there a certain vicarious thrill in sneaking her in and out? Is it a way of assuaging the tormented soul, i.e. nobody saw her come or go, ergo it didn't happen and therefore I did not have it off with a.... prostitute? Is it because she was dressed to kill last night and her arse was hanging out of her shorts but heaven forbid that I be seen with her in daylight dressed like that? OK, you had beer googles last night and she is a serious 3-bagger? Does she look too young in daylight?

    Maybe its financial then. Do some hotels charge for the extra head in the bed? Can't you just ask at reception when you check in if they charge extra for night entertainers?

    A girl without her ID can either be a mere inconvenience (if she's seriously hot but the security/front desk are over zealous) or possibly dangerous or illegal if she also has a reason for not wanting to show or even carry her ID. If you sneak 'em in and it all goes pear-shaped, you have no recourse with the bar, hotel, police or anything.

    I am not on my moral high horse in esaan yet but I have my deams. I don't mind if the hotel has a guest ID policy that isn't just for money. And if my tilac of the hour has no problems leaving ID at the front desk, I know that I feel a bit more secure once the towel comes off.

    Per usual on this forum, plenty of people with one liners, but no help to any of the questions posted, all ganging up on any poster making any remark out side of the oneliners view.

    So back to the questions

    What is a 'girl friendly' hotel?

    A girl friend friendly hotel is a hotel that you check into as a single man and arrive back day and night with as many different women as possible without the need to pay extra or any questions asked. A good hotel that is girl friend friendly may take the girlfriends id card and return it when she leaves, extra safety for you.

    Some hotels do not wont to be whore hotels and try to sell to a more up class clientle.

    About a girl with ID, very dangerous, why has no id ? Is she over the legal age ? what if she robs you ? ID IS VERY IMPORANT that any person you are taking back to your hotel has ID

    I LIVE IN PATTAYA and Cripper Maigo6 are correct in the remarks Pattaya is overcrowded, dirty, polluted, crime ridden, sex tourist city . AND I LOVE IT. That is why I live here,

    Cripper the reason it isn’t shameful to pay for sex in Pattaya is the extent that it is going on. 99% of all farang men living in Pattaya are having a relations ship with a bar girl-boy-katoy or an exbar girl-biy-katoy

    It is getting more difficult for farangs to stay here, uncertainty over housing and long term investments made here, I live here and have a house.......And still love iot with all the uncertainties

    So the question is why do the rest of you one liners live here?

    Some good advise for the poster.

    The " one liners " probably feel the question asked could be better answered on other forums set up for the benefit of sex tourism, I was under the impression that this was not one of those ?

    In addition ( as we wait with baited breath for the next Maigo rant ), the question had the potential and sadly the expected outcome to attract the " Bashers" who swoop on anything sex related and belittle the place we all love for whatever reason.

    Good on you for loving the place and accepting the faults. Maigoo and his crowd are often quite right in what they say, but is it helpful in anyway to people who ask questions of any nature on the Pattaya Forum to have them turn any given topic to the same old tired rant?

    There is more than enough sex in BK, Fhuckit, Samui and just about every place in the world. Yes Pattaya may have more than it's fair share, but as has been posted on here time and time again there are many other things on offer.

    A number of Pattaya defenders have given up, snowed under by the constant waves of attack, would you really like this forum to be just questions about which is the best Hotels for short time romps and those questions answered by Maigoo and Co's rants ? I think not.

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