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Posts posted by suiging

  1. F-me, what a bitter thread. Man from outside small rural community joins it. Everybody knows his business, his debts, his marital problems. Likes a beer, good guy when sober, whole village believe abusive when pi-ssed. Gets involved in punch -ups with locals/family, bit tasty in his own community, perhaps does not understand clan/local ties, loyalties, code in his new one. Proud male soceity, where daddies love daughters ( blindly or not ). Domestic goes wrong, someone dies.

    Thailand, UK, USA,.............you name it, script for a tragedy the whole world over.

    This is not a Thai problem people, trust me, could just as easy have been Hull, Birmingham, Rome, Hicksville USA......................... etc etc.

  2. First up Mandarin will get you anywhere in China. A billion Chinamen can not be wrong ? ( or Wong for that matter )

    If the tones and the three thousand plus characters you need for a simple newspaper prove a problem, go with Spanish. Making a big come back and will be almost obligatory in the USA in the very near future.

  3. Each year the tourist industry makes shed loads here in Patters. At least some people pay tax, and yet the roads get worse not better, why ?

    Can not TAT or the larger hotel/travel agencies put pressure on the city fathers ?

    Something does not add up, I'm confused. :o

  4. Is this what's happening in the UK with such people?

    unfortunately not , jail is reserved for motoring offenders and pensioners who dont pay their council taxes.

    violent criminals are usually given community service and cash incentives not to offend again.

    But still, the crime rate is lower than it is in LOS

    Ehhh NO !!!

    Read the web blog of PC Copperfield, and you will learn all you need to know about how the UK manipulates it's abismal crime statistics. LOS granted is bad, but what you see is what you get. This thug sadly is the norm for the UK, maybe even a bit soft, he only slugged her once with each weapon after all....hardly trying by his mates standards.

  5. You could get scared shitless on aproaching Kai Tak with any airline on a windy day!

    Many amateur video's have been shot of big boeings approaching almost 60 degrees sideways to counter the crosswinds.

    Suiging, did you happen to be on this flight???


    It happens to be a Korean Air filight :o

    Not sure if it was that one. Let's go and see the snow in Korea says the wife, deeeeerrr ok say I. One week freezing the old nuts off and suicidal Korean pilots both ways. Trust me, if you are in the garden and you see them coming............duck !!!

  6. The risks of buying in LOS are the same the world over. Many people have seen their dreams disappear under new roads in Spain. Buyers off plan in Bulgaria are left with the plan and little else etc etc etc.

    As Mobi has said get a good lawer, do all the preparatory work properly, and then take the plunge with your fingers crossed. If you were buying in the UK or where ever you would take these simple steps, so do the same here. Never forget to go and look at a block the developers have finished and if possible hang around the reception and seek the advice of owners if they are willing to talk. After that, make your decision, relax and enjoy the pineapples.

  7. Maybe the bobbies are looking younger and i'm living in the past. The airline scarred the <deleted> out of me on an approach to the old Kai Tak HK runway and I swore never again. Perhaps they're now as safe as Afghan Air, I'll take you guy's word on it.

  8. so you swapped a 'police state' for a military junta with curfews ! the UK was never that bad !

    Military junta with Curfews? Are we talking Thailand? If there have been any curfews here then I have not been aware of them and even as I stood right next to one of the tanks with a yellow flower in my left mitt when they came trundling down my road, not one of the squaddies mentioned anything about getting myself off home before the curfew kicked in. :D

    As for the police state UK, they don't need a curfew because one of the 40 cameras that is constantly taking pictures of you is tracking you instead, as is the signal on your mobile phone, as is the number plate recognition camera that tracks the movements of your car... :o

    Yep and with all this technology, you'll still get mugged.

  9. Patters will in my humble opinion never be a beach resort again in the life time of most of the folk on here. It has grown too big and the infra-structure to keep the Bay clean is simply not in place. However, the large and expensive hotel chains are moving in fast with beautiful pools to idle your life away so a resort it most certainly is.....beach mmmmmmmmmmm.

    This said if you play sport their is nowhere like it in the Kingdom. Cheap, wonderful golf courses, horse riding facilities ( probably the best in Asia at Horse Shoe Point ), lawn bowls, etc etc etc.

    Top it with the usual go-carts, great restaurants and it is a fun place to be. If you want to lie on a beach, go elsewhere, if you want to get stuck in ( que lewd replies ) head for Pattaya.

  10. Italian Tourist hurt in bag snatch in South Pattaya.



    A case of aggravated theft now from the front of the Pop Inn Hotel on the Pratamnuk Road in South Pattaya which left an Italian Tourist and his Thai Girlfriend injured.

    Both were taken to the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital where they told Police that the pair were driving back to the Jomtien Nivet Village on the Tappraya Road on their motorbike, when three men on another motorbike approached from behind and forced their bike to crash.

    As the Italian Tourist, Mr. Ernesto Brianza aged 64 and his Girlfriend Khun Jamnong aged 30 lay injured on the floor, one of the three attackers stole Khun Jamnong’s shoulder bag which contained 7,000 Baht in cash, a mobile phone and some personal documents.

    At the Hospital Police attempted to get descriptions of the three suspects without success. Both victims are now recovering from their ordeal and will make a full statement at the Police Station when they are discharged from Hospital.

    -Pattaya City News

    Wednesday 25th October 2006

    Brit, please tell me this was in the early hours, with the streets deserted and all sane folk tucked up in bed ? Real bad if in the middle of the evening rush hour and nobody helped.

  11. I find it difficult to understand the posters on here who are jumping all over this scheme. I do not have one ( can't afford it ) but if I had the money and wished to have one considering the benefits viable for me, I would not hesitate. What is wrong with a scheme that gives another method for folk under fifty to live in the place we enjoy ?

    Many are quick to call the Thai Authorities all sorts of hurtful names when they screw the nut on visas, why do the same group vilify the same people when they keep open a scheme, that if you can afford it ,offers a very pleasent alternative to the back seat of a van on a sweaty run to Cambodia ? :o

  12. Does anyone know of a decent art shop (original pictures) in Pattya or the surrounding area?

    The wife and I have looked and looked and come up blank. We thought we once saw one on Sukumvit near Pattya Klang , but it seems to have disappeared. Then we were directed to one on Pattaya Klang, but we can't find it.

    I have seen the one in Carrefour, but there has to be something better.

    Is there such a place? (Well you know how blind I am)


    End of third road left turn at the flyover and up the hill. A number of art shops on your way up. Never stopped but noted some original work while driving past.

  13. .mmmmmmmm hang on a sec. I have been to many bars on my jack and the immediate " sucky sucky......." has never happened either !!!!!

    mmmmmmmmmm, I wonder why? It does happen after a 'decent' interval of time?

    Oh dear, here we go again.

    Yes it has happened after a time and thats how it should be. The poor ducks have to make a living the same as you or I.

    I don't blame them for asking, after they have sussed I am on my own without family and sitting in their type of establishment, and they don't blame me when I decline, just ask If I would like another beer.

    Sadly I always say no to their first request, and find it difficult to resist the lovely Chang, when they ask the second question.

    Now back to the thread. Do not believe such drivel or let smart ass replies put you off coming to Patters.

  14. I swore off the Pattaya Defence League, but this is going too far. I for one can only speak for my friends experiences as I have never taken my children to " a bar " of the type mentioned. My friends have never had the same experience so perhaps you were just unlucky..............mmmmmmmm hang on a sec. I have been to many bars on my jack and the immediate " sucky sucky......." has never happened either !!!!!

    Total drivel and lowering the tone for a perfectly reasonable fun thread. By all means hate the place, but keep it real.

  15. Good luck indeed to the owners and the builders of deluxe cond's. The OP mentioned the 1700 service charge he received, if this as stated goes to the staff ( less tax ), who already are paid at a higher rate than the competition ( managers quote ), It can only be a matter of months until developments like " The Northshore" are overrun by the happy chappies from this fine establishment.

    Pattaya is indeed changing for the better.

  16. When I go to thai discos(actually wherever I am), I pay attention to my surroundings. I do not misbehave but dance like a mad man. As a farang(i'm half), you are being noticeable and observed by the thais. They are not stupid, they might not know your language but they can tell from your behaviour and body language if you are being disrespectful to their country. If you aren't, most likely you will be left alone. They will even love you if you can do a bit of morlum.

    By the way, I dance more laosly than a lot of laos people.

    Of course, crazy people exist everywhere.

    Replying to two posts, but only quoting one.

    I agree with you to a degree, but isn't the social climate the same everywhere?

    Walk into Mr Smiths in Warrington on a Saturday night..... as an English speaking farang, you will know what is being said by those around you, if a person of limited English ability goes there, let's pick a nationality at random, Thai, enters the same place, they should still be able to read the undertones of the gathering.... there are some places in my country of birth were I feel like a stranger in a strange land.

    With regards to England being safer now than it was, try using any transport system in London and not doing a mental examination of the other passengers.

    A few years back the UK was just the potential target of some smaller portion of the British Isles, the target is still the same size but the target gallery attendance has increased somewhat.

    Fully agree

    In LOS I have walked into many bars in the sticks ( usually full of m/cycle taxi types ) where a feeling of unease has made me turn round and politely leave. Language or lack of it not a problem , to pick up the general buzz of the place by non verbal means. The difference to my home town in the UK and I suspect to many of similar towns throughout Europe, is I could at least walk out !!

    I have never felt at any time in the LOS that I was in danger of mindless violence. Upset local neds for sure and it may well find you, but in general, there has to be a reason, no matter how slight, for trouble to find you from the locals even in ugly old Patters.

    Now the problems of the South are a different matter, but again not unique to LOS, sadly this type of mindless threat follows you around the globe.

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