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Posts posted by suiging

  1. Pattaya must have something. When someone starts a thread like this ( and there have been many ), they run and run.

    Try a thread based on Northampton, or Sudbury and see what response you get.

    Love it ( and I do ) or hate it ( and there are many that feel this way ), but you can't ignore it, something is going well :o

  2. I think we all know that TV is often read by those in power. Threads such as this and the " how hard I am at fighting" number, just confirm their rather unflattering view of farangs in general.......................sad really. :o

  3. In China they've been caught selling food stuff reconstituted from dead human's hair !!!

    There are strong rumours the people who make Marmite, are seen in the early hours collecting substances from fields recently vacated by cows.

    Think I'll stick to the hair.

  4. The OP who wanted advice on opening a bar in Patters should be referred to this thread. When it was the Winchester, the owner gave out a little and received a great deal of custom in return. Good mantra for anyone thinking of starting up in the trade, a little generosity to loyal customers goes a long way.

  5. There's money to be made out of those Tailors. Start a company importing the comedy electric shock handshake devices we used to have as kids.

    "Good morning sir my name is Khalid"............hand goes out, whammo............assorted mirth from all passers bye !!!!

  6. Totally agree with the mom and pop operations. Just wanted to point out that no matter what we said to the guys in Index, best we could get was 5% ( wife Chinese and she goes blue with rage if she does not get rock bottom deals ), Thai builder considerably more.

    Not a misconception, it happened.

    Suiging, Sory if i did not make the post clear enough. I was not refering to your specific experience with index. The point that i was trying to make was that most expats think that they only rip off farangs. This is far from reality. Thais are fair game as well.


    Same world over.

  7. Totally agree with the mom and pop operations. Just wanted to point out that no matter what we said to the guys in Index, best we could get was 5% ( wife Chinese and she goes blue with rage if she does not get rock bottom deals ), Thai builder considerably more.

    Not a misconception, it happened.

  8. There are many specialist Kitchen Companies in town with prices covering the full spectrum. Pick up a free copy of the jolly Patters Trader and read away.

    The only reason for this post is to share what happened to me in every stage of a recent build including the Kitchen. Wife ( farang ) and I visted just about every kitchen company in town. Finally because she believes money grows on trees, she fell for an Index number with all the trimmings.

    The guy's from Index did a magnificent job on the fitting ( even all wearing little white suits for the installation...very smart ) and provided the expected heafty bill.

    Point was the price quoted for me and the missus bore no relation to the price I ended up paying. Reason ? as with all things here, we got a local Thai to do the negotiation after we made our selection ( making sure he went to the store on a different day to us so they could not make the connection ).

    Bit like the National Parks, one price for whitey one price for locals. Find the one you like and get someone unconnected to do the biz. :o

  9. [

    Quite correct.

    This also answers Mobi's question on certain sillences.

    People are more than concerned and many are not putting their heads in the sand, but keeping a low profile, trying to get by the best they can waiting in hope for political stability and perhaps the return of the status quo for people who are left with little choice.

    It's all very well being smug when you have a Thai wife to Unfrustruct off, but if you are a retired farang couple trying quietly to live out your retirement in a country you have come to love, not so easy.

    Many such couples were not " blind" when they came to the LOS. They took advise from apparently honest agents ( often no doubt recommended by the now smug on here ) and employed again recommended " local " lawyers who to a man advised a " quiet" company was and still is ( unless you lease of a developer ) the only way forward, unless divorce and remarriage to a Thai is a viable option.

    Is it any wonder people in such circumstances ( and there are many ) hope that in the future things may get better ?


    I honestly don't think I'm being smug on this.

    I have expressed my sympathy many times to all have been caught up in the land and visa crackdowns on this forum, even though at the moment I seem to be OK. I'm not stupid enough to beleive that because I'm OK today, I will be tomorrow - one day they'll probably get me too.

    On Saturday, I met two house owners and one developer. They were completely convinced that they were going to be Ok and that the Thais would never wholesale confisacte their houses. When I tried to point out that they may be wrong on this, they 'poo poo'ed' the notion, so I kept my own counsel.

    I hope I am wrong, but things seem to be slowly warming up.

    This has been gone into countless times on TV forum, but I was aware of the risks when I first went into the house/company buying business, and as the prevailing mood at the time was one of total acceptance, I decided to go for it. However, even before the land crackdrown I was becoming worried about my nominee shareholders (yes, the proverbial lawyer whose staff are on the books of hundreds of Pattaya company owning houses), and had decided to do something about it. The crackdown accelerated my decision. Others who claim that they were not aware of the risks are either ignorant, very gullible, or both.

    I agree I am in a more fortunate position than some, but I maintain that with a good - preferably Bangkok lawyer - who is not involved directly in the housing business or in providing noimess to farang companies, that it may be possible to find a way out, by taking similar action to me - maybe making a trustworthy Thai the new owner, and arranging a leaseback or even a ufustruct.

    But then my land owning friends (who incidentally all have Thai wives) complain that if they do this, they lose the ability to sell the house in the future. Well that wasn't my prime purpose in buying, and if it was their's they should have thought everything through better before buying.

    Anyway, good luck to everyone. I hope this mess gets sorted.


    Your comments are always measured and well worth reading. I get a bit nowty through frustration as much as anything, watching storm clouds gather and not being able to do much about it is never fun.

    I will be honest and admit to buying two properties for retirement. This was done on the basis of rent one out to live and bunker down in the other. I always employ locals, and have placed a considerable sum into the hands of the local economy. I do not want to sell and I am not speculating, I have tried the lease option for one, and bite my nails on the other, all in all I feel I'm being buggered through no fault of my own, as sadly I listened to recommended opinion, albeit valid at the time, which looks like it will haunt me. I am not alone in this and finding a trusted Thai if they are not family, is proving a tad difficult.

    Sorry for the " smug " bit, bad hair day. :o

  10. "....The provincial official of Prachuap Khiri Khan got suspicious after they came across documents belonging to many of these companies (in the hundreds) which were set up by the lawyer, are sharing the same thai nominee names.

    Ah ah ah ! People should take as an a example our Ex Great Leader, who used... his maid and driver. Much more secure. :o

    I'm wondering if they have a computer system. If they do have one, they could have a lot of "surprises" in Bangkok, or Pattaya, or Phuket too... where many lawyers offer nominees "services"...

    Anyway, it's not a surprise : everybody knows that. And it's tasty to see authorities playing like they were surprised.

    The only question is : are they serious this time, is it the begining of a new trend, or just a little anti-foreigners rant (like we used to see from time to time).

    Quite correct.

    This also answers Mobi's question on certain sillences.

    People are more than concerned and many are not putting their heads in the sand, but keeping a low profile, trying to get by the best they can waiting in hope for political stability and perhaps the return of the status quo for people who are left with little choice.

    It's all very well being smug when you have a Thai wife to Unfrustruct off, but if you are a retired farang couple trying quietly to live out your retirement in a country you have come to love, not so easy.

    Many such couples were not " blind" when they came to the LOS. They took advise from apparently honest agents ( often no doubt recommended by the now smug on here ) and employed again recommended " local " lawyers who to a man advised a " quiet" company was and still is ( unless you lease of a developer ) the only way forward, unless divorce and remarriage to a Thai is a viable option.

    Is it any wonder people in such circumstances ( and there are many ) hope that in the future things may get better ?

  11. Was chased by a giant rottweiler last night, I never saw it until he ran out from a dark spot, his breathing was what made me turn my head, that s how close he was. Had I been on foot, I was screwed, good thing I was on the motorcycle.

    I won't be sorry running that one over with the truck if the opportunity presents itself. Stupid dog owners. :o

    mmmmm... if he's in good health, let me know when you do the right thing and please try to do it in such a way that you can save me a big, undamaged hind quarter for me... Big breed dogs like Rottweilers are great on a Rotisserie bar-b-q. :D

    The feast we could have on a rotweiler.. :D

    Heck, we can hang it under my car port, gut it, split it in quarters, 50/50.

    Rot Chops, Rotî, Rot Dogs, bRotwurst, Rot-au-Feu, Rot-au-vin.

    With red or white wine?

    well, I'd have to go along with this recommendation and have a nice

    bottle of Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon, but it's good to know beforehand we'll need 6 kilos of meat if we're going to make a double recipe and those hindquarters are tops

    Stewed Dog (wedding style)

    Serving Size: 30

    Preparation Time: 3:00

    Categories: Ethnic/Philippines

    3 kg dog meat

    1/2 cup vinegar

    60 peppercorns -- crushed *I heard you like pepper*

    6 tablespoons salt

    12 cloves garlic -- crushed

    1/2 cup cooking oil

    6 cups onion -- sliced

    3 cups tomato sauce

    10 cups boiling water

    6 cups red pepper -- cut into strips

    6 pieces bay leaf

    1 teaspoon tabasco sauce

    1 1/2 cups liver spread -- ** see note

    1 whole fresh pineapple -- cut 1/2 inch thick

    1. First, kill a medium sized dog, then burn off the fur over a hot fire.

    2. Carefully remove the skin while still warm and set aside for later (may be

    used in other recpies)

    3. Cut meat into 1" cubes. Marinade meat in mixture of vinegar,

    peppercorn, salt and garlic for 2 hours.

    4. Fry meat in oil using a large wok over an open fire, then add onions and

    chopped pineapple and suate until tender.

    5. Pour in tomato sauce and boiling water, add green peper, bay leaf and


    6. Cover and simmer over warm coals until meat is tender. Blend in liver spread

    and cook for additional 5-7 minutes.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Suggested Wine: Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon


    Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon

    quite the feast, eh?


    I worry about you sometimes SJ :D:D:D

    Thanks. Just trying to come up with some alternatives (sparring matches... meat dishes... etc.) to deal with the problem outlined in the OP.

    The obvious shortfall with consuming them is that they are unfit, but it could certainly help reduce the concurrent problem of dogs in good shape, but unattended to by their owners and allowed to roam free.

    Personally, for the soi dogs, I think the supervised fighting option might be best. Instead of being considered a blight on the landscape, people could come to view their own particular neighborhood soi dog with pride, eg. "We got a big, bad soi dog in Sriracha that would kick the a$$ of any Pattaya soi dog." Also, they would be better looked after before a big match, which 4baht would appreciate. An entire, previously untouched, industry could be built up around the events, providing jobs and revenue. They're always fighting amongst themselves anyway, so there's no reason not to have something positive come out of it.

    Turning a negative into a positive is a worthwhile goal.

    Great idea, could we some how get the ladyboy muggers from Beach Road involved ?

    They like to fight, a couple of them versus a couple of Soi Dogs would bring the crowds in. :D

  12. "It soon became apparent that this was a suspected suicide when workers at the range mentioned that the man had fired once at the target and then turned the gun on himself and expelled one shot."

    Soon became apparent? :D

    Of course !!!!!

    If he would have blown his ear off it would have been a fashion statement;

    and if he would have given himself a second A-hole......................... wishful thinking. :o

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