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Posts posted by suiging

  1. Has anyone seen him ? :D

    LaoPo :D

    This is a Thai Visa member. Just a few days ago, he posted a message enquiring where he could purchase huge-sized shoes.

    He was advised by fellow members to visit a bespoke cobbler, however it seems the poor chap is still walking barefoot.

    if this is the same member I'm thinking of, buy isn't in his vocabulary

    I really pray for the poor girl he's with..... :o


    How can everyone be so sure it is a man. Could very well be a giant woman. :D Gives a whole new meaning to the expression "muff diving".

    Despite intense search by the Pattaya Police (and we all know how efficient they are) The Giant managed to get away in a special BIG SIZE plane and is doing his workout in London now.

    I'm really sorry you guys missed him...he's really something !

    He could have been THE attraction for Pattaya !


    Even at that size it's a good job he left before some ladyboy mugged him on beach road. :D

  2. For all the negatives the place has an airport, a port, and the Eastern Sea Board Industrial nerve centre which will give it, in addition to the overseas market for beach front condos, a steady stream of family oriented buyers/renters for the eastern end of the city. The schools are in place as are the golf and leisure facilities, sadly what is lacking is a local administration willing or able to address the infrastructure, whilst at the same time closing some, but certainly not all of the lady bars.

    Patters still needs the best of these well run establishments at one end of town. They are a vibrant part of the local scene and if taken out of the dark ages by the enforcement of existing building codes etc, are no bad thing.

    If...............big if, the money stream keeps coming into town these negative aspects along with crime ( amazing how the loss of a potential gold mine will kick the junta into a Thaksin like clear up ) will get better purely through the pressure of the big bucks and the potential gain for the local elite.

  3. Very nearly fell for that one and joined a flame fest.

    Your skill at teaching kids to stay away from stray, potentially rabid dogs is merit worthy. However your arguments will only make sense when you come up with a scheme to teach potentially rabid dogs to stay away from children.

    As to your noble charity efforts, I'm sure we all applaud you. But you were right when you said it was your business and totally off topic.

    Not at all off topic when aka_jack tells me time and efforts are spent better helping children. I have a few posts on here over a reasonable period of time and never felt the need to mention it before, however when some one assumes without asking that just because you care for dogs or any animals that you don't care for children or people as well then its time to put the record straight.

    Just keep your children away from where you know the dogs are, its not rocket science, they tend to stay in the same places all the time.

    Like grover a few years ago I took the bully dog of the soi, I fed him and got his hair to grow back, after a few months at night when I went out he would cry like a baby when he heard my bike pull up he was so happy. A elderly Thai lady adopted him after about 6 months and he lived with her until he died. His name was holly as he only had half an ear. (after the boxer holyfield who's ear tyson bit off)

    If any of you who can only think a kull is the only answer actually took the time to take just one of these poor creatures and gave it a proper life then you would I am sure change your "Im allright Jack" attitudes.

    Black Jack your posts are not even worthy of a reply you really are a pr*ck if you think that you are clever or funny.

    I totally agree that this problem is for " people " to solve

    The packs of dogs are not a quirk of nature but the product of human stupidity and a general uncaring attitude in the local populace. However, as much as I would wish for a cuddly wuddly solution, the problem is so widespread and out of hand, that action folk like 4B find distasteful is all that is left.

    I can not "avoid" these packs, as I have a home in the sticks and the ###### things inhabit just about every bloody bush in mabprachan. If every farang took one in, by the next week, city dwelling locals dump ten more. I honestly can not walk for a box of milk without arming myself and keeping the old fingers firmly crossed.

    Sorry, something must be done. If a kull is too radical for you, forced sterilization may keep the numbers down to the unexceptable, rather than the down right dangerous, the situation that now exists in the countryside. :o

  4. Very nearly fell for that one and joined a flame fest.

    Your skill at teaching kids to stay away from stray, potentially rabid dogs is merit worthy. However your arguments will only make sense when you come up with a scheme to teach potentially rabid dogs to stay away from children.

    As to your noble charity efforts, I'm sure we all applaud you. But you were right when you said it was your business and totally off topic.

  5. Five tourists injured in Thai hotel blaze

    BANGKOK, Thailand: A fire broke out at a hotel in a Thai resort town early Wednesday, injuring five Middle Eastern tourists, police said.

    About 120 guests were staying at the Marine Hotel in Pattaya, a beach town 110 kilometers (70 miles) southeast of Bangkok, when the fire erupted overnight, said police Col. Somnuek Chanket.

    The five who were injured were being treated for smoke inhalation.

    Firefighters extinguished the blaze in about an hour, Somnuek said.

    Initial investigations showed the fire originated from an electrical short circuit.

    Source: Associated Press - November 14, 2006

    Holy Kebabs

    More bad press before the tourist charge. Best regards to the injured, get a grip to the cheap hotels :o

  6. May all on here including the cyber warriors live in peace.

    Why on earth would you come to live in the LOS if you ae fixated on home town violence.

    I'm bigger than you ? I'm harder than you ? So fffin what.

    I for one am trying to live my life without this shi--te. Come on gang, let's get back to what this site is about.

    Enough is enough. Give this a rest.

  7. I was hoping to get some actual cases of price being reduced. If the trend is so obvious I would have thought that there would be lots of posts telling about these. I'm beginning to wonder if prices actually have dropped or if the market has simply slowed down. It might be true that in the US if the market slows down then prices will drop but I have noticed that in Thailand this is not always the case and people are willing to hold their prices up for a long time while waiting for the economy to eventually catch up to their expectations....as evidence of this look at how disproportionately small the price drops were in the 1997 melt down and how banks didn't lower prices to dispose of overpriced properties but held on to them until prices recovered somewhat. Also, don't forget that a seller can advertise a lower price and someone might think that they can get the property cheaper than before but in fact all that the owner is doing is disclosing the pre price drop bargaining allowance and putting it on the table and when you try to negotiate a lower price after the reduction the owner will just moan about having to lower the price already and can't go lower.....just some thoughts.


    Only folk lowering their price at the moment are those that have no option but to sell. No one is buying, but the great game of wait and see is being played by all.

  8. Thank God for the new visa regs. Drunken Farangs fighting is the plague of many resorts around the world ( LOS not spared ). But it's a new one on me for them to check out the local custom before they come and get stuck in.....................jeeeeeeeeez.

  9. People who bought here before the uncertainty were either speculators or folk who love the place and wished for a place in the sun with many fine facilities for a peaceful retirement.

    I have never read so many " chicken little " posts, from so many folk who obviously enjoy their time in the LOS.

    Money talks in Asia. The Thais are doing many things vis-a-vis visas and the like which the non-speculator love the place brigade, if their honest, probably agree with. As for property, what is ruining the lovely Pong, is crap builders building crap and telling down right lies to newbies who often fall for the spiel. If these types are forced from the market, I'll open the wine.

    Time will tell what the real plans of this administration are; do they wish to kill the " Golden Goose " of foreign investment ? Your guess as good as mine, however, back to point one; money talks in Asia, when the political posturing stops, clear heads will prevail.

    Chin up lads, the world has not fallen yet.

  10. Been playing with google and found a company called DAZAR in the UK. They make hand held devices which issue a high frequency note which does not harm the dogs but is claimed to make them bu@##$er off from fifteen feet. My parents are joining my family in the lovely Pong at xmas, I will buy one, get them to bring it over and let you guys know if it works.

  11. Good post indeed. I have said on threads about the card before that If I could have afforded one, I would have got one. There is the chance some good will come out of all of this if the administration who clearly are gunning for any Toxin's left overs accept any of the Kat's erudite observations, a settled set of benefits and a professionally run company may emerge. I know the flames will rise, but there is so much negativity about LOS at present that some hope is called for.

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