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Posts posted by suiging

  1. Naka

    5 in the Garden at any one time.. when one gets a good home then another one get pulled off the street and overhauled. If you want one ill happily PM you my address.

    Not a saint just not someone who thinks that easy route is the best route.

    Suiging So I guess all the injured dogs you have seen you have picked up and had treated?

    Fact is some people take the time to care, others don't.

    Like I said the ones who think mass slaughter is an good option, look out for Big Tony Clifton and his scooter in your next life.

    Round up all the Farrangs on 3 or more 30 days visa's and i'll be there giving a helping hand.

    Now I have had a bit of a joke on here, but I do apologise to 4B as this is obviosly a topic close to his heart. To answer you, no I haven't stopped and picked them up, but I would, without wishing to flame, suggest if you have only five in your garden nor have you. The problem out in the lovely Pong is horrific with packs of wild dogs in almost every bush. We are not all heartless far from it, and you are most probably doing more than your fair share; but no matter how many we farang keep in our garden's, there is not enough of us to make a difference, well at least a difference which would stop the ever escalating number of attacks. Not going back over old ground time and time again, but for the sake of children, the elderly and the animals themselves, a large scale kull is necessary.

  2. Not surprising really.

    Thailand has been taking a lot of hits lately with the coup, bombings in the south, land ownership uncertainty etc etc

    There is always going to be a bit of a pompem with houses in the 12 million range though.

    That's a lot of dosh to have in property anywhere outside western Europe or North America.

    The market in Pattaya for these homes may be in real trouble although I think condos are still likely ok there as Pattaya has entered the process of converting to a mainstream destination aimed at the burgeoning Asian market. Condos have far better sales/rental potential than houses in the longer term.

    All agreed.

    However, houses in the expensive bracket which have been well built and properly maintained will still do well as long as investment in the airport, port, and Chonburi continue. Th expat managers in these areas have to live somewhere and when the uncertainty in the market makes companies think twice about buying, the rental market should do well.

    Sad thing about the boom in Patters, has been the number of supposidly 12 mil houses that are built by cowboys who should stick to sand pits and lego. These are the ones which give the market a bad name and will result in " ghost estates " of crap, filled with dreamers who have bought from the pretty pictures on the net, not realizing a breeze block in Essex, is a breeze block in Pattaya, crap.

    Force this rubbish out of the market, and I have no fears for the good stuff in this area in the coming years. :o

    Only Rubbish buy in pattaya will their sister or mother buy here. Anyone that buys is dreaming or being taken by so call wife or gf.

    Oh dear,

    Someone has gotten out of bed on the wrong side again.

    I wonder how long these blatantly inflammatory comments would last if they were aimed at Samui etc.

    I know a lot of very decent family men and women who live in Pattaya; it does get a little tedious listening to them being described as rubbish all the time. Grow up.

  3. yo sup peolpe, just curious how i keep hearing the 49% farang ownership and 51% thai ownership thingy , if its true think its a good idea to get a condo with my girlfriend? or should i solo getting one? I heard if I buy a condo solo ,i would need to pay in cash $$$ FULL Amount, but if i do it with her it might be cheaper (and we can share)and also we could apply for a loan together, has anyone one ever done this before? Also do i need a workpermit, valid visa, and job to get a condo? what are the repercussions? my friend bought a house with his brother this month and I would like to invest into real estate myself as he inspired me to do so, just curious how are the laws are in thailand and I need any advice from anyone on this forum thanks a bunch^^

    DragonQuest.........errrrrrrm looking for a fire breather to comment ? I think not. Troll warning.

  4. Mr sriracha john you are a bad man, a very bad man. Not for eating dog as i am sure its quite palatable but for winding up poor ole 4baht :o Down boy down.

    Vietnam don't have a dog prob either.

    Vietnamese migrants could well be the solution. In the late eighties thousands upon thousands of them flooded into Hong Kong in the belief that a free ticket to the States was for the asking. They were all " housed " on an Island some way out and fed by the HK Govt and the UNHCR.

    Before they got there the Island was full of snakes, dogs, all manner of beasties and an old boy and his cow. The old boy survived ( Just ) and was relocated. Anything else under the sun.............gone

    Bring them in on visas, hey presto, strays a thing of the past. :D

  5. Kids like yours truely brought up in Britain in the late 50's early 60's, had Dads/Grandads who had served their country in war or national service. The inbred aggressive instincts of the Brits was still there, but when the local copper clipped you round the ears, your Dad was more likely to by him a pint, than make some naff complaint.

    The picture after picture of Brits in trouble here, sadly are from a different generation where discipline was frowned upon by a generation of liberal'hippy educators who have pulled the teeth out of the local old bill and prosecute any father who dares smack his hooligan offspring.

    The fine men and women who serve in the middle east today are chips of the old block, but far to few in number to make a difference to the coming generations. When conficted thugs are encouraged to leave the UK and even paid to do so, given their stake to buy a bar in Patters by a thankfull administration glad to see the back of them, we are in trouble.

    UK administration, cowardly and incapable of bringing these thugs to heel, so up to the Thais. Maybe a few on here may be a little less condeming to the MIB in the fair patters in the future, look what they have to put up with !!!! :o

  6. Not surprising really.

    Thailand has been taking a lot of hits lately with the coup, bombings in the south, land ownership uncertainty etc etc

    There is always going to be a bit of a pompem with houses in the 12 million range though.

    That's a lot of dosh to have in property anywhere outside western Europe or North America.

    The market in Pattaya for these homes may be in real trouble although I think condos are still likely ok there as Pattaya has entered the process of converting to a mainstream destination aimed at the burgeoning Asian market. Condos have far better sales/rental potential than houses in the longer term.

    All agreed.

    However, houses in the expensive bracket which have been well built and properly maintained will still do well as long as investment in the airport, port, and Chonburi continue. Th expat managers in these areas have to live somewhere and when the uncertainty in the market makes companies think twice about buying, the rental market should do well.

    Sad thing about the boom in Patters, has been the number of supposidly 12 mil houses that are built by cowboys who should stick to sand pits and lego. These are the ones which give the market a bad name and will result in " ghost estates " of crap, filled with dreamers who have bought from the pretty pictures on the net, not realizing a breeze block in Essex, is a breeze block in Pattaya, crap.

    Force this rubbish out of the market, and I have no fears for the good stuff in this area in the coming years. :o

  7. I'm with BJ on this one. The dogs themselves are having a miserable existence and need to be rounded up and neutered. Same dog chased my car every b-loo-dy time I went round the lake; poor thing ended up in bits by the side of the road. Quick death for him, but how many strays limp off into the bushes to die a long, slow painful death ?

    Round them up for the good of us humans and often for the good of the animal.

    Take the easy route - pass the buck. Help rather than complain - whine whine whine but sit on your <deleted> doing bugger all


    Life long member of the RSPCA with two stray dogs family treasures in HK. Simple fact in every country people who care support rounding up strays to keep the population down. In Thailand it's ###### difficult to go for a family walk with the kids without being attacked by wild dogs. There are far too many to " house " and I am certainly not whining, just supporting the OP in the view that it is the local authorities responsibility to look after the health and welfare of it's citizens. If they take wide scale action all sides, dogs as well as humans, win.

  8. ... and in very related news,


    Contemporary-jazz trumpeter Chris Botti will be playing the following dates on his World Tour:


    10 Bangkok Suepa, Bangkok

    11 Pattaya Horseshoe Point

    12 Pattaya Horseshoe Point

    A bit cheeky of you to slip this one in s j :D

    If he can slip one in that size, I'll pay good money to watch !!! :o

  9. Similar happened to me, in Rayong I was offerd a lift to my hotel for free by 2 young ladies, got near to my hotel I said thanks they told me to get back on, I was assuming they were going to take me all the way to the front door, But they went past the hotel into a quiet road. Instaincts told me something wasnt right and made them stop. They then tried to get me back on the bike heading of to complete darkness I refused and walked back to my hotel. They then sped off with 2 other bikes carrying guys, goodness knows what could have happened to me had I stayed on.

    I remember the same 'Honey trap' being perpetrated on British Squaddies by the 'Friends' of Bernadette Devlin( was that her correct name? ) , some years ago ! :o

    Ireland is at peace now but the old 'tricks' are the best !

    Hi all , by the way . I`m a newbie but it seems very nice here ! :D

    Europa Hotel Belfast, I wonder how the Thais picked up the scam ?

  10. I'm with BJ on this one. The dogs themselves are having a miserable existence and need to be rounded up and neutered. Same dog chased my car every b-loo-dy time I went round the lake; poor thing ended up in bits by the side of the road. Quick death for him, but how many strays limp off into the bushes to die a long, slow painful death ?

    Round them up for the good of us humans and often for the good of the animal.

  11. I imagine that if I wished to sell the new house I am building now, I would have to take off a considerable slice of the asking price until the company issue is resolved. Luckily I do not have to, or indeed have no wish to sell; but I am aware of a number of poor sods out there who have over extended themselves building to meet the expected airport generated demand, that is simply not happening in the near term.

    However, I still believe that when this issue is resolved good times lie ahead. Nice lady in my solicitor's office said no work from farang, but she was inundated with work from mainly BK locals buying every bit of land they can get their hands on. The inner Thai elite generally have their fingers on the pulse and see the potential of the area in the long term.

    In short, if you don't have to sell don't. Ride out this self-generated slump, pick up any bargins if you have the spare cash and see what happens.

  12. It has just taken me about three months to do the conversion you have described with no problems through the Pattaya land office.

    Suiging, the pros are obviously that you dont have to put this in a Thai persons name and lease.

    So for example in my case:-

    - if the land were in my wifes name and we divorced or she Willed the land to her family then I would have connection with the wifes/ family for the remainder of the lease.

    - I cannot sell the property without having to get agreement from someone else.

    Yours and MalcolmInTheMiddle's method gets around these problems I think.

    Is that correct?

    If so then are the cons??

    Not sure there are any yet, I'll keep you posted if someone knocks on the door.

  13. Equally worrying, civil servants do not change when a new administration takes power; they are still there enjoying the power they have wielded up to now with impunity. A very brave reporter indeed to ensure their act's ( reported acts ) are not forgotten. Ignore history and it will repeat itself.

  14. My wife and I shall be visiting the Anzio War Cemeteries over hear near Rome.


    With respect to whose side the Thais were on.

    The poster above who states that the Thais fought with the Allies in WW1 is correct.

    Likewise it is correct that Thailand fought with the Japanese during the Second World War.

    My introduction the much the war poetry being posted here came via my old English Master, a retired British Army Major who had fought with the Chindits in the Burma Campaign. He also gave me my first introduction to anything about Thailand. I recall vividly his account of fighting, not just Japanese but also Thais.

    I think it is essential that respect for those who fought, must also be allowed to include defending the historical facts against the history revisionists bent on re-writing the part their nation played in the war.

    Incidentally,a nd back to poetry/prose, I particularly like Sassoon, not just for his poetry but for his prose on the war, while Robert Graves' "Goodbye to All That" is simply stunning.

    " Goodbye to All That ", should be made compulsary reading for all those of whatever nationality who crave power. The finest book I have ever read. :o

  15. If I had the money out past Na Jomtien would be the place for me. One day a certain well known complex in that area will become what it was designed for..........a casino. Then watch the prices move.

  16. Opposition to Taksin has always derided his so-called “populist” policies. It's a democracy for god's sake (well, at least it was); policy is supposed to pander to the majority who elected him.

    Populism isn't pantering to the majority that elected him (them), it's getting elected by pandering to a wide group of voters of different opinions by giving each a carrot on a string.

    It's the worst aspect of democracy as there is no longterm-planning, no ideology, just ways to gain power and control.

    Democracy is two wolves and a sheep, voting on what to eat for dinner...

    Liberty is a well armed sheep contesting the vote. - Thomas Jefferson

    Thanks for the great quote !!!

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