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scorecard last won the day on March 16 2017

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  1. Similar for Australians, you have to be physically in Australia on the day you apply (proven instantly by online 24/7 access to passport arrivals/departures data) but application can be lodge by mail. also: 1). Applicant has to initially visit an office of that gov't agency to obtain a CRN (Client Reference Number). 2). Applicant has to personally visit the same agency office and officially prove their identity.
  2. A rather stupid and incorrect statement. I grew up in an isolated mining city where everybody was a union member. There was never ever violence. Everybody had the same principles: share the wealth, support each other, support best / equal medical care for all and same re education. The union leaders were all intelligent balanced people. None of that links to terrorism nor violence.
  3. And why is there any mention of the damage this does to Thailand's reputation? Focus should be on whether the assailants have been captured and are being held and why they attacked the foreigner.
  4. Money buys anything in the scaly world they occupy.
  5. I currently have 6 on my ignore list.
  6. I add a little more detail, this incident happened when my Thai son was at university and had a part time job for a little extra spending money and he was initially keen to see another side of life. Out of the incident I mentioned (and there were others 'featuring' the chalerm brothers and their bodyguard thugs and other 'dangerous' customers and their thugs) my son learned some lessons about life which shocked him. After this incident my son focused on his studies and sport.
  7. Perhaps 'Character Certificate' means no convictions / no police reports etc. Why not ask the Mauritius officials if it's the same thing.
  8. The most important thing is a reunion for the Shin family, 2 are convicted criminals who should be in jail. But of course they believe they are special and above the law.
  9. The discussion is not about being a father. It's about their lack of maturity, go right ahead and <deleted> the girl with no thinking whatever about pregnancy etc.
  10. Yes correct it was a cop.
  11. The nightclub brat who shot/killed a patron at point blank range is the younger brother. Further: My Thai son worked for a short while at one of the clubs/bars/discos at RCA. Never a dull moment with fighting patrons/fighting personal bouncers etc. The owner of the club where my son worked frequently held 'pep talk' sessions with/for the bar staff. One item mentioned every time: 'if the Chalerm sons handgun toting gang come in never discuss anything with them, listen very carefully to their drink orders, be sure your respond with yes sir quickly and serve the drinks quickly and be sure no mistakes. Never ask for money. Put the drink(s) on the bar and move back. There was an incident on the stairs with the shirt sleeve of one barman accidently slightly touching the shirt sleeve of one of the brothers. Bouncer instantly punched the barman in the mouth several times, blood everywhere, professional ambulance from a nearby hospital called and arrived. Ambulance staff don't want to attend the injured boy when they realize they are surrounded by the brothers and their bodyguards. Injured barman got himself up and ran for a door, other staff quickly got him into the parked ambulance which departed quickly and straight to the hospital. Hospital called police and asked for a team of police to come quickly to protect the injured boy and hospital staff. Bar owner paid all the medical expenses. My son (rugby player) came home upset, told me the details and said 'dad I don't want to go back there'. I quickly responded 'You're not going back' and at the same time promised him a quite large increase in his monthly allowance.
  12. Is chalerm still an elected member of parliament? Is he sober long enough to insert his member card on arrival (or does his scaly son do it for him)?
  13. And you display clearly that you're not up to date with all aspects of these laws. And how you could get your business deregistered.
  14. Also, so many foreigners are blind to the inequality. One example: so many foreigners write about 'taxis are so cheap in Thailand'. The reality is that 99% of taxi passengers are Thai with very limited funds and taxi fares are way beyond their available budget.
  15. "...and 18 year olds having children so I'd say yes." Being able to copulate (a very simple act) is not an indication of maturity.
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