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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. Would appreciate if you might later share the flight details including return fare. I might ned to do same trip later this year, would be valuable to get some fare facts. I did a one way Sydney to BKK Via S'pore on S'pore Airlines Dec 2021 (when flights were still very limited). AUD645- one way, full meal services etc. Thanks and enjoy your trip.
  2. Would the business need to be a registered Thai company? What ownership could the teacher have in the Thai company? Or, who could be registered as the owners in terms of % shareholding? What official role / position could the teacher hold in terms of management decisions etc? What position in the company could gain a WP?
  3. Media reports of poor quality and small pood at schools (many schools) has happened a hundred times before. There's always the fake outcry from schools heads etc., and it goes quiet, probably with a little improvement, and the promised investigation never mentioned again. But what never happens is any comment or real reaction from the Ed. minister/ministry. These guys should be accountable but they just ignore it and nobody challenges them. Unfortunately, stand by for the next similar report ...
  4. True of course. But all too often they are afraid of those 'above' them and unfortunately sometimes for good reason. It shouldn't be like this but it is and it won't change soon...
  5. My Thai son mentioned there was an incident where a paid influencer was 'forcing' kids to select snacks, kamon, ice cream manufactured by a specific company and then the influencer was ensuring they took their 'selection' to the cashier. Hate this whole idea of influencers. When I was still lecturing at uni I discovered several times (as did other Thai and farang lecturers) influencers in my classes who were pushing other students hard to buy crappy cosmetics, insurance policies, clothes, cars, condos are more. And in some cases making nasty public comments about students who refused to buy stuff they were pushing. One Thai lady professor got so angry about it she set up a table, told the influencers to display their wares (cosmetics, supplements, clothes and more, which they quickly did), then demanded they provide, on the spot, real specific documented proof that these products had strong value. Most of the student/influencers fled and never reappeared. Next morning she held an open discussion giving every student an opportunity to speak and share their thoughts. Lots of negative comments about the influencers. One student asked for the uni to make a total ban on any activity on campus to sell any products at all. Big applause, and the uni did take some action.
  6. Sure, but hopefully official records of these sandbars / places where they are most likely to develop / better methods of detecting them before the vessel is there are being developed. Then again TIT...
  7. Nice point about 'inside addvocate'. In fact i'm wondering if there is a specific committee which is tasked with this matter overall. When I was working as a management consultant I suggested to / pushed several Thai / international companies to officially create either a single position or a small team with the title of Business Analysis and Business Development. What was difficult at first was to get these folks to be proactive. They preferred (not surprising to wait for speific instructions from the boss. I had to convince them their role was to continuoulsy suggest innnovations etc., to the boss, with no prompting from the boss. Ultimately in every case these positions/small teams were very productive and produced revenues/margins way beyond their costs. Same applies here, but of course it runs against the basic local cultural beliefs/attitudes/behaviors. And especially in government, and especially when the government is 'managed', and controlled by military folks. Here's hoping...
  8. I went to local (bigger) branch. All my existing accounts were joint savings A/Cs with my Thai son. Bank lady said; - You have to have an account in your own name (own name only) to start i/net banking and she started a new personal a/c immediately. - She mentioned you can add other accounts, including any joint a/c after the I/net banking is up and running in your own name. - She asked me to come back (same branch) the next morning. I did, she had a sealed envelope that I took home telling me to: - Log-in to a specific website and follow the prompts, and the letter included a username name and password. And mentioned that I needed to change the password within 5 minutes of logging in or the whole thing would freeze. I did quickly change my password - all done. Then I inserted my joint accounts. All of the above was 5 years ago, maybe by now it's even more easy. Best ever improvement in banking, I use it several times every day, most transactions easy to set up and completed within less than a minute. Good luck
  9. I doubt very much they can repay the massive 245Billion Baht debt so quickly. Also have they done a very detailed analysis of a forecasted Thai and global economic analysis for the next several years and factored both anticipated and some level of unanticipated world weather situations, war, possible global/regional economic downturns etc., various events which could affect their revenue, their operating costs and therefore their available cash flow funds and therefore their ability to clear the massive debt?
  10. Example: The owner stated on the chanut for the land for our family house is recorded as my adult Thai son. The house same. Guess where the funds (many millions of Baht) came from. At request of my Thai son our family lawyer family recorded a usufruct on the chanut. It states: - The person shown on the usufruct (me) can live in the house until I decide to move or until my death. - Son cannot sell the land without my written permission. - Further to points just above, If my son dies his will states that the land/house is automatically owned equally/jointly by his children. The usufruct specifically mentions this and also specifically mentions that my rights to live in the house until death and the need for my written permission for the children to sell the land remains. This collapses of course if I pass away. _____________________________________________ Background: My son has big concerns (for good reasons*) that his wifes family will try to gain ownership of the land and house when he passes away. My son did his research about 'usufruct' then went to the lawyer we use (lawyer wrote son's will) and son asked the lawyer to prepare a 'usufruct' which provides everything I wrote above the broken line. Lawyer did her research and said it was possible and she discussed the above with the snr. at the local Land Titles Office who agreed it would be fully legal. Then quickly added to the chanut. (*Son's in laws (nasty greedy unscrupulous assxxxxx) have several times stated that they will automatically own the land/house owned by my son when son passes away (they have stated that son's wife will be part owner but any decisions on selling etc., will be taken by the 2 oldest siblings of son's wife (15 - 18 years older than son's wife). They are adamant that it will be as above because that's specifically the law in Thailand. The first time they riaised this my son and his wife went to the family lawyer, she stated categorically this is not true. She then took my son and his wife to visit the snr. officer at the local LTO, he quickly agreed 'there is no such law'.)
  11. Thanks, I'll try it. (I agree LINE is not that stable at times.)
  12. Sure, I'm not much better. As I'm sure you're aware LINE is great if the person can manage the installation (which is pretty simple). When I was back in OZ* I spoke to an old school friend, been living/working in Pitsanalook for 20 years, for an hour or more nearly every day. All free. When I went back to OZ for 2+ years I couldn't find an Australian telecom company with any discounted rate for o/seas calls Aust - T'land and the full rate was about AUD4+ per minute. Costs a fortune for even a 10 or 20 minute call. I called Telstra to see if they had any options for a cheaper rate. Response: 'The problem is that Thailand is one of a very small number of countries which won't sign-on to the international call cost sharing system'. Luckily I had been using LINE for several years, no charges whatever.
  13. Thank you Arkady. I'm 77 yo, I got my PR 24 years ago, my memory of the fine details is fading more and more.
  14. I guess worth sharing, recently I was talking to another long-term PR holder (10 years), he mentioned his 'wish list' of benefits he would like to see coming with PR approval: 1. - No need for work permit but list of occupations reserved for Thai continues. 2. - PR holders allowed to join the Thai SS 30Baht health scheme on receiving PR, personal payment every month (about 470Baht a month) direct to SS office. (Same as quite a few other farang; on leaving employment able to privately continue the 30Baht health scheme, personal payment every month). Any thoughts?
  15. Different point: I got PR 24+ yrs ago, my knowledge on some points / some of the regulations etc., is now a bit fuzzy. I have a buddy who has done a lot of research etc., and is pretty much ready to submit at the next submission window, but he's just asked me some very specific quetions which I can't answer, as follows: - It seems that to apply the foreigner must have held a WP for at least the three preceding years without break and with the same employer? IS THIS FULLY CORRECT NOWDAYS? - And the WP must still be current on the date of lodging the PR application. IS THIS STILL CORRECT NOWDAYS? - But can the foreigner lodge the PR application then stop work and return the WP? ??? - Or can the foreigner now change jobs but with the new WP issued quickly for the new job? ??? - Or does the PR applicant need to continue the same WP and still hold the same WP on the date of issue of the Certificate of Residence book etc., if the PR application is approved? ??? My buddie is concerned that he might submit with all of his documents in order, fairly confident re the interview etc., but might fall foul of the processing of his application continuing because he 'breaks' a regulation re the scenarios just above. Any advice much welcome, but please folks not interested in what the regulations 'should be' etc. Only interested in fact. Thanks. Appreciated.
  16. And obviously the greddy property developers are trying again to influence policies purely for their own profit. Nothing more.
  17. MORE - can't be trusted / not reliable / not trustworthy ...
  18. Good news. Are you also set up to make totally free calls and video calls (domestic in Thailand and across the world) using the LINE or the VIBER app? Easy to set up, free, saves a fortune. I did 2+ years back in Oz a little while back, called my Thai son, his wife, my 3 granddaughters* and old farang friends, old students still writing their thesis, all located in Thailand, plus once a week calls to students in Germany and Denmark, pretty much every day, all totally free. (*Some calls / video calls perhaps 40 minutes+ because I was helping my middle granddaughter to practice/develop her English reading pronunciation, all no hcrages.)
  19. Been done before, quite possibly a package ready to quickly roll...
  20. I wonder what their attitude, policies, regulations are in terms of ongoing medical services and support and compensation/pensions for citizens who served in the armed forces either in a war or not in a war?
  21. So for 20 Baht she expects food and a new bowl? No further comment...
  22. Yes she has a long-term Thai hsband who is a total wimp, and she abused him continuously. She also has a son, but he ran away from home at about 6 years old (2 Km) to stay with grandma, and his mother has never made any attempt to bring him home, to celebrate his birthdays, never contributed one Baht to his education, clothes, bicycle etc., He's almost finished his bachelor degree in engineering, mother doesn't even know he's at uni. He found a part-time school hols job with EGAT at about 15 years old, worked with them every semester break since and has been offered a full-time job when he graduates. His wonderful grandma and grandpa have loved and supported him (incl., financially) and enouraged him every day of his life.
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