I'm trying to gather some information on probate in Thailand for a farang friend, basic details are:
- The farang the executor of the will of his close long-term farang buddy, all stated in the will. The close friend (owner of the will) has advanced dementia, incapable of any logical, sensibe focused discussion and now near death (78 yo).
- The executor has the sealed original will and also has a never sealed copy, given to him when he agreed to be the executor by the document owner.
- The beneficiaries are 2 Thai men and their families who the near death man has been supporting for decades, they all have open copies of the will. They both share equally in the distribution of his cash (his only asset), all in one bank account, around 5MBaht. There are no other beneficiaries.
- The executor has full access to withdrawal of the funds from this account. The executor is well trusted by the 2 beneficiaries.
- The near death man now has no land or buildings or vehicles, all liquidated many years ago.
- He has no liabilities whatever (no credit card or similar debt).
- My understanding is that there is a probate process in Thailand. However given the details above would it be necessary to actually get the court to grant probate and issue a court order for the distribution of the funds.
- I will ask this question to my lawyer in Chiang Mai later today.
- My question: Is any member here aware of Thai probate laws and/or real examples, perhaps as above where it's already very clear cut who the benficiaries are and their share, and the executor has access to the funds?