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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. Similar in places in Sth. America. As said, good on them, I say.
  2. I'd leave that more open, is it for sex or is it for comfort and care?
  3. And same day my granddaughters' high school/students were told, by SMS, their jabs are delayed but no new date. Son called her school and asked if this will delay return to class room learning. Answer 'don't know but probably yes'.
  4. I enquired about donating my dead body to a local medical school, got a polite answer that 'I was over the age limit'. My Thai son, and his Thai wife, know well what my wishes are: - Check some temples which do cremations and select the cheapest price (donation) and burn me. - *No ceremonies, no food or drinks either at the temple or at home. - Told my son he had to decide what to do with my ashes. He responded quickly that he and his wife had already done some discussion on this point. His full plan is: Take my ashes home in a sealed jar and keep the jar in a high level shelf in his section of walk-in wardrobe, and he shared that his wife is well aware of this plan. Instruct his eldest/all kids that when he dies and his wife dies their ashes are to added to mine in the same jar. When all the kids are adults they have to decide what to do with the 'family jar'. (* above; This was discussed a few years back because son's B-I-L asked my son for a lot of cash (several hundred thousands) so that he could get the plans in place for when I die. He's convinced/has mentioned to others and to me, that I am extremely old and the family should be ready. Son said no cash don't ask again and made it clear that he will make such decisions, not B-I-L. Why? Easy answer B-I-L is obsessed with being important and impressing other people. So his aim was to plan/execute a very large event with lots of decoration/bunting/large photos with my name and uni rank (Professor Dr.), etc, large amounts of food (typical Chinese multi-table/multi course Chinese dinner) and expensive whisky etc.)
  5. And it might be useful/needed/compulsory to enter some premises.
  6. I don't understand how pricing is constructed in the US. Would $40- or $14- (for 2 test kits) be a gov't. subsidized price?
  7. Read a news item yesterday that home use rapid tests are now available for purchase in many parts of the USA, typical price US$40-.
  8. A twist; people departing Sydney (Australia) by air can get a guaranteed one hour PCR test result at a laboratory set up inside Sydney international airport on the departure level within 3 or 4 minutes walk to the check-in rows. Lab (a branch of a well known very credible pathology business) opens at 6.00 am. Walk-in, swab takes 1 minute, result within an hour by SMS/e.mail (to whoever the customer has nominated)/printed report. Lab calls the customer to check they have received the report. AUD150-. Well know contributors to this site have mentioned this arrangement is popping up across many countries. ___________________________________________ Seems to me that negative report before boarding the aircraft will be with us, internationally for many years. I wonder if we might see, as a standard process, passenger pays for PCR test (as in above comment), and automatically goes to the lab first (with labs in situ at convenient locations) at many/most inter. airports? Or as rapid tests become more accurate/more reliable the passenger pays for rapid test in ticket cost, reports for check-in and first step is rapid test at check-in. Or perhaps: - Airports set up a/several rapid test stations in the departure area for all international flyers using well accepted rapid tests, - Passenger reports to one of these stations, - Station scans passenger e.ticket/itinerary to get correct full name and e.mail details for passenger, airline, flight number, etc., - Result automatically feeds result into and sends an SMS/e.mail to both passenger and their airline.
  9. Point taken however I'm not really convinced that ASQ is just a scam, to my thinking there's some level of validity behind quarantining people who have arrived from other locations. My comment was aimed more at the daily food and beverage and other touristy spending the arrivals would make which would help local economies, especially helping to keep folks in jobs, keeping vendors etc., afloat.
  10. Seems to me that there's a fairly solid future intent to waive all quarantine (for fully vaccinated travelers) at 1 November. But also seems to me there's also a current strategy to not release this information until say 3rd week of October. Why? Because they fear early release of this policy will automatically push many would be arrivals to wait and enter after 1 Nov. Therefore killing some potential arrivals from entering during first 2 or 3 week of October, therefore they won't be spending money on ASQ hotels then own choice hotels after 7 days quarantine, own choice F and B, shopping during that first 2 or 3 weeks of October. All being bad news in terms of opportunity for more businesses to open up/get revenues. We wait and see.
  11. Some years back I took a train from Bkk to the Malaysian border. The train had first, second and third class sections. The end of some carriages had a first class cabin. I was travelling with a friend so we shared a first class cabin. The cabin was quite large and quite comfortable, but of course the train was quite slow and a lot of clickety clack. The door to the cabin had locks from outside and from inside. An attendant explained that it was the duty of the passengers to always lock the cabin door on the inside but the conductor had key access. The attendant explained that terrorism was a serious issue and there had been incidents therefore carriage and cabin doors must be locked at all times. The carriage attendant knocked on the door about 5:00 pm, we let him in and he locked the door immediately then made up the beds. Then he explained he would go the the restaurant car and bring back our dinner and we ordered some extra beer. Fifteen minutes later he was back, delivered the food and door locked again. In a chat he shared that he had boxes of games and toys to put in the first class cabins if there children travelling in the cabin, to help to keep the kids inside the cabin. He also shared that quite a few times he had to explain again to passengers that they must keep their kids inside the cabin and keep the door locked. A once only journey.
  12. And hopefully will mean: - No quarantine (in Bkk) for all foreigners arriving with full vaccination (2 shots) from countries which are ranked as low risk and must be gap of 2 weeks and no adverse reaction between date of receiving final jab and date of departure for Thailand, - And foreigner must pass quick response Covid 19 test on arrival in Thailand, - Can travel immediately from arrival point (Bkk and some other points) to their final domestic destination, - No automatic quarantine or isolation at final destination point, but must pass quick response Covid 19 test on arrival at final destination.
  13. So are you saying that one of the three districts is 'Muang Chiang Mai', which includes but is bigger than the old city?
  14. I like a society which doesn't want/need any guns, therefore any ammunition. I saw a lot of people killed and maimed and other damage caused done by guns in the Vietnam war, happy to never see guns ever again. And I don't buy the 'argument' that it's not the guns it's the owners.
  15. Right now can foreigners living in Thailand with double vaccination fly without special permits etc., and with no quarantine from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?
  16. Does anybody have details of current rules/regulations about domestic air travel/quarantine between Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Especially Bkk to CM. Thanks.
  17. From my family experience, a good point. My Thai son married a wonderful Thai lady, they met at university. Now married about 8 years, 3 kids, great marriage, great mother, good communicator. She's never asked for anything from me, always asking if I want coffee, snack and more. Before she goes shopping etc., always asks if I need anything. However her family are a nightmare. She's the youngest. Four older. Her elder sister is a dragon. First time she ever came to son/his wife's new house she was about to step into the house, noticed that a lady was riding her mocy into the carport. She assumed this was our maid. Time about 8.10 am. Dragon sister instantly loudly attached the maid 'your late, you have to come to work on time', then she made nasty/racist comments about hilltribe people. My son quickly intervened, apologized to the maid and told his older sister-in-law that the maid was actually early. Her agreed start time is 8.30 am at son's request. Dragon sister loudly insisted 'you cannot do that, maids have to start work at 8.00 am by law, she's late'. Son noticed the maid was crying. Son pushed his sister-in-law in to the house then quickly went back to the carport and told the maid she had done nothing wrong. In fact she's a good worker and great with son's kids. Son repeated you have done nothing wrong and I apologize for his sister-in-laws comments. Then he told the maid to take the day off and please come tomorrow morning and sister-in-law will be gone. Son then told his sister-in-law to be gone the same day and not return for 6 months. In fact she didn't return for about 1 year. Son's wife's elder brother is a full on loud brain dead ladyboy (nothing wrong with that), most of the time dressed half men's / half women's clothes (not being judgmental about that, his choice). When he comes to the house he tries to loudly interfere with everything including instructions my son or his wife have given their kids. When he visits son/wife/kids/me never go out to eat because of ladyboys behavior including saying very suggestive things to young waiters, silly unwarranted loud complaints about the food/service/drinks. On one occasion I ordered a gin/tonic, when it came ladyboy demanded the same. When the drink came he sipped the drink then yelled at the waiter 'no sugar'. Waiter tried to explain it's not normal to add sugar to gin/tonic. I intervened and confirmed 'mai tum na da' (not normal to add sugar). Ladyboy called the manager and complained. By this stage everybody in the restaurant was focused on our table. Son and his wife very embarrassed, son cancelled the food order and asked for the bill and left a good tip and found the waiter, apologized and gave the young waiter a tip. Bill paid we quickly departed the restaurant. Son's wife called a pizza joint and said she would pick up the food in about 30 minutes. When we were outside the pizza place ladyboy insisted he go inside and take the pizza, and asked for the money. Son's wife said 'NO, I will go in'. Ladyboy threw a loud/long tantrum. I quickly/quietly got out of son's car and went in and quickly returned with the pizzas. And many more incidents.
  18. Thanks Joe, yes my error. And to be honest I did (without thinking about it) assume that the stamp would be the same. Seems it's not. As said, my error, and sorry for causing confusion.
  19. I wonder how many guys who have posted in this thread would have no hesitation to say that they realized that they needed to change their own attitudes and behaviors?
  20. But the OP said "...I paid for multiple re-entries when I arranged for my visa, ...". So, OP you should have a stamp like this in your passport:
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