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  1. QUOTE: "...so are you saying that the 'house master' is only appointed at the district office not the land office?" Not really like that, the amphur office don't appoint/decide who the house master is. It's really up to the owner(s) to decide who is the house master. It can be the owner as stated on the land title, or the spouse, or a son or daughter, uncle... (this is not governed by law; there's no regulations saying 'owner, spouse son or daughter, ...', this is just what you would typically find. And it can easily be changed, a decision usually from within the family involved - not decided by the amphur/district office. As already said the land office is not involved in this subject. You should be aware that the main duty of the house master is to keep the Tabien Baan book for that address up to date. e.g. when there's a birth or death the house naster is responsible to take the Tabien Baan book, copy of birth / death certificate to the amphur office. The amphur office will then update the Tabien Baan book. Further, it's very common that a Thai national is recorded on the Tabien Baan of the house where they grew up, possibly in a province but the reality is they live in an apartment in Bangkok, this situation is very common and there's nothing wrong with this. Note that the amphur office doesn't approve who can/can't be recorded on the Tabien Baan book for that address, the amphur office is just the 'records keeper' for the national registry of 'who lives where' records.
  2. I got approved 25 years ago and yes things were a bit different. There was no Thai langage test and taking a Thai wife with you was discouraged. I used an agent who helped me get all the submission attachments etc., ready. We went to Soi Suan Plu, no appointment and submitted all the documents to a clerk on the second floor. A minute later a snr. officer appeared and politely asked if I had time for a discussion on the spot. I said yes and we went to another room with my agent. The officer was very pleasant, a good listener and spoke perfect English, the discussion lasted about one hour and not one word of Thai was spoken. The officer read/scanned every document and asked several questions, mostly about my work and how it was contributing to Thailand. He mentioned pleasantly "I hope you're ensuring the young Thai staff around you are gaining strong knowledge and worthwhile work experiences." He also asked about my academic qualifications and shared that he was hoping his eldest son would be able to study in Australia and he asked for a lot of detail about one uni in Australia. He also said 'when the time comes can my son visit you to get some further advice how to register and how to get accepted. I agreed but nobody ever contacted me. After about 1 hr he said "I need just a few minutes to finish making all my notes then I'll talk to you again". We waited outside the room. About 10 minutes later he called us back and said "There will be no more interviews and on the documents I have strongly recommended your approval to receive a Certificate of Residence." He continued "The full committee will probably meet in November this year for the annual meeting, I am on that committee and I can pretty much guarantee you will get instant positive sign off by all the committee." From memory late November (same year) I got the approval letter.
  3. Reality is that many Thais (F and M) are convinced that human saliva is quite dirty, full of diseases, contagious diseases and germs, and therefore to be seriously avoided.
  4. From above: "they will never charge Trump because they think it will look bad for America,..." Point taken. However seems to me that many folks from many other countries would see the opposite: i.e. It looks good for America to get this highly unethical lying fool in jail. Becuae it would lift the image on the USA to be very moral in terms of democracy and proper usage/application of the law - the law applies to all citizens without favor.
  5. It's not a matter of what I think. However the reality is that all 4 of the benficiaries have been equally very supportive / given great kindness to the dying man for many many years, it was a 2 way situation, the dying man has been very kind to all 4 of them and carful that it's been equal to all 4. The dying man is recognizing all of that in his will. Further the dying man is very close to the executor and whilst still fully lucid explained his wishes to the executor and the lawyer as the reason for what's expressed in his will. 'The no valid claim' comment is from the lawyer. Whether a judge might listen and be convinced to change the beneficiaries is of course another issue. It's not up to me in any way.
  6. Thanks for sharing Nancy. The case I'm close to could be that easy but... There's 4 Thai beneficiaries in a legal will, they were all close and keen to have the dying farangs wishes respected but suddenly one of these guys is playing games. The funds involved were all consolidated into one BBL savings account several years ago and there are no other assets or liabilities (except hospital bills for ICU accommodation, which of course is draining the bank account quickly and the hospital - part of the Bkk hospital group - have an ongoing signed authority to draw direct from the bank account). The executor (a farang who is well respected by all of the beneficiaries) has tried to get the authority the hospital holds suspended but the lawyer involved won't cooperate at all. Further, the executor is well known to the bank manager and has appraoches the bank manager with a copy of the will and asked the bank manager if he would agree to directly distribute the funds to the 4 beneficiries when the very ill man passes on (he has very advanced dementia, getting worse all the time). The bank manager initially said he would cooperate if given: - a copy of the will (which is in Thai and English, and which states the details of the % share for the 4 beneficiares), countersigned by the 4 beneficiaries to be correct and up to date. - plus a statement prepared by the licensed lawyer who prepared the will and signed by the 4 benficiareis that they all agree to distribution of the funds outside of the probate process. But the bank manager now very hesitant to be involved. This could have been the best/simplest/fair way to disberse the funds (total around 5mBaht), but now the Thai beneficiary who gets the biggest share now wants to challenge the will and demand 100% of the funds availble. The executor is now trying to get the beneficiary who wants more to abandon this demand, in writing and therefore hopefully get the situation back to a scenario where the bank manager will agree to distribute the funds outside of the probate process. The approach to the beneficiary who wants more is that he actually has no legitimate/valid/ethical claim for more. We wait and see, meanwhile the hospital is really draining the bank account. The opinion of one Thai Dr. (from the Naval hospital at Satha Hip) is that the various/numerous/expensive additional tests on the bills are totally unnecessary. We wait and see. As above Nancy, thanks for sharing, all valuable info., and valuable insights.
  7. Thanks, much appreciated, I'll forward the links to the gentleman who needs this information.
  8. Can any member share some specific fully correct and up to dat information as to these subjects here in Thailand. Absolutely NOT looking for opinions of what 'should be', looking for factual details of the current laws, etc. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Fair comment. The reality is that this was the well know/seen before attitudes and comments to be expected from Samak.
  10. He was well known to be highlt corrupt, always demanding 30% 50% kickbacks etc., and always openly. Quite an unpleasant man.
  11. I like the word randomness. My Thai son tried to get his wife to put the washed and air dried plates cups, mugs knives, forks, spoons, cooking pots and bowls in their correct stacks in the cupboards (not in perfect lines, just in the correct piles). He eventually gave up, after some discussion with his wife and with her sisters and her work colleagues he realized that her randomness re putting things away comes from her mother who kept a clean but extremely untidy house, including kitchen stuff, sofa chairs moved to every room, TV's moved and sitting precariosly on old beer boxes and everybody had to be carful to not trip over the electric cords stretched above floor level across various rooms. That's what his wife grew up with. She wants the same. If it's like her mum's house everything everywhere and changing continuously then 'it's a house'. All neat and tidy is, for her, not a house, it's boring and intimidating.
  12. Did you inform the insects in writing?
  13. Sons 2 buddies booked/paid for airline tickets to fly Bkk to CM and retrn for new year break. Both are hopeless with being on time. They arrived at Suvarnabhumi 1 hr after departure time and were shicked their flight had already left, on time. Luckily th airline changed their booking to the next flight (2 hrs later) and they were warned 'don't leave the airport, be on time back here at the check-in desk'. One guy responds 'but can't you come any find us? NO! They get the next flight, arrive in CM, walk out of the arrivals area and both instantly proclaim 'this is so strange, they don't wait!' Son tries to explain why the airline must try to depart on time but gives up. Son made sure they were at the check-in desk at the correct time for their return flight. When son told them he would take them to airport one of his buddies says but can't we tell them in advance to wait for us. I could see my son's face the 'I give up look'.
  14. My Thai wife and I always prefer that the volume on the TV is very low. When her family came the LG 50 inch was always quickly turned up to yelling level. Immediately turned down by wife or me but as soon as she or me leave the room yelling level again. Now as soon as they appear (or in advance if know they're coming) the remote is hidden. Her family quickly realised that they can't find the remote so they all sit around the house with their smartphones, leaving the TV to wife and myself. Wife quickly told them to not make the sofa etc., untidy so now they sit outside. They don't now touch any of the furniture because they know my wife will quickly move it back to it's original position, even 1 cm, and they know she will quickly say mai jub (don't touch).
  15. Further, he won 2 prestigious international awards for his financial strategies when the dems were the gov't.
  16. I just did a search, just wondering why she suddenly dropped the dems and joined the GOP?
  17. Reminds me of 35+ years ago, regular indicents of these men, who mostly stayed at the Grace hotel in Bkk, beating up the girls and many times picking them up and throwing them against the walls. In those days many bars wouldn't allow these men to take girls out of the bar. And many bars wouldn't allow them through the door.
  18. True of course however how well informed are the Thai folks who typically have very few options in life and very poorly informed/knowledgeable about what's happening outside of their immediate surroundings. Bottom line is that they don't read newspapers (paper or on-line), almost never watch a news program etc etc. They're lucky to know what day it is.
  19. He's got some good ideas which support the poor to get into a much better quality of life but he never seems to talk loud enough and follow through to gain real traction.
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