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Pique Dard

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Everything posted by Pique Dard

  1. lol! is it a crime to express an opinion? in any case, unless you are a member of the thai parliament - which decided to legalise cannabis - why are you attacking my comments? or because i don't smoke cannabis, i've got no right to have an opinion about it?
  2. ..it won't be easy! in fact, it can make things even worse because prohibition will not reduce either the consumption or the sales channels of cannabis. instead, anything connected with cannabis would become secret and the state would lose significant tax revenues. it would have been better not to legalise this drug, to begin with. i say this as a non-smoker ????
  3. .."..strong challenge from two anti-military parties". sure! but militaries are still stronger
  4. seeing what's left of the car, one wonders how fast she was driving
  5. after reading the article, is it right to think there are no thai criminals escaping to china and use the country as a hideout?
  6. lucky turtle! it was not a drunk or under the influence of drugs who discovered your nest
  7. ...rarely a day goes by without reading this kind of story. this time, it's not a cab driver but a couple. let's face it, thais are certainly the most honest people in the world where people lose in the street or forget in cabs huge amounts of money....i mean, i can't imagine forgetting a bag with 100.000 baht inside in front of a shopping mall...
  8. ...doing such an act (stealing) in a foreign country, especially in thailand is the quickest way to ruin your stay
  9. as we all know, the tourist is the perfect golden goose
  10. ...if the picture is to be trusted, it would be more like a dining room with people sitting around a table full of food
  11. 712 baht per hour, per week, per month...per year ???? ?
  12. i don't know if there's a good way to die, but this one is particularly agonizing. RIP... and let us not forget the driver of the "passing pickup truck"! he will suffer from nightmares for the rest of his life
  13. "aggressivelly pushed.., propaganda networks"? yeah for sure, meanstreams mass media would never aggressivelly pushed ...and never would they add themselves to propaganda
  14. bear in mind, we are in the land of smiles... even though two of the 32 hooligans were not thai nationals (for those who enjoy using the "confused" icon, the land of smiles means people living in that country smile a lot, basically meaning they are kind whereas bashing someone is just the opposite of smiling, of being kind...)
  15. due to the sulphurous reputation of pha nga, one can wonder if the tour boat captain was sober
  16. first of all i'm sincerely sad for the deceased -RIP- and his mother. second, i'm very skeptical about the intervention of the spirits to find the body. the spirits should have prevented the death to begin with, as far as i'm concerned
  17. now, he will taste the dubious pleasure of being "guarded" in prison
  18. "...and these are 7 things tourists should never do when they visit" well, in that case, you aren't a tourist
  19. "Thailand’s General Election: Can the Winner Really Take All?" ask prayut, the incumbent prime minister! his answer will be: oh yeah, for sure!
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