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Everything posted by ifmu

  1. do any of you folks know if this will will satisfy bbk bank 400k thb to my wife in my name for immigration TIA
  2. They want control of your info ...and put adds up. ...
  3. This Is stupid. A joke. Retaliation for a convicted trump
  4. Im not giving u my contact Info I don't trust you at all
  5. thats funny i was just going to say the same thing abour scooby doo
  6. this is the stupidest post ever .... wise up buddy and stop insulting thai people
  7. well said ............ heil trump
  8. Oh yes please secede just go away .. forever PLEASE and take president musk with u
  9. typical uk jerks .... keep them out send them home
  10. absolutely right long live president musk and vp trump heil trump
  11. I like this ......... to bad he lost his eggs .... his comments are exactly what is true .. thanks for posting this
  12. So now we get conservitive abuse with convicted criminals
  13. it was 100 percent accurate statement ..... the deplorables won ... no recount nesc
  14. cant say when appts are avail ... not the secretary here but funsabai is great 083 2060021
  15. dammn another deplorable shows his face
  16. and you can stop repeating the fox news cra888 YOU elected a criminal who is giving more criminals positions in power
  17. say what u will YOU idiots voted for a criminal and are as fu as trump
  18. thank you .............. “Hatred is not the norm,” “Prejudice is not the norm. Suspicion, dislike, jealousy, scapegoating ― none of those are the transcendent facets of the human personality. They’re diseases. They are the cancers of the soul. They are the infectious and contagious viruses that have been bleeding humanity for years. And because they have been and because they are, is it necessary that they shall be? I think not.” rod serling
  19. read it again ......... she was the rider a thai was the driver .... it states opposite in the above report but just think it through ..
  20. I dont think any of the middle class lower class new what they were voting for and the upper class just wanted to keep their money ........ so vote a criminal in and pretend it is ok
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