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Bert got kinky

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Everything posted by Bert got kinky

  1. Sorry but I don't recognize the G.F.A., there is still blood on the streets in N.I. but it's conveniently hidden in the disguise of a war on drugs.
  2. Mathew 7:3 That's quite a result but who does Mathew play for and who were they playing against?
  3. Whoops, touch a nerve, did I? I don't understand why some of you guys called those people who goes to competitive prices buffet as * low life * It's simple really, 'all you can eat' buffets are packed to the rafters with life forms so low that they make the guests on the Jeremy Kyle show look cultured. MackieDee's also has competitive prices, would you hold an adult's birthday party there., Christmas dim-sum @ the local 7-11? Is it because you are having a * low life * in your home country, the reason for moving here so that you can be on a high horse in this * low life* country. Not at all, preferring quality food to cheap & nasty slop does not put me on a high horse and I wouldn't attend an 'all you can eat' buffet in my home country either. In fact, if anyone is on a high horse, I would suggest that it is the one that believes that Thailand is a * low life* country. To be fair, I actually do approve of all you can eat buffets, it keeps the Chang wife-beater wearing peasants away from trying to feed turnips to my high horse.
  4. Back in my drinking days, I was thrown in the drunk tank at Thong Lor PD for refusing to bay my bar bill. I was in a QPA bar (Soi22) and had actually rang the bell 2 times. The bill was around 9,000 Baht, which I refused to pay. The police were called and the cashier explained to the police that I had rang the bell 2 times and as such I had to buy drinks for everyone in the bar, hence the high bar bill. I tried to explain to Mr. Plod that I believed that the bill was a tad on the high side, as myself the cashier were the only people in the bar. They still took me to the station and held me until I accepted to pay the bill, even though the bill was very obviously padded. I later learned that the bar was owned by the wife of one of the top policemen at Thong Lor station. ????
  5. How Much Can YOU Eat at a BUFFET? The same as if I am paying for the courses separately. If I go to a buffet it's at a decent 5 star restaurant and I go for the variety on offer and not to make a pig of myself in public. I also tend to have Christmas dinner buffet (at hotels) nowadays, as I'm too old ancient to waste half of a Christmas day cooking. I would avoid any buffet that is advertised as 'All you can eat'. These kind of buffets are usually filled with society's low-lifes and the food (and cooking) is akin to military cookhouse grade, quantity over quality. 99 Baht Breakfast buffet anyone? ???? ????
  6. Crafty Thai woman allegedly steals British tourist’s Rolex in Pattaya Maybe a bit pedantic but, if the theft is only alleged, surely she is only an alleged crafty Thai woman?
  7. A four-meter-long python was caught red-handed Is this a magic python???
  8. Depends on the context of how the words are used. A couple of months back I was picking up at the airport at a very quiet time (3am -ish) and the only way to make the security staff understand that the unattended baggage reserving the seats directly in front of their manned security post was to use the word 'bomb', as in "their could be a bomb in this unattended cases". They were totally oblivious to the dangers that an unattended bag could harbour. They thought that people leaving bags unattended 'in an international airport' was not a problem at all.
  9. Are you presuming that these tuk-tuk drivers actually have a driving license?
  10. Exactly. If I was walking around with an item worth over 100,000 Baht, it would be chained and padlocked to my body. I definitely would not just put it down in a busy public area and then just walk away from it.
  11. I could agree with you on this whole post but then we would both be wrong, So very, very wrong.
  12. Why? In Bang Saen they celebrate Songkran on April 13, the same as the rest of Thailand,. April 19 is a Wednesday, so for Bang Saen residents it's just a normal working day. Only Pattaya celebrates Songkran on April 19.
  13. THC is NOT suitable as a recreational intoxicant like alcohol and tobacco Alcohol took me to the brink of ruin, my whole life for 40 years was dictated by the evil spirit. Stopped drinking 4 years ago and THC was my saviour. After playing both fields, I would much rather be high and dry than drunk and stupid. As for tobacco, what a great drug to use to win the argument. Totally safe and socially acceptable habit.
  14. Probably because elderly foreign potheads remember Chuwit being a local Mafia Godfather.
  15. From an article dated 9 June 2022. The same date that cannabis was decriminalized, when nothing at all was clear. Pathetic effort, must try harder.
  16. Not for recreational smoking (which is currently not legal). As usual, spouting misinformation on Cannabis. TAT News: Quote: Importantly, it must be noted that smoking of cannabis in public is forbidden. The penalty for this is a potential three-month jail sentence and 25,000 Baht fine. The new cannabis policies permit production and consumption solely for medical or health-related reasons; not recreational purposes. https://www.tatnews.org/2022/07/rules-and-regulations-concerning-cannabis-and-hemp-use-in-thailand/ The Guardian: Quote: Where can you consume it? Smoking it can be done inside an individual’s residence, and cannabis inside food can be consumed at a licensed restaurant. Smoking marijuana in public places such as schools, temples and shopping malls can lead to a 25,000 baht ($750) fine and a three-month prison sentence. As a rule, Chopaka says, people should be aware of not “encroaching” on other people’s space. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jan/10/consuming-cannabis-in-thailand-what-tourists-need-to-know-marijuana-weed-rules Wikipedia: Quote: Cannabis smoke is considered a public nuisance and thus prohibited in public areas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_in_Thailand Care to share your source on this or is this tidbit of misinformation just part of your pathetic ongoing rant against Cannabis. Why are you so insistent on trying to control what others do? Why does it pish you off so much that people are able to find pleasure in having a smoke? Get a life man.
  17. Too little, too late. You can't fix something this broken.
  18. In women's football it's the referee's assistant.
  19. Why do people ask questions on this forum and then expect the answers are correct when they are FREQUENTLY wrong? Is Google broken? Wow, did you really ask a question on here and expect to find the correct answer? Try asking on Google, apparently is is not broken.
  20. Oh Lord, another newbie 'self appointed' expert with nothing of value to offer the thread. ????
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