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Posts posted by South

  1. If you break something, pay for it, simple! The charge might have been a little excessive but factor in that it may well have been part of a set, the inconvenience of having to find a replacement etc etc and it is not excessive at all. Accidents happen but if they happen on a daily basis, the costs incurred soon mount up. I am sure next time - you will be even more careful. :)

  2. Mrs South got her ILR touching 25 years ago (she is on her 5th Thai passport now) and when asked, she'll produce the passport first used and her present document. The others, she also carries but has never been asked to show them. When asked years ago if she wanted to go for British citizenship, her response was, "No, I am Thai and proud to be Thai."

    To this day she still travels on a Thai passport with no problems at all. She comes with me through the UK (Euro or whatever it is now) lane, has travelled throughout the UK, Africa, Asia and Australia and has never had a problem. In fact some years back we drove into Swaziland from South Africa and the border guard there shook her hand as it was the first Thai passport he had seen/stamped! Never had a problem ... anywhere.

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  3. As you have been married for 12+ years, there shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you can show evidence of the marriage AND that you (your Mrs) will not be a burden on the British economy. The rules have changed apparently but when my wife first applied for a UK visa it was a fairly easy affair, albeit it was over 20 years ago.

    IMHO, if you are doing anything 'important', it is always best to do it in person.

  4. As to responses from folks like Ulysses. G .....Well, anyone with 27,000+ posts obviously has no life whatsoever and therefore has no experience of how life is

    The old "too many posts argument". How clever. laugh.png

    But true, is it not?

    As to responses from folks like Ulysses. G .....Well, anyone with 27,000+ posts obviously has no life whatsoever and therefore has no experience of how life is and is in my opinion in no position at all to comment on others. Simple as that..

    Here we go again.

    Surely everyone has a right to make a contribution to this debate without being slagged off?

    You state that UG is in no position to comment on others... yet that is exactly what you are doing - commenting on others.

    What gives you that right? What on earth do you know about UG or anyone else who contributes to this debate? You judge a man purely because he has made 27,000 posts on an internet forum.

    Even five times married alcoholics and posters with 27,000+ posts to their name have a right to an opinion?

    Disagree with them - by all means - but slag them off! why? Does it make you feel good?

    Slagging nobody off at all - just stating (if you care to read) that anybody/any poster who has that number of posts spends ... again, IN MY OPINION, an extortionate amount of time in cyberland. That's one good thing about the www. everyone can have their voice. I only used UG's name because it was there within the thread, could have been anybody.

    What exactly is the difference between disagreeing and slagging off then? What exactly are you doing? Does it make you feel good? coffee1.gif

  5. All depends on who/what your Mrs is/was in my very humble opinion. Touching 24 years now happily married. Any faults in the marriage are/were my own fault. As a percentage, 98% happy. Not many couples can have that rating,

    As to responses from folks like Ulysses. G .....Well, anyone with 27,000+ posts obviously has no life whatsoever and therefore has no experience of how life is and is in my opinion in no position at all to comment on others. Simple as that..

  6. Maybe, just maybe, the OP has an 'interest' in said place. I can recommend a load of places .... on the Beach Road or very close! I don't/won't for the simple fact that everyone is different and expects differences from wherever they stay.

  7. IMHO, one of the biggest loss making ventures this or any government could do. Giving tablets/laptops or whatever they are called especially to P1 students is exactly the same as throwing Millions of Baht down the drain. How many of these P1 students will a) use them as meant to be B) play games on them c) lose them d) older siblings will commandeer them e) insert own reason

    This is nothing but a money making venture for the family that owns the rights to sell these ...... and, guess which family it is?

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  8. Is it only me, but how in hell is Chalerm still part of this country's political scene. Not only his own personal history but that of his close family and cronies over the years would bar him from uttering any kind of political statement in any or most, if not all other non corrupt countries! (Is that an oxymoron?)

    You have a person making 'x' Baht/annum and he's suddenly offered 'xxxx' amount/month for following one political persuasion to persuade him .....'What's he going to do?' He needs the money to raise/feed his family. Pennies for some but an absolute fortune for others!

    Corruption/bribery at it's best!

  9. Common sense and a sense of direction/adventure are all you need! If you don't have those but are able to speak, try asking .... much more enjoyable than trying to rely on 'the latest' technology ..... and, the next time you have to go there you will more than likely remember! Try it, you might enjoy even enjoy it.

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