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Posts posted by South

  1. It's nice to see that the art of 'romance' hasn't yet died completely. Personally speaking, I think it wouldn't be appreciated at all, well, not in the way that you think it would. More of an embarrassment to be honest - but that's just me speaking without knowing either of you. You're not a Mills and Boon reader by any chance are you?

    Good luck anyway.


  2. I spent 17 years at sea, deep sea, but in my day the main pirate threat was not the Gulf of Aden/Ethiopian waters but from the top end of the Malacca Straits round Singapore and up into the Yellow Sea. How times change.

    As an aside, our only forms of protection from 'pirates' were extra vigilance, fire hoses and an arsenal of twist locks to throw at them! Luckily I worked on 24knot high freeboard container ships so we were or could never really be an easy target. Slower vessels (bulkies/tankers/fishing boats etc) with lower freeboards unfortunately were.

  3. Some points raised .... but, how about if tables are turned? I have a very good friend (farang) who has divorced his (ex) Thai wife and who has sole custody over their wonderful daughter. She, the mother is no longer around but he, the father is and is in a relationship with a lovely Thai woman with whom he will be marrying soon. The daughter totally accepts the 'new' mother as does she totally accept having a step daughter.

    Anyone can generalize but each situation is different as are the end results.

  4. Watched it ..... utter garbage, switched channel half way through. The presenter had absolutely no knowledge of the country at all. Wai'ing young kids and the only Thai she spoke was a condescending Sawasdee Ka. It could have been 'interesting' or 'watchable' if they'd only used someone who knew where they were and what they were doing. As a program for someone who has never been to the country it could possibly have been interesting but for those with a little 'local' knowledge it was a total waste of time.

    An ex shop assistant who showed she was well out of her depth trying to change things she had very little to no experience of.

  5. 30+ years ago first set foot in SEA, 20+ years in Thailand, married 20+ years to a lovely Thai lady and still am, lived mostly in non tourist areas in the south and loved it. But .... time changes things as time also changes people and I made the move back to my homeland 4 months ago. No regrets whatsoever. Sure, miss a lot but I 'think' I'm far happier here now with my 'new' life than I was for many differing reasons. I have stated before all the good things I'm reading here on this thread at some time in the past but in my case (and I'm sure many others too), the 'novelty' has eroded so much that it has worn away. It might take 1, 5, 10, 20 or more years but it will wear off - eventually. The country has changed, and changed a lot and I'm sure will continue changing as it develops. Nothing wrong with that but in my case, the 'novelty' has long since disappeared and the time had come to move on.

    Each to their own I suppose.

    I see exactly where you are coming from. A number of posters have pointed out the virtue of Thai women and that they are in fact the major asset of Thailand. If you are married and take your Thai wife home you have 100% of the good part of Thailand still with you.

    However, for those of us who are not married and who don't wish to get married transporting Soi Six back to Seattle might be a logistical problem.

    Soi Six would fit in nicely in Pike Place Market along with the fresh fish and hot off the griddle crumpets but there may be some immigration problems.

    :blink: Hmmm, some people's brains really do seem to be in their pants.

  6. 30+ years ago first set foot in SEA, 20+ years in Thailand, married 20+ years to a lovely Thai lady and still am, lived mostly in non tourist areas in the south and loved it. But .... time changes things as time also changes people and I made the move back to my homeland 4 months ago. No regrets whatsoever. Sure, miss a lot but I 'think' I'm far happier here now with my 'new' life than I was for many differing reasons. I have stated before all the good things I'm reading here on this thread at some time in the past but in my case (and I'm sure many others too), the 'novelty' has eroded so much that it has worn away. It might take 1, 5, 10, 20 or more years but it will wear off - eventually. The country has changed, and changed a lot and I'm sure will continue changing as it develops. Nothing wrong with that but in my case, the 'novelty' has long since disappeared and the time had come to move on.

    Each to their own I suppose.

  7. My sister has an electric fence running around the top of her 10' wall in South Africa. Once over that, you've got the dogs to contend with, the steel burglar bars and there's also an alarm. :o

    She's not been broken into yet!

    (In South Africa btw)

  8. It used to bother me a little but now I simply put it down to ignorance and let them carry on - and why let it irk you? An extra minute wasted isn't going to make much difference to your day. I waste most of mine anyway! :D

  9. geriatric kid. You are in Thailand, are you working? If you are on an expat package and not a english teacher then your education has paid off for sure. If you are pushing the past simple, then your parent deserve a refund. :)

    But I do agree with a lot of what you say.

    It seems obvious from the way you write that school was something you missed out on. Maybe a couple of sessions with an English teacher could help you. What a stupid post.

  10. A sacrilege punishable by death or worst be forced to listen to my wife’s description of her day out with her girlfriends shopping. Yes dear . Yes dear yes dear , zzzzzzzzzzzz :boring: .

    Seriously, Ice in the beer, melts and dilute the taste, also makes the beer go Flat faster.

    If your beer gets warm, stop being a slacker and drink faster!!!! :burp:


    If you want to drink water, buy water! :D

  11. And what the police say about overloading the van with passengers... i mean, it's an everyday sight... these people sometimes modify their seats to accomodate more and more people. What really pisses me off is that they will still forget about it after the media fever and van drivers will overload vans again etc... hate the thai way of putting a bandaid on it and forgetting about it.

    I agree, our thoughts should be with the victims families who are surely devastated. I saw the video on youtube and it struck a chord with me as I only recently took a van to work for the first time in a few years. To say I was scared would have been an understatement, the driver treated the van like a go-kart and I was in disbelief that a van was capable of such speeds.

    Someone wrote to the Bangkok Post suggesting speed-limiters be fitted and the police could get a cut of a spot-fine if one wasn't fitted to a van they inspected; how about that? a spot check for vans instead of just motor bikes all the time? I agree it'll be forgotten about, but there's a deeper question at stake; the duality of Thai culture - on one hand apathy and on the other this irrational corruption only tempered by disorganisation and short-sightedness.Imagine if Thailand got organized enough to get speed-trap cameras, fines mailed to offenders and a points system where you lost your licence if you were caught too much. If they could just look longer term they could elevate corruption to a whole other level.

    A sad event indeed, all too familiar here though. Overloading etc just to make a few extra Baht. However, it is not only in Thailand where these sorts of incidents happen - what about the double decker express coach leaving Heathrow airport a while ago - not overloaded, but overturned on what are meant to be some of the safest roads on the planet, speed limits/tachographs/fully covered by CCTV etc. This is nothing to do whatsoever with corruption or the nations involved. It's all down to the drivers and nobody else, not the countries where the incident happens. Speed limiters will do what exactly? Slow vehicles down, limit their maximum speed yes, but, they won't / can't change the actions of the person in control. I'm sure you've seen drivers doing 30kph who are a total danger to other road users and drivers doing 130kph+ who are not dangerous to others. A time and place. As I was told a long long time ago, a road vehicle is an extremely deadly instrument .... in the wrong hands.

    (Disclaimer: No one has been found guilty as of yet .... just stating my own thoughts.)

  12. I have 3BBB, still on 4MgB and also am out of town a way. No real problems but sometimes slow for certain websites and also at the odd times albeit not that often. All in all, it's satisfactory ... for me anyway. I suppose it all depends on what your needs are.

  13. I seem to remember passing a Rotty kennels somewhere near Thungyai/Chawang/Wiangsa (Nakhonsithammarat/Krabi border)a few years ago. Unfortunately, I can't remember exactly where they were.

    The last Rotty I got was from Chattujak Market in Bangkok. Turned out to be a beauty too.

    As for other places, Google: Ratchburi and kennels.

  14. Well, I thought I'd said my piece on this subject. I answered the initial question in the OP in the way I feel, said nothing 'anti-gay' whatsoever and then I get this message along with all the snide comments from one poster:

    You are a wanke_r. And like most cowards you hide behind your monitor and talk <deleted>!

    Why don't you try to be a man instead of the insect you are.

    Cowards like you make me sick to my heart.

    Come and meet me in Soi 4 and then we can decide who's opinion matters most. Coward.

    So, to the sender .... how do you come to that conclusion then? Cowardice? Talking sh_ite?

    Throughout this thread I have just stated my own personal thoughts, nothing more, nothing less.

    Now, I presume that the majority of active posters here are gay, no problems there at all. Where I start to have a problem is that when I start to receive the above from a certain poster. Seems to me that if he can't have things his own way, everybody/thing else is in the wrong. I've said my piece and unless there are any more personal attacks which I will retaliate against, I'm saying no more on this subject because to be honest, it is starting to get childish.

    ...... Britmaverick, thank you for some sensible replies.

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