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Posts posted by South

  1. Ror Sor Por ... the Government transport company is the way to go if you have little/a lot of stuff to move. There is an office in every Provincial Capital. Cheap, regular, reliable and safe! They'll take everything from a box to a motorbike! Cheaper than the PO and will depending where you live deliver right to your door!

  2. ITS NOW SEPT 2011, I TRIED ETIHAD AND THEIR LONDON - DOHA-BKK FLIGHTS ARE SKY HIGH SO ETIHAD ARE NOT CHEAP!!!!! maybe we will try booking near the time as people allways say book early but from expirience this is not allways the case, i just want to know are any deals likely to crop up in new year ? thanks

    Flying out on the 26th, £539 each inclusive with Etihad via Abu Dhabi (Less than 2 hour transfer both ways). Booked on-line through e-bookers.

  3. Dear Newbies,

    I am writing this because I am so frustrated and overtaken by the bunch of awful people that choose to give “advice” on this forum. So its simple I will tell you how it is. I am not a retiree. I am not here because I am running away from anything. I am attractive, I am quite intelligent, I am quite successful.

    I came here just after the Tsunami, I did some shit jobs to get by, my first proper job I earnt 50,000 Baht a month. Last year I earnt over 100,000 dollars prior to that I earnt 35,000 USD a year at my best. My current situation does not need to be discussed, suffice to say I am in my early 30’s, I earn over 100,000 USD a year. Three years ago I earnt less than 20’000 USD a year . I am relatively successful and I did it all in Thailand.

    Most of the people who will respond to you on this forum have nothing better to do. They are one of several groups but overwhelmingly they are retirees from shit jobs in the west. If they were lucky they made it as far as middle manager, they were your post manager your local shop “boss” or perhaps they managed the local pub – they are not successful people but they will give you advice like they are some type of multinational senior managers. Do NOT listen to them. They will tell you that you cannot get a good job in Thailand, you cannot be successful, they are absolutely correct. They will never be successful, if you are the same as them you WILL never be successful. You are a waster, you were no good at what you did and you will never be good at what you do, you will not be successful, move on.

    OK now we have got rid of at least 50% of these people they will not read this far, so lets talk:

    Guys this is how it is. You can set up a company with relative ease or play around and start a business with little constraints. If you have a good idea play around and make it all off shore and you can do it. You can set it up and make it work. I bought an empty condo next to where I live and made it an office I turnover 300,000 dollars a year(in my second year), because I am not inhibited by the borders that inhibited me in the west I can do it and I will do it. I AM A SUCCESS THAT COULD NEVER DO IT IN THE WEST BUT I CAN DO IT IN THE EAST _ these silly old bastards that wanted to teach me so much now call me every week to try and sell me their shit investments and their shit ideas because I earn more in a week than they earn in a year but they have been here for 20 years and I have only been here for six. You can be the most successful guy that you know by moving to the east, get a good idea, follow it through and make it work. If you were totally unsuccessful in the west understand why and learn from it. Two years ago I had 20’000 dollars in my account now I have two condos (worth over half a million dollars) and 80,000 dollars in the bank and I am a speck in the eye of success. You can Do it. You will do it. Piss off these old idiots and lets enjoy being more successful than they ever were. YOU can and will do it if you are passionate, hard working and convinced , be prepared to work 20 hours a day to Make your business a success and then take the “experts” on this site out for a drink in your local champagne bar. Welcome to ASEAN – welcome to the land of opportunity – MAKE IT, DO IT & ENJOY IT. Piss off the idiots and let’s have fun by being more than they can ever be. Welcome to the land of opportunity.

    Yeah mate, you just keep going for it ... ;)

    Anyone know where the 'Yawn' smilie is?

  4. The average expat here I think spends 60-70k a month from what I've read. Some poorer members may not report due to shame, some richer guys may report due to bragging. :rolleyes:

    Some guys simply lie. :ph34r:

    That's a stupid statement if ever I've seen one. 60/70k a month maybe easily in BKK if you live the high life, slightly less in other major cities. Much less out in the sticks! Shame/bragging??

    Showing ignorance there Chops, sry.

  5. Who cares where your ruddy passport comes from!?

    you would do if you were British, but hey if the UK shows that it works then what is to stop the other

    countries from copying the idea.

    I am British!

    Tell me why it matters to me if it comes from HK or the UK?

    bit slow off the mark arent we ? been on the grog last night or already started ?

    its just been spelt out to you in the op why you would might care where it comes from because of the extra costs or is money no object to you.

    just got off the plane at swampy ? theres one born every minute ! still more live bait for the girls on lower suk and the nana area to get their teeth stuck into i suppose. whistling.gif

    That response to me sounds like someone who has been in Thailand for around 5 minutes but wants to portray that they have been here a lot longer. Keep going, give some people a laugh.

  6. A question for you though ... 20 years ago did you see the same amount of farangs/foreigners/westerners as you see now?

    No but there were plenty living here and they were mostly insane. They did like being here though, so they get credit for that. Most of them have drifted off to Cambodia as it is more like it used to be here when everything was wide open and few laws were enforced.

    Depends where you were ... first place I lived in permanently there was one old American who had been in Thailand for 20+ years, a Missionary or something, He had his church cum (no pun intended)/English School and within 3 years the farang population had multiplied by around 5! In the Mrs's hometown, over a couple of decades the farang population has gone from a small handful to well over 100 .... and those same people along with development etc have changed the place from how I originally knew it.

    Good or bad? I'm still thinking about it ...

  7. Do miss filling up my gas tank for baht 100 max, a wee bit more costly these days.

    Don't miss having to carry a wad of baht along in my pocket when on an upcountry jaunt, nice to have ATMs all over the place now.

    Don't miss the passenger ferry there at the Nong Khai-Thaduea crossing to Laos, was tough in the dry season with the Mekong really low toting one or two suitcases down and up the stairs.

    Nice having aircon in the taxis, don't miss the old Datsun Bluebirds with the meter, used exclusively for holding the driver's hat.


    B8/litre I think, there were no B1000 notes, only the huge B500 things.... and B10 notes too! Yes, very few ATMs and come to think of it, very few 7/11s! The old BKK taxis with NO meter!! Everywhere you wanted to go, you had to agree a price first .... got stung quite a few times I did!! :(

  8. Not sure if being here 20 years qualifies me as being an old timer, but to answer the question, I still love it here and would live no where else.

    I first came to Thailand working for Jack Nicklaus and lived in Pattaya for 11 years. After the kid came along I still enjoyed living there, but did not feel it was a suitable place to raise my child, so we packed up and moved to Chiang Mai and have been there ever since.

    Yeah, traffic has gotten worse, it's allot more populated now and it seems that there are allot more <deleted> around, but I just stay away from all that as much as possible and try to keep to myself.

    As far as the Thai's go, I never had a problem with them and still don't. They seem to be as hospitable and accommodating to me as they were the first day I arrived. I know you read threads on here about all the bad things that go on, how people are scammed, robbed and all the bad road mishaps, road rage and so on, but Jezzz, it was always a hit and miss when going out on your bike or in your car for a ride. There's just allot more people out there now (Forieners) and so your bound to hear more whining from people who think everything Thailand should be as in their own country.

    I live up on the side of Doi Suthep in Hangdong, Chiang Mai and that is where I will most likely take my last breath. There must be allot of other old timers here that feel the same as I do towards this wonderful country we now call home.

    Don't let all the negative post in this site be of much concern as some people just like to bitch and see their own words in print. I believe most of the old timers would rather keep our mouths shut, and let the newbies loose all the sleep over the not so important things. One day they also will become old timers and will have gone though a change in attitude, at least one would hope. If not, then their in for a long hard road....

    I'm sure you'll qualify with 20 years under your belt! :) (The 11 years in Pattaya might add 30 though!!)

    The traffic has got worse, agreed, not so much for the amount of foreigners coming here but IMHO the amount of motorcycle drivers etc who have become able to get cars/pickups or whatever on very easy credit terms. The 'locals' are still some of the nicest people you will ever meet (outside the tourist areas) and I'm sure a lot of 'visitors' could learn 'hellova' lot here and take their 'learnings' home with them.

    A question for you though ... 20 years ago did you see the same amount of farangs/foreigners/westerners as you see now?

  9. Back in the day.... I remember first reading the lonely planet and wondering why after reading Joe Cummings' comments would anyone bother coming to Thailand - it was clearly better many years ago and we've missed the boat.

    Having been here 15 years the major changes I have seen are

    > The fluctuations in exchange rates: 35b/£ to 90b/£ and back to 40b/£.

    > The skyline of many cities has changed dramatically.

    > The sky train while not really improving traffic has improved many journeys across town at busy times.

    > Gone are the days where I get a beach hut for B120 purely for the experience - Its comfort and aircon now !

    The major change has perhaps taken place in me, It's impossible to tell if this change has occurred due to getting older or whether its Thailand's influence. I suspect a combination of both....

    Am I an old timer ? I'm not old (mid 30's) - Perhaps a mid-timer...

    I remember 31B/£ and whenever it went above 35 I was happy!

    The skyline has changed incredibly, but, having said that so has the skyline of most cities. As for changing in oneself, of course but as one gets older one always relates to 'back in the old days ....'


  10. I loved it 20 years ago and I love it now. To me it has just gotten better and better as I can finally get good International music, food, books, TV shows and movies easily.

    The only thing that I miss from the old days is that other Westerners were mostly happy to be allowed to live here and did not moan, whine and complain as much. :)

    But, was it not an appeal then that you could not get 'international music, food, TV shows etc;? The 3 hour journey from Don Muang to the city, the taxis with whom you had to barter a fare. The 'looks; one used to get ..... I miss all of that.

  11. I had the unfortunate experience of staying in ICU at BSH a few years ago. It was my choice for going there, was in Nathon Hospital but wanted to be somewhere with a bit more care/a few more facilities etc (without saying anything negative about Nathon Hospital).

    The care was spot on, too good in reality but that may well be a reason for keeping people on there. After 6 days (in ICU), I got this feeling that they, BSH were only keeping/advising you to stay there for their own financial gains. I detubilised myself, yes, a new word to me too and transferred to a local private hospital on the mainland in the town in which I lived. (6 days in BSH would have equated to around 3 months care in a 'good private' hospital on the mainland!

    Great care, yes, but at a huge personal cost if one is not insured.

    FYI, my injuries were pretty bad, 14 broken ribs, broken scapula, punctured lungS, broken foot, broken hand plus a few other minor injuries.

    Their new slogan should be: Yes, we'll fix you but break the bank! Luckily for me ...................

  12. This thread is for the old hands. Comments from others are welcome.

    For me, this country before the advent of the internet, cheap airfares, the addition of expressways, the skytrain, the subway et al was much much better than it is now for the sole reason that it remained 'undiscovered'. Since the advent of the internet in particular, the numbers of 'foreigners/westerners' has escalated in uncountable numbers and that initial 'feel' has gone. What are your thoughts? Has Thailand lost its initial appeal?

  13. Political instability has been here for years, decades even. How many people died during the 70's riots. There was a coup in the 80's and I personally have seen 3 different coups/attempts at Government since then. Rice farmers in suits to native businesspeople have no interest at heart except their own.

    Just another short episode in the never ending novel of Thai political life.

  14. Couldn't be bothered reading all posts but the UK is in general a lot cheaper than Thailand. Exceptions are accommodation, tobacco and fuel. Pretty much anything the Government can take a tax from. I didn't include alcohol because buying beer (not so much top shelf)is inexpensive indeed - especially from supermarkets ... buying in pubs are an exception. Pretty much 50-60p/pint/bottle from the supermarkets with their deals can be found every day.

    The times of Thailand being inexpensive are nowadays a big fallacy! Thailand has caught up with and in some cases overtaken the western world. Sure in Nakhon Nowhere, a large Singha will be B55ish - the same as if not more expensive than the UK!!

    How much have you paid for a beer tonight? B50 = £1, B100 = $2, B150 = £3 etc ....... the tourist areas are charging up to B200+ for a small beer.

    So ... in general, cheapest beer in Thailand starts at around B45/bottle

    UK 50p/B24/bottle

    Work it out. (I work in beers!)

  15. I seem to recall Chatuchak once had had baby tigers for sale. I remember the crocodiles and baby bears too. Then, as usual nothing was said. Last time I was there it was the old puppies, kittens, reptiles and fish. Didn't see what was once there .... hidden away? I'm sure if you ask the right person you'll be able to get whatever you want.

    Some people don't/won't care at all as long as there is some kind of financial reward at the end of the deal.


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