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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. few people can these days, and I am referring to matters of much greater importance than this
  2. you are wrong bud it's at least 30 years take no notice I'm just being pedantic I know what you meant
  3. this entire fabricated rubbish is probably part of a sophisticated marketing campaign to advertise a $hit song
  4. looks like somebody has just "woke" up and now finds racism in songs he hasn't even listened to
  5. please explain why my previous post gives you that impression. I clearly stated that I considered the linked article insulting to Thais RSVP
  6. Again on this thread a very small yet very vocal minority take it upon themselves to dictate what others should and should not do, based on their own panic driven insecurities. And in effect doing the work of the authorities by promoting the narrative.
  7. Indeed nobody knows, that much at least is true, Nobody should be criticised for exercising their right not to have been vaccinated
  8. I would also rather avoid catching a cold too, or stepping in dog $hit for that matter but I have not taken to posting on here about the fact, with an almost evangelical zeal, handing out advice to people on the measures I think they should take, Should problems regarding the vaccine turn out to be true in the fullness of time, some "lay people" on here are going to feel pretty stupid for applying pressure...
  9. "One netizen admitted the video was insulting.“I feel bad when I learn the meaning of this song. It makes me sad to see foreigners using the song to make fun of Thailand, but it was even worse to see Thai people joining the trend." followed by "Some netizens thought that the song was good for Thai tourism and that it would help foreigners know more about Bangkok, Pattaya, and Thailand. The heated debate continues" I saw very few negative comments on tiktok then I looked on U tube and there were no negative comments at all from Thai So in my opinion the article in "The Thaiger" was far more insulting to Thai's, portraying them as oversensitive , and taking themselves too seriously which in my experience is just not true A pathetic piece of clickbait at best, as expected from that excuse for an online newspaper
  10. in reality nobody knows, despite what "experts" say I know plenty of people who are still alive despite ( or because) they didn't have the vaccine
  11. Ah yes the wonderfully modern Move Forward Party starting to show their true colours with a truly liberal and progressive stance, I remember well all the liberal minded members on here extolling their virtues. demanding that their wives vote for them, and whining on about democracy and the will of the Thai people I always said we would be better off with Prayut. This, the new tax rules and weed reforms are starting to prove me right Not far right, but right so far. again I wish I was Wrong
  12. At the end of the day. what is wrong with keeping an open mind, Its not normal to be so blinkered
  13. indeed Except most clips contradicting the narrative were and continue to be removed so that's backfired on you, hasn't it
  14. gullibility being when you believe everything you are told without question
  15. So its all down to, " typicality", past performance of "similar" products and the confidence of a guy with a german sounding name I always assumed there would be a bit more involved considering the worldwide vaccination intentions It didn't already exist, it was a new drug, mixture , recipe whatever you want to call it hardly time even for short term results , like i said side effects like sterilisation won't be surfacing for at least 15 years. you cannot possibly be certain or do you know more than your letting on maybe none the jabbed will be here in 15 tears
  16. a fine example of which would be the GT-200 detection device pantomime which took place here about 20 years ago do you remember that ? A real case of the emperors new clothes involving many of the elite here. Once the top guy has spoken the others will comply
  17. I might have misunderstood your last comment, apologies if i did, but you should have wrote somethimg
  18. I bet the list of directors and shareholders makes interesting reading
  19. Unless one worked for pfizer on the development or promotion of the vaccine, or was actually part of the approval process or committee,( in which case they probably have immunity anyway) How could, or why would anybody refuse to accept the the vaccine may yet be proven to have significant negative side effects, why would anybody flatly refuse to accept current evidence, and how could anybody without the ability to see into the future be so incredibly sure of future developments of lack of them. Its really quite astonishing
  20. little Pharma and plenty of others did very nicely out of it too this thread being a fine example
  21. Pfizer and all the others, were gifted governments who did not have a clue what to do, and who had also fallen victim to their purposely self generated panic and desperation, so, armed no doubt with some of the best medical sales people on the planet, coupled with a well known veracity for making as much money as possible and as a bonus an immunity clause were onto a winner from the start. they could have presented saline solution as a vaccine and it would have been approved. Didn't they claim it had a 96% success rate, how did that stand up in reality. Once the powers that be said "yes" nobody else disagreed, and if it turned out to be wrong they are unlikely to admit it They were trying to give it to 6 month old babies for god's sake
  22. so rare it was withdrawn Yeah right and not that promptly either You may remain convinced by what you are told I do not. maybe I inherited my scepticism from my mother, who thankfully refused to take Thalidomide, which was also approved, and no doubt under a much longer timeframe as emergency protocols were not deemed necessary for morning sickness.
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