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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Its not "ALMOST" like they don't give a stuff, they actually genuinely don't and here's the proof.... If they cared they would petition the government in sufficient numbers, demanding that something would be done, if there was still no improvement the calls for change would continue, eventually some clever politicians would realise it was a vote winner and it would be included in their manifesto. This to my knowledge has never happened, Consider this, at election time one political party campaigns strongly on road safety, guaranteeing an improvement , but when questioned how they will finance it, they are forced to admit that there will be costs involved, so a small increase in tax will be required, or money will at least have to be diverted from other populist projects.Or maybe funded by a significant increase in punitive fines for traffic violations. The opposition on the other hand simply promises to hand out 10,000 baht to every Thai over 16 years of age, funded by a similar, but slightly increase in income tax. Who do you think would get the most votes ? Bearing in mind that they don't even care enough to have petitioned the existing government, the answer is obvious at least to the politicians That pretty much is how things work, isn't it? I'm pretty certain that there is more concern expressed about this subject on this forum than on all other Thai social media put together, the Thai "netizens" whilst generally outraged about just about everything, are conspicuously quiet about road safety. The only ones who care enough to complain vocally are a few ex-pats on here, any of those who think the government cares what they think is sadly mistaken, ex pats are not part of the electoral process, no need to worry what they want QED as they say
  2. He's divorced, why would he care what she thinks? Why do you care ? It was not exactly a "date" and She is not a kid. I doubt he reads this forum so if you really want to know the answer to that question, you will need ask him yourself, to his face and not from behind a keyboard Good luck with that by the way. He may not be Mike Tyson but he would make short work of you
  3. I doubt they have the money to fund UK style patrol's. And looking at the responses to the threads on here relating to the possible proposed changes to the tax burden that may be placed on ex-pats. few are willing to contribute. Would that change if the money was destined to be used solely for a road safety upgrade or to put more traffic cops on the road. ? Of course not
  4. Can't argue with that either, I avoid Bangkok like the plague both as a motorist and pedestrian. I can't think of any better analogy than "living in hell" Hope you find a way out
  5. That's pretty much what has happened in the UK The motorist is under attack from every angle, Its not fun to own a car anymore I would rather drive here. At least I can devote my concentration 100% to avoiding other drivers as opposed to worrying about Speed cameras, ANPR cameras, ULEZ zones, 20mph limits, Permanent traffic jams, Miles and miles of coned off motorways with no work being carried out. don't get me started on the so called smart motorways with no hard shoulder, and potholes everywhere that would put Thailand to shame. etc etc etc I know where I would rather be , and here I am
  6. Have you ever tried actually stopping at a pedestrian crossing ? Nobody actually expects you to stop, even pedestrians , except for a few naive first time tourists, will stand there waiting for you to pass whilst looking at you as if you are stupid. The chances are you will get rear ended, and it will cost you a lot more than 4000 baht if the police get involved.
  7. Pretty much summed it up, It is what it is (and always has been) clearly only a minor concern for the government and the general population. Until that changes nothing else will. It will remain as one of the negative aspects of living here. As an expat there are a few options, 1) Drive very carefully and defensively, 2) Sell the car and adjust one's lifestyle accordingly, or , if its a real game changer, 3) Move elsewhere not much else we can do, except whinge about it on here Personally I prefer option 1
  8. Bearing in mind what it takes to pass a driving test, It doesn't make any difference whether they have a driving licence or not. It is certainly not evidence of driving competence
  9. It not just about alcohol, many of them are just as bad sober, In order for alcohol to cloud ones judgement, one has to have judgement in the first place
  10. They have been doing that in Thailand for over 30 years, Its on TV every day , otherwise known as "The News" Its has had absolutely no effect whatsoever
  11. More like sorry officer, but the speed limit signs showed the limit was 60 and i was only doing 50. How was I to know somebody had altered them and the limit was actually 40. Had she been "decent" she would have stayed away would she not? From both a night club and a short time hotel. I'm not really a fan of victim blaming and its Somrak who is looking like a victim here
  12. Certainly braver than me, I would not jump into bed presumably naked with a champion boxer who i had just met, whilst I was illegally in a bar. what could possibly go wrong.? Nah nasty little gold digger
  13. Indeed, She and or one of her acquaintances are obviously old enough to know that doing exactly what you said , could turn out to be quite lucrative, This sort of thing is getting more and more common, how much did that woman get off prince andrew? and I don't think he was the first one she targeted
  14. The circus continues, Big joke gets involved , The girls mother apologises, and Sek losos missis broadsides the girl with a withering attack. The media should have been silenced over this until after any legal proceedings. Somrak, is obviously not the sharpest pencil in the box (not that i'd say that to his face of course) and is in danger of talking himself into trouble. He should have exercised his right to silence, if such a concept exists here. Is there actually any evidence of a sexual assault,? seems to me its her word against his, the rest is purely circumstantial At least they are sorting this here and now, and not 18 or so years later as is now often the case in the west
  15. I don't see anybody claiming that nutters like these speak for anybody other than themselves, and they certainly don't represent any silent majority. But their existence is an inevitable reaction to the left wing propaganda forced down people's throats by mainstream media on a daily basis. and drilled into the brains of the young by dysfunctional universities Good luck in your new world, populated and administered by TikTok influencers, Climate change fanatics, Rainbow warriors, Minor attracted people , Muslim sympathisers, Sharia law,, etc etc Where do you think the money is going to come from to fund the welfare benefits and health care system that will be required to support all that Once the police have been defunded and any military defence force has been long since been done away with, who will defend you from what will be the ever present threats, originating not only from "un-woke" countries like China, with world domination aspirations, but also from some of those that will be living amongst you. You won't last long if you are relying on an army of human rights lawyers and diversity consultants Neither extreme of left or right is capable of providing us with any sort of life that compares favourably to that which has existed in the past. but the presence of these nutters is a necessary evil, if only to balance the rhetoric coming from the seldom mentioned extreme left
  16. I don't mind the taste of Chang but it can be a headache in a bottle, regardless of whether I have 2 or 6 Been drunk on Lao Khao a few times and never got a headache The old chang from years ago (6.5% in the brown bottles) was lethal
  17. You have actually answered your own question, the ice is intended to remove the flavour
  18. Thailand doesn't need, or , expats don't want ? not the same thing really is it?
  19. Spot on , the phrase "far right" is completely misunderstood by the modern day wokies , its use as an insult is actually quite disrespectful to those who genuinely have suffered at the hands of real fascists. It is used not only as a pathetic well worn insult aimed at anybody they disagree with, but also as a kind of "stopping " word intended to end any meaningful discussion of a subject they feel uncomfortable with. Same as "denier " or words ending in "phobe" by attempting to discredit the person who's views they are attacking There is a simple reason why we don't hear words like "far left" very much , and one only has to realise the political leanings of the luvvies working in mainstream media to know why I used to be fearful for the future, but I am becoming cautiously optimistic, as the silent majority is slowly waking up, and there are more and more signs of a backlash
  20. I wouldn't bother arguing with any of them, as I mentioned in a previous comment on this story, you will probably find that the most of the outraged having a go at you, have daughters ( more likely step daughters) of a similar age and just can't come to terms with them getting boned. Its a common issue. But they need to learn to let go
  21. I wonder if that guy was the only one she had sex with that night !
  22. That's pretty much how I expect things to go down , although I cannot imagine any officer actually running Alternatively a trap door may open sending the unfortunate overstayer to the immigration dungeon directly below
  23. Will these machines work as they do in civilised countries ie relatively quickly, or will it be a "special Thai version" that will have to look at every page of your passport taking 10 to 15 minutes .whilst making people feel as intimidated as possible I can imagine the machines "dressed" in the familiar brown uniforms, equipped with piercing eyes, and of course only 30% of them actually working at any one time
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