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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Whenever I see the words "far right extremist" nowadays, I automatically assume it just means either a patriot, or somebody not "woke" The word has even less gravitas when it is used by the "Uber woke" BBC I must admit on this occasion they do appear a little more to the right than most that have been labelled as such, But when people see their cultures being slowly but surely destroyed by uncontrolled immigration , and many aspects of their traditional way of life threatened, for fear of upsetting muslim sensitivities , and the elected governments not only give the impression that they could not care less , but are actually pro active enablers of this disgrace then what else are we to expect. I predict a lot more of this kind of thing, as the democratic system is seen by many to be failing
  2. Well enjoy them while you can because once you have publicly apologised for accusing me of being a pedo, you won't be seeing them anymore. I'm actually surprised that you were not suspended, for that. I have been for a lot less.
  3. shouldn't he be posting in the Indonesian forum now
  4. indeed, they sussed him immediately without even seeing his passport, the members on here were a little slower off the mark, some even tried to give him advice, initially Not wanted in Thailand and not really welcome on here anymore
  5. Now then "georgina" you've got me interested. Don't worry too much about having thrown a particularly unpleasant insult at me, water off a ducks back pal , sticks and stones and all that. And I am prepared to give you this one opportunity to apologise. In return I simply ask that you kindly explain to me exactly what a "closet pedo" sounds like, maybe a few examples would help Furthermore, how does the sound of a "closet pedo" differ from the sound of an overt Pedo. You could do yourself a favour by also explaining how you know so much about this
  6. Not sure if I should tell you, it might spoil georginas fantasies There are a few clues here though
  7. of course he has no idea, But in my experience those who are quick to throw the Pedo insult around, generally don't stand up so well to scrutiny
  8. Jesus Christ where did that come from, " a closet pedo" a rather serious accusation based on what ?., a comment made to others that you were unable to understand Well there are probably 3 of us on here now that know you are an idiot, and a "van banger" you don't know what that means either do you.
  9. Sure they do , <deleted> happens out there , but its a world away from the subject of this thread
  10. Not for you to worry about ! Those who were meant to understand it will have done , whether they agree or not is a different matter
  11. Come ed lads us 051 ers are pretty much an oppressed minority back home, we should present a united front on here .
  12. Ironically that's the only ages when it probably isn't necessary to pay for it, We get a taster for free when we are young, Everybody ends up paying for it, and when married one is paying for it every day of ones life
  13. That was not the essence of some posts on here with people hurling veiled accusations of paedophilia at those in relationships with a significant age difference, no matter what the ages involved
  14. The age of consent is what it is , in the UK its 16, there is no grey area, after 16 they are fair game,, and as long as its consensual no crime is committed. Simple as that. The few on here bleating on about any age difference probably have daughters approaching or who have reached the age of consent, and just can't cope with the fact that their "daddys little girl" is now sexually active, and legally a woman! Lets face it an 18 year old lad is generally physically more capable of giving her a good hard rodgering 3 times a night than somebody in their 50's or 60's and probably less likely to worry about birth control
  15. I haven't seen anybody here suggest that women should be sexually available 24 hours a day, and , for what its worth, a 17 year old woman in many countries is indeed fair game whether you like it or not. Was the girl in this story working as a prostitute ? I don't think so , but I think it may have some bearing on the age of consent
  16. Whilst taking Photos may well be illegal , or at least frowned upon, using a phone is not. I entered at Suwannaphum last week and many people were showing the immigration officers their phones which contained copies / photos of their (presumably) e-visas Many people chatting on their phones too
  17. Whilst family , technically, can mean more than a wife or child, In the context of Visas that's just about all it can mean, and they would need to be Thai Nationals, For example visiting your non Thai relatives who happen to be here on holiday would count for nothing
  18. Still managing to avoid my question as to why his former occupation is relevant, You should have been a politician. Dodging questions whilst spewing out diversionary b/s.
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