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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. no more than you seek to control other peoples choice to accept that they are not actually women. Are you a transgender person ? are you now, or have you ever been involved in a sexual relationship with one? If you have well that's just fine and I hope you are happy and it would also explain your comments on this thread, However if you are not, nor have ever been, then your posts seem to indicate that you are either trolling, or have accidently slipped into virtue signalling overdrive! People who refer to men dressed as women in all seriousness as "she" are the same people who launch hate campaigns against actors who play the part of bad guys , and believe that the WWF wrestling is a genuine competitive sport Keep up the good work
  2. For gods sake its all about physical attraction its a beauty contest for women, and has nothing to do with life choices (other than the women competing should not be married) You seem very keen to see photo's of other peoples wives and girlfriends, presumably in order for you to state how they don't, in your opinion, match up to a man dressed as a woman. But the difference is, that the wives and girlfriends of other posters, are in fact, real women, and that makes them infinitely more attractive to a hetrosexual man, The idea of sleeping with a man dressed as a woman (no matter how "beautiful" she may have been made to appear) is simply abhorrent to any fully hetrosexual man. Sorry to be so blunt but that's how nature works. In my opinion the only people who would entertain the idea of having sex with a man who appears to be a woman, are closet homosexuals who just can't quite admit it to themselves, and, before you go into virtue signalling overdrive, I am not saying that there is anything wrong with that, I think you would find , when you take off the "woke" spectacles, that all posters on here, are all for people being allowed to make their personal "life choices", I certainly am, but , as far as this topic is concerned, if transgender people want to enter a beauty contest then they should start their own, great, and I'm sure it would be immensely popular, But what has happened here is no different to a dog winning a cat show, or a Cheetah beating a Racehorse There are only two genders (or whatever you call it nowadays) male and female, and one cannot become the other, it is impossible, but for people like you, it is a very inconvenient truth, The vast majority of the people on this planet however accept it as a scientific fact, for that is what it is It is also one of our "life choice" to accept this, You purport to be big on people's "life choices" but all of a sudden a "life choice" of the majority is unacceptable to you, to the extent that you choose to insult and attempt to vilify those who's life choices are different to yours, where I come from we call that hypocrisy. If a few men wish to dress, act, appear, like women that is up to them it's their "life choice" if they actually consider themselves to be women , again fine its their "life choice" But they can only ever be men acting as women. If society decides to create a sort of "sub gender" of men acting as women well why not, Lets even add it to competitive sports too. Easy enough to add two more categories , Men, Women, Men acting as Women and Women acting as men. no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to play But they can never actually be women and should not be allowed to compete against them But for people like you to demand that the rest of society indulge this minority in their fantasy, contrary to scientific fact, is dismissing and demeaning the life choices of the majority of society
  3. Sangklaburi although its nearly 20 years since I was there I was there I was quite impressed, quiet and a bit off the beaten track, not too far from Kanchanaburi and close to the 3 chedi pass / border crossing into myanmar, I only saw one westerner whilst I was there. Its in a nice location with a huge lake, Kayaks can be rented to explore, and the whole area is picturesque, There were not many resorts there at the time, only about 3 were listed in the lonely planet guide (at that time) but looking on google maps there seems to be a few more now, and the road seems to have been upgraded. I stayed at the P resort which was a really nice rustic place on the edge of the lake, individual stone chalets, nice bar area and a terrace overlooking the water, nice food. Well worth a visit, and was thinking of revisiting the place myself one day, Hope it hasn't changed too much
  4. nah it will do him good, help him cut the apron strings and turn him from a mummies boy into a man
  5. enough said, I cannot believe he actually admitted that! Come back Prayut all is forgiven, I would rather listen to him than Swift
  6. Possibly any or all of them could have easily taken coke in but it looks like only one of them either, put theirs down and forgot about it , or, dropped it and maybe had difficulty bending down to pick it up unassisted. I wonder which of them would be the bookies favourite
  7. Its a bit more widely used than back in your day, These days all sorts of places/ people at all social levels are tainted, from the lower classes and UK's "council estates" to.... well, the son of the President of the USA and Whitehouse now apparently
  8. Ah but the toilets were used by both sides, so they are probably both guilty, no political advantage to be made by making accusations, it would only end in stalemate
  9. can you name any other politician's political opponent, who had a drug addled son, and, where cocaine was found in his official residence or whatever the Whitehouse actually is
  10. It is not my intention to defend Trump and I don't believe I have. My intention is only to highlight the double standards applied when discussing him I have already confirmed my contempt for all politicians and my astonishment at people who openly admit to supporting any of them Not unlike teenage girls arguing about their favorite boy bands
  11. Highly unlikely in my opinion. Its also highly unlikely that any visitor to the Whitehouse would intentionally bring their cocaine with them Even in the unlikely but possible scenario that they wanted a selfie of themselves "doing a line" off the president's desk, why take the risk of using real cocaine? any white powder would suffice
  12. especially those in the throes of senility, dementia or alzheimer's or whatever affliction he suffers from
  13. For your "edification" The first sentence was actually a question ,Does anybody really believe.....
  14. I'm all for that but some on here will find a reason to whinge, they just can't help themselves
  15. So you met a bank manager of a bank were your GF has a loan, but do not know the name of the bank he worked for ?!! In what way is this "too much information" ?
  16. A predictable and somewhat pathetic retort I am not a Trump fan of a biden fan or a fan of any other,, I have a healthy contempt for them all ! as should everybody else. There really is no reason not to
  17. What is the issue with cocaine in the white house anyway ? is it just the technicality of illegality ? or is it something to do with a worry that major decisions with far reaching global consequences could be made by somebody whose judgement was affected by intoxication. If that is the case surely every bottle of alcohol should be removed, and what about where judgement is affected by senility ? no problems regarding that obviously.
  18. you think that politicians never capitalise on the mistakes of their rivals...Ok up to you you think that Trump was never criticised for things he said .....Ok if you say so And you think that known drug users and their associates being subject to enhanced security is not a no brainer. Well tell that to the police and airport security authorities around the world With a mindset like that it's understandable that you consider it all over the top silliness. But i am certain had this happened during Trumps presidency you and all the others would be commenting in a totally different manner
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