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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. If it had been Trump of course there would no possibility that it was planted ?
  2. Of course Trump is going to comment on this, isn't that what politicians do generally ?, one side messes up and the otherside makes a meal of it and scores a few political points. Its the same all over the world , Sometimes just saying the wrong thing can be career ending. Why should trump be any different? If the tables were turned it would be just the same, I remember they tried to have Trump hung , drawn , and quartered j for stuff he said in a private conversation in a golf course locker room years before he took office. Bidens son is a known drug user and the fruit generally does not fall far from the tree, both should be cavity searched every time they enter or leave the Whitehouse, there is no valid reason for them not to be In fairness the activities of Hunter Biden are sufficient grounds to have Biden Snr removed from office , he should really never have been allowed to run for president
  3. millions are hooked on valium, its handed out like confetti by the quacks. Yeah half the world has no issues, until they run out or try to stop.
  4. one does not need medical qualifications to see something is not right, Qualifications are only required to put a medical name to the problem
  5. A sign of the times when somebody with a net worth of nearly 1/2 a million dollars can be described as "poor". Many people can only dream of such figures
  6. The young and the gullible are all to easily indoctrinated, The biased censorship of facebook and others is not helping anybody discuss and debate matters openly . The fear of causing "offence" which is often used to excuse this, is nothing other than a distraction and a tactic to suppress what is for some a rather unpalatable truth
  7. Several years ago I applied for a new Non O Multi approximately a month before my existing one expired , I was in the UK at the time, There was no problem at all the Uk embassy simply stamped my old visa as cancelled and stamped me a new one in my passport. The red "Cancelled" stamp did occasionally catch the eye of immigration officers here, who where naturally curious as to why a visa had been cancelled, and by whom. but there were never any problems once I explained to them why Is that not possible anymore, have things changed?
  8. It would probably be fine at the moment, It isn't time yet for the 1st and no doubt highly publicised drugs bust for minor possession, but the way things are looking it won't be long before some poor unfortunate gets hung out to dry for a few grams as an example. If the person in question happens to be a foreigner the consequences will more than likely be more severe as will the media hysterics There is 15 minutes of fame out there waiting for somebody that's for sure In the meantime why bother its not hard to find , wherever you are going
  9. Do you think it is normal of even beneficial to separate siblings?
  10. So its your way or the highway eh? can't see this ending well, especially as he does not have to endure "your way" for much longer
  11. Poorest excuse for not learning Thai that I have heard for a long time, Good job their mother taught them Thai , and now they share a common bond that you can never be a part of. they can also bad mouth you without you knowing, and don't for a second think that they don;t Anyway the kid in question sounds like a typical Thai kid, a mummys boy who will never be able to cut the apron strings that bind him to his mother, and very likely that he's playing the pair of you Speaking english might improve his chances of a job but its not guaranteed, a lot of jobs require some intelligence, of which language is not an indicator, plenty of retards in the uk and every one of them can speak english
  12. Carlsberg did completely disappear at one time but it seems to have returned in a few places I'd forgotten about Federbrau not a bad beer in my opinion
  13. I can't understand why anybody uses the confused emoji, ever. It reminds me of those who vote "don't know" in opinion polls.The researchers should disregard them and simply move on until they find the next person with enough about them to express a yes or no opinion. Those who "don't know" obviously haven't a clue about the subject matter in hand anyway
  14. I'm with you on that nothing special about Beer Lao in my opinion either, no different to any other mass produced beer, as far I am concerned, although admittedly I'm no connoisseur and don't really drink for the taste, I will admit however that even I find "Archer" and "cheers" almost undrinkable I definitely prefer chang to Leo, and whilst I have no real issues with Singha I haven't actually drunk it for years nobody I know drinks it either I remember the 6.4% chang in the brown bottles, some of which were embossed with the word Carlsberg just above the chang label. ( what happened to carlsberg it sort of disappeared) It was a bit touch and go, sometimes foul and sometimes not too bad but a headache was nearly always guaranteed for me. I much prefer the newer brew in the green bottles, which I think was around the time the alcohol content was reduced and would rather drink that, than the very very similar but overpriced Heineken Does anybody remember the brew called "black tiger" ( no relation to the modern day "Tiger" as far as I am aware, ) and not unlike the dark Beer Lao. it was around about 25 years ago at the same time as "Black cat" whiskey but has long since disappeared. A pity as I used to quite like it
  15. More than just life's failures, it is also a way of attempting to mitigate the fatal stabbing of peoples parents, and an alleged case of self castration etc etc
  16. 25 + years ago Regency was around 400 bt a bottle It never seemed to get anymore expensive despite beer slowly increasing in price year after year no Idea what it costs these days I would imagine 500 bt + ? Regency for some reason, seems to enjoy some sort of special status as i regularly see adverts for it on TV in the late evening and whilst they may not actually mention the word "Brandy" it is patently obvious they are not promoting soda water
  17. I fail to see how they can actually keep a straight face , whilst contemplating the re-banning of cannabis "for the good of the country and the welfare of youth" when at the same time planning the further promotion of alcohol including the 40% ABV "fire water" spirits Suddenly their concerns for road safety, the well being of the vulnerable, and the concerns for the effects on the culture, not to mention the fear of offending Buddhist sensitivities and the medical consequences seem to have disappeared, like a puff of smoke And as for the anti cannabis stalwarts on here expressing their delight at the possibility, I find the hypocrisy astonishing
  18. I'm not sure how true it is. but I have heard several times that the importation of wine is ultimately controlled by just one or two well connected families, who have sufficient influence to manipulate the import duties , from which they are presumably able to benefit. Not that long ago, 5 years or so, there was a significant rise in the price of wine, a 5 litre box costing around 1000 baht morphed into a 3 litre box costing the same price.
  19. Could not have put it any better myself, good post I often intend to indulge of an evening but don't get round to it, sometimes there are just not enough hours in a day. Hardly indicative of a physical addiction, in my not so humble opinion
  20. Personally, I can painlessly transition from extended periods, often 6 months or more of daily use to similar periods of total abstinence, depending on my personal circumstances, without any ill effects whatsoever. and have been doing so for over 40 years. In my experience addiction has never been a "thing" and its only relatively recently that I first heard the word, "addiction" mentioned in connection to cannabis Purely psychological in my opinion, and It strikes me that many of the people claiming to be addicted are only doing so since somebody put the idea in their heads, (these upmarket and very expensive private addiction clinics have a lot to answer for in that respect) A self fulfilling prophecy , Its become almost fashionable, to follow celebrities into rehab, and somewhat indicative of a culture of "victimhood" and "counselling" which has been emerging generally for some time and has invaded many aspects of life. Making some people very rich in the process. Some people these days don't actually feel "offended" or "traumatised" until somebody else tells them they should
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