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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. So now there is no incentive "for me anyway" implying you speak only for yourself but an hour ago.... "Nobody with the funds to have a second home is going to come to Thailand from the western world plain and simple. " You were speaking on behalf of everybody with the necessary funds Has there been a very recent change in immigration policy ( like within the last hour) or have you realised that what you wrote before was just plain wrong I'll let you answer that
  2. strange why somebody with no intention of staying here would apply for a driving license and a bank account and then even stranger.. having opened a bank account deciding not to deposit money in the bank . not because you don't want to stay here, but because you feel you would be supporting the government. lol I'm sure they will miss your support I can do more than give you a break . I can offer you an alternative, Just leave and don't come back Problem solved
  3. Bearing in mind my assumed difficulty in understanding the English language as highlighted in another of your posts, I may be forgiven for thinking that you stayed in Mexico and South America for free! "0 costs to me" were you actual words If that is the case I would stay there I may not know what I am talking about. but I do know that $150k equates to over 5 million Baht which is far in excess of the money required for a retirement extension. I don't normally play the part of a grammar policeman but if you are going to question my English language abilities perhaps you should read what you wrote in a previous post... "Thailand got arragant before covid and no matter what they did mattered for tourism. China? the saving grace was Thailand's savior. What a joke. If Thailand would of had a brain they would of know China is in decline and Covid only speeded things up." No way that was written by a native speaker sorry
  4. well good for you, but i don't care whether you like it or not, why would I? But if you are so comfortable in a conservative muslim society then there are other places you may feel even more at home
  5. No incentive for you to consider as a place to visit ?? So I assume you are not actually here. So why on earth are you posting on this site.. Or if I am wrong and you are here, then why ? why did you come here ? presumably just to moan ? Or have you recently suffered some sort of "rejection" by the immigration authorities here. yours is a classic response to that possibility
  6. Clearly you do not travel "all over the world" if that was the case you would be more informed as to other countries more onerous visa requirements. Fortunately (for the rest of us ) you are under no obligation to return here so why not just save your breath (and your money) and go to a place that you prefer, Common sense really, why stay where you are not wanted ? when other places are so much more inviting. Or would you be bored from not having enough to whinge about ?
  7. Not a cheap charlie but you won't pay 1900 baht for a visa extension! ? 90 day reports are not an insurmountable problem for the many people who, contrary to your thinking ,do indeed continue to come to their second home from the western world.for extended stays and enjoy a stress free existence (90 day reports can even be done online now! are you aware of that ?) what recent changes have now caused you to consider that Thailand is now to be avoided at all "costs" the use of the word "costs" being further evidence of "cheap charlie" status can you not afford to put a bit of money in the bank over here and enjoy the freedoms offered by a retirement extension which is easily obtained at ones local immigration office with out needing to "jump through hoops" "Nobody with the funds to have a second home is going to come to Thailand from the western world plain and simple. " without doubt one of the most ridiculous statements I have read on here today , plain and simple
  8. Extremists who will be happy when they are living in their "free state " under their merciful sharia law soon enough it will be akin to Afghanistan. I doubt the general population are really looking forward to that
  9. History lesson part 2 60 years ago in Ireland both sides were killing each other it was never just protestants killing catholics, as for the rest of your examples of conflict the "religion of peace" seems to be disproportionally represented (as usual.) I see little to be gained by talking to or attempting to negotiate with extremists. The fact that some of these extremist groups don't talk to each other is a positive thing divide and rule being a common military / political tactic. If they all joined forces it would be a lot worse. To suggest that the Thai military purposely encourage terrorist activity as a form of job creation is beyond incredible
  10. You obviously have not researched things very well , with a multiple entry tourist visa there would be no need to pay anything to Thai immigration, and to suggest that the 2 visa runs required would involve "taking up all ones time is clearly either an exaggeration or an example of very bad planning bordering on incompetence haha
  11. I'm curious as to the average spend per head of the 218,000 Laotian "tourists"
  12. There is nothing whatsoever in immigration policy that is "set up for 2 week tourists" unless you know something that I don't ? The most basic form of entry (visa exempt) provides for an initial stay of 30 days and is extendable by a further 30 days It is far from impossible to stay here from 3 -6 months a multiple entry tourist visa would enable nearly a 9 month stay A single entry tourist visa enables a 3 month stay and when coupled with a quick in out border bounce a 5 month stay is easily achievable . Then repeat to achieve 7 months. Non of which is particularly onerous for the average traveller
  13. There are many examples of tourists and expats alike causing trouble and drinking illegally . of course there are not as many examples as there are of Thais behaving badly that might possibly be because there are simply not as many tourists. Many hardworking Thais that I know exhibit a live and let live attitude to the activities of others. and I have never heard them calling for more restrictive legislation to curb others enjoyment. Totally contrary to the killjoy attitudes expressed by some of the more self-righteous, members of this forum.
  14. Don't forget many on here have a deep rooted problem regarding any Thai being wealthier than they are, this article like many others is designed to fan the flames of that basically racist resentment
  15. There is nothing wrong with my ability to read or understand the meaning of your post, You clearly think "locals" are totally lacking in moral fiber, and as such are incapable of remaining sober without some form of legislation in place to enforce restraint or abstinence? Unlike yourself obviously ! How arrogant is that? I guess you don't have many Thai friends
  16. Shutting the country down for months was hardly putting money before health and safety, what a ridiculous statement
  17. Contrary to what you think ,most people are , like you. perfectly capable of exercising self control when necessary , there would need to be a blanket ban on alcohol to protect a tiny minority from themselves, Hardly a reason to restrict the night time economy or the chosen leisure activities and enjoyments of those on holiday
  18. And prove to the rest of them worldwide that terrorism is the way forward ! oh yes, that would be brilliant idea
  19. you "understand" that a very small minority are angry , having been whipped up into a frenzy by a handful of violent extremists , very thinly disguised as men of "god"
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