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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 1 hour ago, Robert Paulson said:

    Especially when it comes to 6 month olds and teenagers. I can’t even think about it without losing faith in it all. Who on earth cannot understand what’s going on at this point. 

    What will be next, ?  vaccinating the unborn in the womb ?  never say never eh

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  2. 15 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

    I have no problem with new variants becoming increasingly contagious. Still not as cotagious as measles though. The takeaway is that it is a non-serious highly contagious virus for the vast majority of people and is very similar to the common cold in the respect of symptoms and transmissability. 


    Again very much correct, but since when did governments allow the truth to get in the way of their intentions.   The same can  of course be said of the media who are far from blameless .

    Personally, I think, had covid occurred prior to the rise of the internet , things would have turned out very differently

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  3. 1 hour ago, Robert Paulson said:

    who would have vaccinated if they were told “you’re gonna need xxx boosters”?

    probably most people, when not being jabbed meant either "certain death"  "killing granny"  " never working again"  " unable to travel"  even unable to go to the pub,  spending the remainder of ones life" living effectively under house arrest" 

    Those were the stated consequences of not "falling into line" that we were all informed of at the time, as I recall

  4. 46 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

    being that Omicron is so infectious

    I  find these "infection rates" rather suspicious,   Every successive mutation of covid has been  described as somewhat less severe than the previously dominant strain, that appears to be one thing that all the "experts" do  appear agree on .     So the fear factor should also have diminished correspondingly, with each mutation.  But,to counteract this, the narrative required another angle so "infectiousness" became the buzzword, and each subsequent strain was accompanied with stronger and stronger warnings regarding transmission, but how infectious can something actually become?  eventually there must be a limit,  100% infectious?   "as infectious as infectious can be "?   

    Following that argument implies that future strains will be as severe as a dose of the sniffles, but just thinking about it could result in one becoming infected, so nothing much to worry about ?     Nah it was never going to be that easy, it can always be argued that it always has the potential to be fatal, even if that only applies to those of 100 years old with pre existing medical conditions. But never mind the fact that even a dose of the sniffles could prove fatal for those in that demographic.  Is dying from covid at that age any worse than dying of pneumonia or the common cold or anything else for that matter? We all die from something, and "natural causes" is really just a euphemism

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  5. 2 hours ago, MicroB said:


    Partial vaccination means the same as for any other vaccine; failure to complete the prescribed dosages. The number of dosages depends on the vaccine. The term is synonymous with "incomplete vaccination".


    For instance, if you have the HBV vaccine, which typically uses a recombinant antigen produced in yeast cells or hamster ovarian cells, you need 3 vaccinations before you can be considered fully vaccinated. The HBV vaccine gives 80% effectiveness against the risk of developing hepatitis. Conversely, the whooping cough vaccine (Pertussis) is considered non-sterilising, ie it does not stop infection, nor prevent spread, but it does mitigate the illness.


    The problem is the term "sterilizing vaccine"; a vaccine that prevents infection. Its a biological myth, because its based on how a disease is measured. The usual measure of the efficacy of a vaccine is the prevention of illness, and the disappearance of cases. In most cases, disease is determined by symptoms. But its actually impossible to demonstrate infection never occurred.


    The measles vaccine is held up as a highly effective vaccine; it virtually eliminates measles in kids. But, when vaccination levels falls, there is a resurgence in cases. The vaccine, it turns out, doesn't prevent infection events. It prevents kids developing measles (rash), but if you start testing for the measles virus, its still circulating among those kids.


    The paradigm for infection detection is increasingly molecular. In 2020, it was PCR. In the next pandemic, it will be CRISPR, with 1-2 orders of magnitude increase in sensitivity and specificity. The myth created by Danish physician Peter Ludvig Panum when he assessed the effectiveness of measles vaccination in the Faroes, in the 1840s, which he observed to be perfectly effective, will be eroded.


    The lay public, in general, do not understand how vaccines work. Why would they, its not a topic they paid much attention to at school.


    The HPV vaccine is near enough perfect in preventing cervical cancer in women. Its probably the most effective vaccine known.


    The Rabies vaccine, at most, provides 2 years protection, but more typically 6 months protection. One wouldn't quibble though about efficacy after being bitten by a rabid dog, like I was (and I had the early recombinant version into the belly).

    Thank you for the long reply, but it did not answer my question which was specifically regarding the covid vaccine,  maybe I was not specific enough ? after all I am "only" a member of the relatively uneducated "lay public" and as the covid vaccine was obviously never mentioned whilst I was at school, it is irrelevant whether I "paid attention" or not 

     My question was "What exactly is partial vaccination" ?  maybe I should have made it a bit clearer and actually asked "what actually constitutes fully vaccinated status in the case of the covid vaccine?"   because as an uneducated pleb I remain somewhat confused.

    You claim that " The number of doses depends on the vaccine" but it appears to me that the number of doses for the covid "vaccine" is  rather more subjective and depends on which  "expert"  that we choose to listen to, and  I seriously doubt they can all be correct. 

         First it was one jab.  Then 2 jabs, Then 2 jabs plus a "booster"  and so on and so forth. I believe Anutin , the public health minister has had 9 injections, (and still got infected,) and I clearly remember it being mentioned by President Macron of France that injections would be required every six months !  Is a "booster" actually any different to just another jab? As far as I am aware it is not and they are just pumping more of the same into us, so why use the word "booster" 

    So what constitutes "full" vaccination ? 1 , 2 . 3, times ? or is it really every 6 months for the rest of one's life ?  Does anybody really know ? does anybody really care?    And what is the effect on our immune systems of pumping this stuff into our bodies so often?  I really don't think anybody knows the answer to that, but I can imagine a lot of "experts" are keeping their fingers crossed.

     As another member on here has mentioned, those who remain unvaccinated appear less likely to become infected, my experience at work also indicates that this indeed appears to be the case 

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  6. 15 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


    Nothing is 100% safe.  If we used that argument just about everything would carry a warning or be banned. It's really tragic and people did die that's for sure. It's equally true that tens of thousands of lives were saved in the UK alone.  What was the alternative at the time? Permanent lockdown? Let nature take its course? Both would have led to millions of lives being lost.  Remember the virus was far more dangerous than the present mutation.

    Letting nature take its course would have been the best option, There are over 7 billion living on this planet most would say that is just too many,  Sometimes difficult decisions have to be made for the greater good. Sadly we don't have the right people in positions of power to make those calls

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  7. 17 minutes ago, ikke1959 said:

    It shows the lack of education by the parents....Our parents taught is how to behave in public, school, at home... but here the parents as shown don't care.. Same near my place there is a ricesoup shop and the youngest one is screaming as talking we can litteraly hear every word she screams....


    But nobody tells her the talk softly and she is already in her twenties.... No clue what they are doing

    Its not just here in Thailand. Its the same in the UK and presumably  all over the rest of the world.  I think its a generational thing, I put it down to a lack of discipline of and by the parents

  8. I can handle live or recorded music within reason, but what I cannot tolerate is peoples badly behaved screaming kids, running around and creating a nuisance.

    I was in a restaurant recently, and on an adjacent table was a large family with a couple of noisey brats , one of which was constantly screaming at the top of its voice , and as usual none of adults even attempted to shut it up. Then a kid on a table on the other side of the room decides to copy it, screaming at a pitch that must have been close to being able to shatter glass, this appeared to delight both sets of parents who for the next half hour actively encouraged their brats to scream at each other across the room, even commenting on how clever their offspring were.. Even when the little monsters grew tired of this , their respective parents started screaming themselves in a (successful) attempt to encourage them to continue. Oh what fun they were having.

                    The restaurant staff / management, unsurprisingly,  did absolutely nothing to help the situation either. I thought about complaining , but what would have been the point, I would instantly have become the bad guy.   So I paid up and left, the rest of the customers were starting to do the same as I walked out.    

                    kids under 10 should be banned from places like this, and don't even get me started about long haul flights,  what sort of idiot takes a 2 year old on a 10 hour flight, and why do they always end up sat close to me?

  9. 21 hours ago, bradiston said:



    Try this:




    And there are plenty more


    How do you know what margin of error they are supposed to have allowed? "Sounds like"? Totally worthless comment.

    not as worthless as  "estimates from 1.5 to 3 miliion"  which is not even what it said in the link you provided!

    Bit like me estimating my personal wealth as being between   £1 and £1.5 million which is technically correct but effectively useless  information

  10. 53 minutes ago, bradiston said:

    Estimated numbers of civil servants varies between 1.5 and 3 million. The largest employer in Thailand.

    Estimated by who exactly?      who ever it was they have allowed a rather large margin of error  Sounds like somebody has just pulled a number out of a hat .  Totally worthless "statistic"

  11. personally I have no interest whatsoever in how much any  Thai gets paid  whether civil servants or not. and I cannot understand anybody who concerns themselves with this . The only exception would be those who employ Thais, obviously it's useful to know what the minimum you have to pay them is

    • Sad 1
  12. 1 hour ago, giddyup said:

    I had a cheaper model B&W weed whacker previously, it ran faultlessly for 10 years, so I dispute the rubbish claim. Also been using an electric lawn mower for 10 years, also Chinese made.

    That was made over 10 years ago, your latest one lasted 8 months, you can dispute as much as you want, 

  13. 12 minutes ago, VBF said:

    I'm with you on that one.

    It's a win all round - no need for a trial, no expense of keeping the sh1tbag in prison for years and a warning to his cohorts - this could be you next time.

    And a 100% guarantee of no repeat offending that can be relied on.  Far more trustworthy than the considered opinions of some mealy mouthed, progressive liberal, woke probation officer

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  14. 2 hours ago, mikebike said:

    Nice. How to tell where y'all come from without saying it. "Weak police union" 😂😂😂 


    You think more civilized countries should feel the fear of barely trained yahoos with military grade weapons and a culture and union which protect them from barely a hint of reprisals from any, obvious, infractions of the law on their part.


    Well that sounds just dandy.

    That is not what he said really is it. ?

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