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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:


    While a picture only shows a fraction of a second, it is possible to look at what is happening and make certain assumptions.


    Assuming they remained like this throughout, you can see that they don't seem embarrassed, they aren't trying to shield their daughter, and they aren't even offering help. At the very least, they appear quite casual about the whole thing, which can obviously give you some idea about their attitude towards it.

    I would be reluctant to make any assumptions from the photograph , but probably most would act casual in this situation to avoid drawing attention to themselves, The father is stood behind her, maybe in an attempt to spoil the view for the other perverts,  how could they have helped her ? Squeezed her head a bit.

    If they are indeed Chinese they probably consider this completely normal and will wonder what all the fuss is about. 

    • Confused 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Lamar said:

    There's the "Xiaomi" logo on the father's backpack, so they're probably Chinese - at least not "Farangs", but they could also be Thais. It's really a minor thing, which doesn't deserve such a xenophobic reaction. The "Netizens" who take such photos and distribute them are truly sinister and mentally ill individuals! They are the ones who harm their country the most!

    Exactly it could hardly damage the reputation of anything if it was not plastered all over the internet along with all the hysterical outrage

    • Like 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

    Por and Piang were donated to the Livestock Development Department by Somchai

    Strange , I would have thought they would have been provided by a higher, "celestial authority" what with them being "sacred" and all that, As it appears that higher authority was not available. it was lucky Somchai was able to step in and help them out.   I'm assuming the reserves are necessary in case that the original choice are summoned back to heaven, for whatever reason.

      All very well as a tourist attraction but some here believe in this rubbish, The results could easily be skewed, by giving offering them some of the 10 year old rice which they would probably refuse, or maybe vomit if they did accept it

  4. 41 minutes ago, Jackbenimble said:

    You're missing the point. The location is salient and the fact that the parents clearly seem to let her do this all the time judging by the absence of embarrassment or shame on their part. 

    Peeing in public is not accepted behaviour anywhere that I know of........hence the public indeceny laws that exist. The exception may be China. 

    How can you establish the level of shame and embarrassment ?     or the "fact"  that they "clearly let her do it all the time "   you must have amazing powers

  5. 11 hours ago, AlexRich said:


    Thanks Keith ... the point that I was making is that this happens quite often. And you and another poster have given personal examples. 



    Like you.

       Thanks indeed "Kieth"  for an amusing anecdote :cheesy: A" high level doctor" :cheesy: drugged and robbed by a prostitute in Thailand,  well that's certainly something we don't hear about very often.

              Any way so far 3 cases all of which apparently occurred "years ago"   more than likely the perpetrators were ladyboys and the "drugged"

    part was a pathetic attempt to save face.  What exactly is a high level doctor, or a low level doctor come to that?    You are clutching at straws, and starting to look ridiculous give it  up. It does happen, but not "quite often" except in your imagination 

  6. 2 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    How much is he making out of cannabis?

    We have a similar situation in the UK, they have proposed measures to reduce tobacco smoking, but a certain politician is paid way more (by BAT) than the taxpayer pays him to stop it from happening. The same was happening when he was health supremo.

    Why do you care how much he is making out of cannabis, they are all making money out if something, that's the way of the world.

    As a Uk taxpayer I don't pay my taxes with the intention of creating a nanny state, I would much rather they addressed more pressing issues, They could start with immigration, cost of living, unemployment , and the economy, People choosing to smoke is none of their concern, 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Expat Tom said:

    Can someone explain to me why elected officials who were NEVER associated with the military dress like a 30 year general officer bedecked in full military regalia including rows of ribbons? It reminds me a the old days of the "Banana Republics" and South American Tin Pot officials.. For those who never served in the military, each of those colorful ribbons are supposed to represent an award or metal. Which of those ribbons represent Songkran 2005 or the seminar attended in 2011? What ever, they love their military dress. For those of us who actually served in real militaries, it is quite amusing. 

    You answered your own question  "banana republic" and "tin pot officials"  For those of us that did not serve in the military uniforms and medals are always amusing, who ever wears them. Reminds me of overgrown  boy scouts

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 2 hours ago, tubber said:

    You want this guy for PM? Didn't you see him on the news ranting at filthy farangs for spreading Covid?

     Some "fragile"  people are unbelievably still obsessed by this , But he was absolutely correct , some are filthy.  Although whether that is a factor in transmitting covid is a different matter.     Do you think any of them actually like foreigners?  

  9. 1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

    Thank you. That’s the point I was making. This is happening a lot more than people think, and most of it is not reported. 

    Expect Rent-A-Troll to be around in a minute to explain that it must just be your imagination, and you must have dreamed it all after spending too much time on Google and Facebook.

    I accept that it happens just not that it happens a lot.   The post which you replied to reinforces what I'm saying, you should read it again, and read exactly what was said,  slowly , especially at the end here it is again for you...


    "While very rare, I don't believe this attempts are the urban-myth some make them out to be, although many may feel terrible the next day and suspect such 'spiking' of their drinks, but its usually because of the cheap bootleg liquor they have been drinking"


    So its not exactly the point your were trying to make at all is it ?     "very rare"  pretty much what i was saying

  10. 1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

    How often does that happen? And when did you last read this in the news?

    just paraphrasing your very first post asking me the above questions. The fact is you don’t care what the answer is, because it’s really all about the trolling. 

    No its about calling out people who spout rubbish

  11. 2 hours ago, AlexRich said:


    And you're some old man who doesn't understand that Google is a search engine, and when you google about people being drugged and mugged in Thailand it comes up with numerous articles ... from newspapers!!! Written by journalists, based on research not rumour or innuendo. 


    You're another one of these waste of space trolls who constantly asks people for "evidence" that you have no interest in looking at or acknowledging. 



     Well it appears that you are one of those people that has difficulty understanding what they have read  Show me  were I have asked you (or anybody else for that matter for any "evidence"    You won't be able to because I have not, the reason being that I don't really give a To$$ about your evidence.

       I did however advise you to review your sources and not to believe everything you read on google or the newspapers which as you correctly state are pretty much the same thing 

  12. 9 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Indeed...   just a circle jerk of like minded bitter mongers who've convinced themselves (and perhaps each other) that they are the norm... 


    I can't think of anything worse than associating with these over opinionated mongy pests....  Its hardly surprising women don't either, so the pests have to pay for the experience and justify this by generalising their behavior and opinions... 






    I could  think of something  worse ,   It came to mind just now,  when I read your post

  13. 20 minutes ago, susanlea said:

    You must be very unhealthy. Go eat some meat and vegetables.

    most western  women resort to calling those lighter than themselves unhealthy, or even anorexic.   You should avoid cake and of course pies especially fish pie, remember a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips, but you don't need me to tell you that, I'm sure  Or are you just unfortunate to be cursed with "big bones"  Must be difficult shopping for clothes as a larger woman in Thailand, you could try some of the markets in Pattaya, its a long time since I've been there but I remember some of the vendors catered for the XXXXL western women. Might even find yourself some dungarees and Doc martins you could slip into

  14. 1 hour ago, thecyclist said:

    The immigration officer was fluent in Russian or did immigration hire a Russian as an uncover agent?

    There are many internationally recognised hand signals for sexual services, Imagine shaking an aerosol can, but without the aerosol can actually in your hand.    Get it ?      You could also stick out your tongue and roll your eyes back to the fullest extent. That would leave a sex worker in no doubt as to what was required of him/her   In fact most people would get your drift. Try it on the mrs tonight if you don't believe me

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