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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 17 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    His lyrics took on bit of a different meaning after coming out a bit.  


    All understandable back then, as celebs would lose jobs/$$$, if 'out'.  Especially actors, and certain roles would not be available any more.  So many leading men of days past were gay or bi.  Everyone in Hollywood knew, but not the public.  A few fake marriages & public relationships for smoke screens.


    Must have sucked living that lifestyle ... and not in a good way :coffee1:  Even today, it's not a good financial decision to come out.

    As I remember he didn't come out as gay but was caught with "images" on his computer, he tried to say he was researching the banks complicity in these matters by seeing if he could pay by credit card. He manged to get away with it , But there are rumours that the song "behind blue eyes" was actually a veiled confession due to the nature of the  lyrics,  

    Nobody knows what its like to have these feelings etc etc     I used to like that song but it does sound a bit weird now having heard that.

    He also admitted to being abused as a kid 

  2. 39 minutes ago, susanlea said:

    Thai women like me, especially my younger girlfriend.

     No surprises there, as long as you keep paying her, you will be fine, she will love you "longtime" or at least until you "dry up"

    But she'll probably grow out of it before then  , most of them do

  3. Do any "confused" Thai school kids visit this website?   If not the OP is a complete waste of time, 

    3 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Length of hair now gender-ized ... :cheesy:


    That explains it, I was a trans lesbian woman in my youth, and now I'm have a dyke haircut ... F'me



    ah yes Pete Townsend, very appropriate,  another one who "got away with it" as  I remember. No smoke without fire and all that  and His sort are never far from the alphabet community.  LGBGTIA+ etc etc or whatever it is these days,     sooner or later there will be a "P" in there somewhere or may be an "M" for M.A.P.       the new " acceptable" euphemism for fiddlers

    • Haha 1
  4. 31 minutes ago, cowellandrew said:

    Never going to win this one!


    I would have had the camon guy dish!

    And drawing attention to your weed farm great idea!

    Weed farms are not actually  illegal anymore , or did you not know that?  So  why should he worry about drawing attention to it?  

  5. 5 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

    That's funny. 


    So, basically you've walked past a bar once, seen something you didn't like, and tarred everyone with the same brush and assumed the same things happen and the same people are there everyday.


    Either that or you frequent them too. Enough to listen to the conversations to determine languages used.

    How long would it take you to realise somebody was speaking German , or  French ?  takes me about 2 seconds

    when did I say I walked past a bar and when did I say it was only once?  

    And maybe its not the same people that who are there every day , but the people who are there everyday are  pretty much the same. Drunken losers with no better way to spend their time and money, but I guess you know that all too well.  

    I don't find it funny at all , just sad to be honest.   And the saddest of all are the losers who "own" the bars, or think they do,  especially the ones who have never had any previous experience, doomed to failure, every one of them, and quite rightly so. Farang type bars have no place outside of the usual tourist ghettos.


    • Sad 1
  6. 1 hour ago, JimTripper said:

    Well, where I am I have a neighbor that keeps having different women over all the time. He's an older guy and from what I can see does not have much going for him. My guess is that the women are prostitutes. I have not asked them, it's just a feeling I get that he is involved in the utilization of the services of prostitutes.

                   Absolutely shocking, I'm speechless, My advice would be to approach one of the women and ask  her direct to her face, once you have established that your concerns are justified you can decide on your next course of action. 

                  First you could confront him directly, ask him what the hell he thinks he is doing and demand that he stops.  If that fails you will have no option but to inform the authorities, although which authorities to inform?  just inform them all to be sure,  and If you know his nationality you could inform the relevant Embassy of your concerns too. If you haven't already , and I'm guessing you have, try to keep a detailed log of all the comings and goings as evidence, videos taken with your mobile phone would be very useful.

                  Of course the other far easier  option is to keep your nose out of other people's business and try to get a life of your own or if you just can't bear do that, then simply move house and try to put the whole sordid business behind you.

    " involved in the utilization of the services of prostitutes." I have never heard that phrase used on this website before.  priceless:clap2:

    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

    That they are trash. 


    That they are not normal.


    That they are of many nationalities.


    That they spend every waking hour on a barstool drinking Chang.


    Just a few bits you claim to know.

    unless one is either deaf dumb and blind or painfully thick is doesn't take long to establish a few basic facts about people. And it really is not necessary to spend many hours in or even near to a bar to understand the type of people who frequent them,  i'll help you out, 

    Nationalities are easily identified by language, for starters, It is not necessary to spend time actually in bars to see who the regular pissheads are, just a casual glance whilst passing reveals the pasty faces of the hard core regulars the distended beer bellies are also a give away.

    I'm not sure what kind of people you consider normal but I don't include alcoholics and aggressive drunks in that category, Anybody who continues drinking whilst covered in their own fresh vomit is trash in my opinion. likewise somebody who is carried to their pick up blind drunk and having pissed their pants is trash as far as I am concerned  That's how I view things, you may have different standards, you may even be ex SAS or special forces like some of them , Maybe its different for those who have served?

    • Agree 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    There used to be a poster on TV calling herself Misandry. The female mirror image of BritManToo.

    Perhaps susanlea is a reincarnation.

    Possibly lol  but in this day and age it could easily be a hairy arsed scaffolder who now identifies as a woman, its quite fashionable now apparently

  9. 37 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I'd live on Zinger burgers if only KFC were a bit nearer.


    Still 2x 7-11 ham and cheese toasties and a packet of Fox's ginger crunch creams did the job.

    Had a nice swim now back on the sofa ...... Think it's gonna rain!


    Big decision to make now, frozen daiquiri or iced tea.


    What did you have for lunch?

    She probably just munched...on a rug

  10. 44 minutes ago, susanlea said:

    Large belly and 3 inches in your case.

    Even if any of that were true it would be 3 inches more than you have had for a while.  Never mind you have my sympathy. it can't be easy being a white woman in over here, men just aren't interested in you are they, and Thai women despise you, Even for Thai men its normally a one off event out of curiosity more than anything else, very few asian men ever go caucasian full time.  

    I didn't realise women were allowed on the general forum, not now that those nice, woke men in admin have provided them with a wimmin only "safe space" I guess its a sign of the times that we will just have to live with    or ignore

       Anyway its 4pm, my mrs is busy dutifully  getting the washing in before it rains, maybe you should be doing something similar

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, impulse said:


    Doesn't matter what I think... You're the one who's either satisfied or not.


    The guys I was referring to are the ones that the maid finds after they've been dead a few days and nobody missed them.


    Those who die alone in the UK are not normally discovered by "the maid"   normally the stench of a rotting corpse is noticed by either a neighbour, the post man, or the bin men, and reported to the police

    I think the guys you refer to lead a similar life here to what they would back home , most have few friends or family left after the messy  divorce, most are too old to work or would have their benefits stopped if they did . and whilst I quite like Wetherspoons, it doesn't compare very well to some of the bars one could sit in over here, not that there would be much money left for beer in the UK after paying the gas and leccy bills

    • Agree 1
  12. 1 hour ago, digbeth said:


    I've never seen anything measured in actual 'hun' most of the time they just substitute it for eights of an inch, There's Chinese inch 寸 which the hun is based on which is actually 1.3 imperial inch and the 'hun' is 10th of that, they're roughly 3cm, not a problem for hardware like rebar or pipe fittings that's supposed to screw together but the actual measurement is 31.7 for the 'hun' or 33.3, confusing and starting to creep in more as I've noticed measuring tape from China that looks like inch on one side but not quite right.

    I think the "hun" is more like 3mm not 3 cm   I once bought a tape measure here that was graduated in feet and "tenths" the tenths were marked as if they were inches, took a while before i realised lol

  13. 20 minutes ago, arick said:

    Then you have other Thai men that travel all the way on the bus from Bangkok up north just to be with their adopted son for the long weekend because their parents have died.

    Yeah right, I've lost count of the number of posts regarding that "common" occurrence  which forum would that sort of thread be in ?  The jokes forum perhaps. Where else would one come across such stories , Ripleys "believe it or not "

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