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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. You contradict your self, You claim it was stamped out then state that it has moved "on line" so is it stamped out? or has it moved on line
  2. Well in the 1st sentence I said that it wasn't aimed specifically at tourists, Nothing in the original post or in your post would contradict this so why do you say i am wrong ?? In my second sentence I said that the "tourist sex trade" had been decimated by Covid. How could you possibly say that is wrong ! Just because you saw a couple of freelancers doesn't mean its business as usual, and not every guy walking down the road with a girl is a client walking with a hooker. Do you just like disagreeing with people
  3. I think you guys are panicking over nothing, this is not aimed at "tourist sex". That has been decimated by covid already and does not exist at present so they are not going to be wasting their time there. This is an overhaul of the lucrative internal domestic sex business. I would imagine that due to the financial pain felt by many at the moment, some new outlets will have been set up. some of these will be interfering with businesses owned by influential people and so will need to be eliminated, These new businesses will in many cases be run by very unsavoury gangster types, the established "elite" owners couldn't take them on in a street war type conflict so they simply pay the police to do it . A few others not considered as competition will be allowed to continue and will be run by the police. These kind of things happen quite regularly, kind of like a financial spring clean. These initiatives are not dreamed up by the police themselves, that would be way above their payscale. these are orders received "from above"
  4. I was going to say "you couldn't make it up" but obviously somebody has ? three sub "varieties" not exactly a medical term is it. The U.K "variety" being the worst, for gods sake what motivates people to issue false news like this ? and even worse what motivates people to pass it on. Do you get some sort of satisfaction spreading fear ? should be ashamed
  5. Thats a bit weird, That you know exactly how many times a day people shower, dont you think ? You should never believe the british press
  6. I think they don't need to worry about the next vote, I'm pretty sure they changed the system and they can remain as pu yai till they retire at 60
  7. Those people wont be learning Thai anytime soon, most of them will have never been to Thailand
  8. They are not actually offended as such, its just "virtue signalling" it what they teach the stupid ones that they have to allow to go to "university"
  9. Yeah, handy to know the races involved so we can keep well away from them
  10. I wouldn't worry too much, I doubt they will be reading this, and even if they are, who cares? be honest
  11. Its not rocket science is it ??? Dark skinned community = community of dark skinned people what don't you understand as opposed to pale skinned community which would be Caucasian, interestingly also sometimes referred to as palefaces by others.......is that racist?
  12. I was thinking "oh you poor sensitive snowflake", but I changed my mind after some thought. Be honest you've never been to Thailand have you ? You've stumbled across this obscure website (dad's laptop ?) and you can't wait to throw your little "woke" tantrum thinking you've found some racism, where in actual fact none exists. In any case, Its hard for me to imagine anybody actually being as "offended", as you claim to be, by anything written in the above article, unless they have deep rooted psychological problems, but that isn't the case here is it ? You and your sort are not really offended at all, are you? so why do you waste your time typing that drivel? . I can think of two reasons, either you are just trolling, or, more likely, Its a pathetic attempt at virtue signalling, to show to your wokie mates how woke you are. Or a bit of both ! Just out of interest is the following statement of advice racist " When you are in Bangkok do not buy any precious gem stones from Nigerians on street corners". Or is it just good advice ? Or how about this true story... Among my friends there are 3 guys all called steve, so when the rest of us refer to them, in order to differentiate, we gave them nicknames there's "lofty" steve obvious really as he's 6 foot 8 tall, then there' s "goldie" steve its obvious why we call him that as he has a gold tooth, the third guy ,we just call "steve" because, well, obvious really........he's black, as the Ace of Spades (his words) Nothing racist there as most right minded people will agree, but i bet you are apoplectic by now, just by having seen the word "black" your sort are obliged to be offended on behalf of somebody, anybody!! I mean, it must offend somebody somewhere mustn't it? Well it doesn't, so keep your woke whingeing to yourself Your sort are not welcome in Thailand, in fact if the truth be known, your sort aren't welcome anywhere really
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