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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Thailand's "big problem" with illegal immigrants pales into insignificance when compared, for example. to the situation in the UK where tens of thousands arrive every year ! We even supply them with hotel accommodation , mobile phones , spending money and legal representation all funded by the state. If and when the decision is made to even think about deporting them we pay for them to be represented by a lawyer throughout an appeals process that can last virtually indefinitely In the unlikely event that the decision is made to deport them it can be stopped by some faceless bureaucrat in Brussels and the whole appeal starts again Thailand seems to be much more efficient in dealing with their illegals I would say there is no comparison There are agents everywhere who assist people to obtain visas none of them are offering their services for free and none of those services are subsidised by the state I doubt there are any illegal immigrants here who are actually a drain on public funds. Just because somebody doesn't want to leave 800,000 baht festering in a low interest bank account does not really make them "undesirable" in the same way that somebody who is prepared to do that is automatically "desirable"
  2. I still could not care less about anything Mel Gibson says I would suggest that the obvious way to avoid infection and limit transmission of this disease is to limit contact with high risk people and those who have been in contact with them. But as it has been established exactly who is "high risk" no doubt you will be screaming homophobe at me yet again. I assure you I am not
  3. I have no Idea what Mel Gibson's comments were, neither do I care. But it appears I will have to wait until the disease is properly established in the hetrosexual community before you allow me to comment without you taking offence
  4. In a previous post you said that people indulging in certain sexual practices should wear condoms "it goes without saying" were your words and obviously is good advice, however you then repeatedly state that monkey pox is contracted only by skin on skin contact implying that condoms are not very effective in preventing transmission, all in all a little confusing However when I suggest education which would presumably include similar advice and maybe clarify things a little for all concerned you start screaming homophobia. So are you saying that "as a gay man" only you and other gay men are allowed to make practical suggestions and anybody else who does so is homophobic? By the way you have no knowledge of my sexual orientation despite what you think
  5. i don't recall the the words bisexual or homosexual being used in the OP However I am fully aware of the dictionary definition. but I fail to see the need to use countless other pronouns / adjectives MSM refers to men who have sex with men , that to me fulfills the definition of homsexual activity regardless of how these people wish to "identify" themselves In the same way that a phrase like "adults who have sex with children" fulfills the dictionary definition of Paedophile . And before the predicted outrage starts I am not implying that homosexuals or MSM are paedophiles. But this obsession with pronouns and how people "identify" themselves is not helping matters in anyway
  6. Not as predictable as somebody screaming "homophobia" where non exists I merely suggested that education regarding methods of transmission might be appropriate. I think you maybe a bit oversensitive
  7. Another Thai phenomena , If a dog bites you it seems to always have no owner , however should you hit one with your car people will soon crawl out of the woodwork demanding compensation for their "cherished pet"
  8. Considering the long list of currently endangered species, its pretty clear that culling can have an effect, in this case it would be the desired effect as far as most sensible rightminded people are concerned There is no room for sentimentality in situations like this, Those who disagree would no doubt feel differently if they themselves or their children became victims, Its not much fun making several trips to the hospital even if its "just" for rabies jabs
  9. Ok so its a rash with some anal "complications" which are probably side effects of the commonest form of transmission. Hardly cause for too much concern by most people. Education regarding the real purpose of that orifice might therefore have some effect on the progression of the disease. But fear of stigmatizing or even slightly upsetting the "community" most at risk will no doubt compromise any efforts to slow the transmission of the disease and consequently put the rest of society at greater risk of catching it
  10. Walking around Siem Reap one hardly sees any dogs ! If Cambodia can sort out a problem like this why can't Thailand
  11. 100,000 baht per month !!!???? what do you feed them on sirloin steak ??? you think these dogs actually "LOVE" you?? I think you may need professional help!
  12. "New Pandemic" that sounds a bit over the top when talking about what amounts to a "Rash" stop panicking people
  13. So if its a cargo space, why does it look just like a seat? They gave up trying to enforce that around 5 or 6 years ago
  14. People sitting in the pick up bed have obviously put their safety in the hands of a "higher power" and as such should be allowed to continue their journey unhindered
  15. Presumably someone knows, but the answer is maybe so "politically incorrect" they might never be allowed to tell us! If, as it appears , we are no longer "allowed" to tell things as they are , I fear the end of the world is getting closer and closer.
  16. I cannot understand why anybody would even consider living in Hua Hin and as for Cha am , words fail me
  17. Its all becoming very confusing as far as i 'm concerned, So men who have sex with men are not "gay" anymore because they don't "identify" as such ? Does that mean for example that even though I smoke cigarettes I should not be considered a smoker as long as I don't "Identify" as a "smoker" ? or despite me enjoying a beer I can still be considered a teetotaller if I choose to Identify as such? What an absolute load of nonsense, it seems that the days of calling a spade a spade are long over, how can anybody be expected to take any of this seriously? How on earth has this been allowed to happen? Just out of interest what does the word "homosexual" mean these days? does anybody even dare to answer?
  18. I wonder if this kind of "news" ever actually gets reported "in real life" or is it fabricated by Asean Now purely to wind up the english speaking expat "community" There appear to be statements of this nature allegedly made at least once a week here by some "authority " or other and they inevitably invoke a very strong and usually very critical response by the stalwarts on this website. Why do you all even care? Admittedly I am not in the least bit interested in projected tourist numbers for my home country (UK) but I don't think I have ever heard the UK tourist authorities ever make these kind of statements , and ,even if they do , I cannot imagine , even in my wildest dreams that there are foreign language websites where people argue amongst themselves about tourist figures' Do some english speaking expats feel threatened in some way by these "news" stories ? Or do people on here have nothing better to do . Just wondering
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