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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. As has been pointed out several times, the captain is in sole charge of the boat, passengers have no control over where he drops anchor and i doubt any captain would appreciate a "troublesome" tourist trying to tell him what they think he can and cannot do. I suggest you try it sometime and see what happens. I would also suggest that people should inform themselves a little better regarding the facts of what actually happened in this incident before vilifying a possibly innocent tourist based on a photograph , his dress sense, his perceived nationality and the opinions of a few outraged "netizens"
  2. since when has smoking been discouraged for foreigners ? I think you are making things up or have been misinformed
  3. And how many people would want to live here then ? You can count me out for a start If you consider that system to be so ideal why not just move there ?
  4. I wouldn't bother arguing with him any more and when he's read what I'm going write now he will have a bit more to think about. About 20 years ago me and an irish guy bought an ex fishing boat and used to do (amongst other things) fishing trips at a popular seaside resort. We had a crew of 5 including the captainall Thais of course and all had worked on commercial fishing boats previously. Just like fishing with rods, trawlers have no control over what they catch, They told me dolphins occasionally got caught in trawlers nets and although they couldn't be sold at the fishmarket , they were considered a welcome addition to the menu for the crew, the young ones being the tastiest apparently ! I wonder if that puts things into perspective for him he didn't seem to like it the last time I mentioned perspective
  5. They don't care or even know if he broke the law or not. but that trivial detail won't stop them when there is a lynch mob mentality
  6. And why let facts get in the way eh? So, for the benefit of me and the others on here ,could you please advise on several legal points the first being the legal position of using an anchor in an area of protected coral reef ? the second being who is in legal charge of a boat A) the captain or B) a fare paying tourist ? In fact while your at it you could tell us all how far from the shoreline the no fishing zone extends?. and then give us your best guess as to how far from the shoreline the tourist was when he caught the fish ? take your time thinking about it I wouldn't want you to answer incorrectly and lose any credibility you might have left you could always pass on all or any of the above questions if you don't like the answers
  7. oh yes that would be normal behaviour for a tourist wouldn't it ? I can imagine the conversation .......... "fancy a days fishing tomorrow dear" ? "Oh yes that sounds like fun but can we make it the day after as I need to go to the marine authorities first to check out the credentials of the captain" "Of course we can't be too careful when dealing with those crafty Thais and whilst you are at it check that the bait is ethically sourced and that the boat runs on bio diesel too" " will do dear and whilst I am doing that could you study the local marine charts and enter the co ordinates of the perimeter of the no fishing zone in to our GPS receiver"? " and don't forget we need a written guarantee that we wont accidently catch a parrot fish" Do you really expect that anyone (except you of course) would have a conversation like that ? Do I Think that ignorance is an acceptable excuse in this case on ? well on the part of the tourist yes I do, on the part of the captain absolutely not. He would of been well aware of what he was doing. Your drunk driving reference is irrelevant as "every body else does it" was not an excuse that was offered by the tourist however, in that situation ,ignorance of being drunk, for example if your drink had, unbeknown to you, been spiked and you could prove it. would probably at least be considered as mitigating circumstances probably resulting in a more lenient punishment. Neither you nor anybody else on here knows where he caught the fish but a lynch mob has already been formed I find that astonishing
  8. Good point, several people have draw attention to the fact that he is white. topless, hairless, muscled and without tattoos but wearing "tight " shorts . Call me naive but I can't see the relevance either
  9. I think its quite likely that he dropped his anchor so it probably would have been an offense but once you have explained your fantasy legal system we will be better able to decide,
  10. I've been on several fishing trips here over the years and never once did I have any control over where the actual fishing took place, its all handled by the Captain Sorry but I never thought to study any maritime charts so as to be able to advise the captain where we could and couldn't fish, neither would any other tourist, its the skippers responsibility and nobody else's the only exception would be if he was forced to be in the area against his will Obviously there is no boundary marked so how on earth would the tourist have known he was in an illegal spot?? He couldn't have known Maybe if he had known he would have refused to fish he would certainly have been more discreet . The fact that he posted his catch on the net kind of implies he didnt think anything was wrong and why would he.? People can spout off ald day about "ignorance is no excuse" but on a boat somethings are out of your control. If you were on a bus and the driver crashes are you responsible ? Of course not
  11. 64 baht for an evenings relaxation !!! Spot on I can't fault you I noticed ZIGZags the other day too for the first time, also saw some mascotte skins I think german but they were only the small size (why do the refer to them as 1 1/4 size ) most common seem to be Raw and OCB, Rizzla seem to be very underrepresented at the moment, their marketing department need a wake up call !
  12. I don't remember the last time I saw brick in the uk It must be nearly 30 years ago I seem to remember paying £24 / qtr IN fact up in liverpool all weed was £24 / qtr for years and years. Not really sure where it came from, it was never reputed to be Thai but occasionally it was claimed to be either Nigerian , Columbian or Mexican, I always preferred it to hash one reason being that it diidn't burn little holes in the sofa or in ones t shirt when the little bits dropped out ! It was sometimes referred to as sinsemilla, We used to buy it off this black scouser in toxteth his bedsit was full to the brim with the stuff kilos and kilos of it, he had a bit of a speech impediment and couldnt pronounce it properly so he (and we ) had to call it "cess" lol those were the days
  13. Technically correct but it does put things into perspective. Something that is needed regarding this incident
  14. This shop seems well stocked , good prices too https://shopee.co.th/meelock55?categoryId=100629&itemId=15591140953 I was going to post a link to the "green bear" shop where I placed an order yesterday, however his products have since been deleted (or he's sold out) the shop in the above link seems very similar
  15. I ordered the same from shopee yesterday I think I paid 160 didn't see them on laz so thanks for the link Not the same as nippin down to the corner shop though for 20 lambo and a packet skins lol
  16. I know the feeling ! and its not nice lol Its strange how so many retailers are so slow off the mark with regards to selling skins, The only ones available where I live are the Thai style chicken brand which are the size of a bed sheet and have no glue on them. I should have bought more with me as I ran out weeks ago and now have to resort to shopee or lazada were some are trying to sell them for 100 baht per pack plus postage which makes them moor expensive than 10g of weed ! Yesterday I stumbled on a shop on shopee selling kingsize "Sedina" papers for 25 baht per pack so I've ordered 5 packs which will last a while as long as the humidity doesn't attack the gum Changing the subject slightly but I really don't understand what certain members on here hope to achieve by constantly berating the good old brick weed I spent the best part of 3 years stuck in the UK due to covid and all that was available was the over priced stuff generally costing around £250/ ounce some of which when sold in the easily available on Ebay official looking california bags was selling for over double that price Maybe after 40+ years of smoking there is something wrong with my cannabis receptors but I am much happier with a nice bit of brick and after buying it here for 30 years I have only been disappointed once as far as i remember Last week the misses came back from the local market with two 10g bags of very nice brick (100bt/ bag) and very strong ! the only complaint I have is that there wasn't one seed in it as I quite fancied growing a bit of it myself
  17. Of course its not his fault. The blame lies solely with the owner of the boat, He was fishing in the Ocean, how on earth was he supposed to know exactly where the limit of the national park was ? that would be a set distance from the shoreline would it not ? GPS would be needed to establish the position precisely, but the captain of the boat would be all too aware that he was too close to the shore. Fishing in the ocean is not like hunting big game on dry land, there is very little control over what kind of fish is going to take the bait If it wasn't for the surnames of the "government officials" involved I doubt very much that the police or immigration would bother themselves with this matter which is really nothing more than virtue signalling by the usual "outraged netizens" whatever "netizens" actually means. Is it even actually a word ?
  18. Not to mention the big vinyl poster that is no doubt currently being commissioned
  19. I'm still wondering what people like you, who use the words "quality tourist " actually mean, Are you referring to "family types" who eat only at overpriced tourist orientated restaurants, spend most of the day visiting temples, taking rides on speedboats,or hiring jet skis, and then safely tucked up in bed by 9pm having consumed no more than a glass or two of overpriced wine ? All fully paid up members of the Temperance Movement ? (people just like you perhaps ?) I also cannot understand, how you have come to the conclusion that people attending night clubs or enjoying themselves in other less "family orientated " ways are not contributing to the overall economy, they also like to eat and drink, they also require accommodation, they may also purchase souvenirs , and any number of other things, Is their, money not worth as much because they enjoy themselves in ways that you personally disapprove of ? This is Thailand not Lourdes most people who come here are looking for fun and not seeking a religious retreat, although that is also available for those that want it. Thailand currently welcomes all tourists , even, or maybe, especially, the ones that people like you disapprove of , but if the TAT change their minds about the kind of tourists they want I am sure they will get in touch with you for help regarding the definition of "quality"
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