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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. That's the problem with teachers, most of them are totally out of touch with reality many have absolutely no real life experience, having spent their entire life in the protected left leaning world of academia. As pupils then students and then straight into teaching I didn't call all children scum, I said SOME children are scum Admittedly a little off topic but if you need an example try typing Robert Thompson and Jon Venables into google and see what pops up. maybe they were just "misunderstood" eh?
  2. I wondered how long it would take before somebody would make that claim
  3. I think its a racing certainty of course you are free to disagree, maybe you can find one of your "links" to convince me otherwise
  4. with such terrible government and such a sickness in society how can you bear to live here? If I took such offence at miscarriages of justice involving people I don't know I would leave tomorrow . But where would I go ? its the same everywhere, just that some places are better at hiding it
  5. every now and again a few sacrificial lambs are hung out to dry It helps to mainyain the illusion . One would have to be blind and retarded to think that nobody is above the law
  6. Its always fun to see the self righteous and outraged TVF members getting their knickers in a twist over this story, But I wonder, how many of you , if involved in a similar situation, and with similar wealth and options available. to you would actually behave any differently
  7. You would be well advised to continue exercising caution when crossing any road, and its not just sports cars keep an eye out for Pick ups and motorcycles too
  8. yeah they seem to be more concerned with gender identity , where did it all go wrong?
  9. Doesn't echo my experience When ever my parents found out I had received a dose of the cane or strap they would generally supplement the punishment with a few whacks of their own That was the case with my friends too . I can't say we didn't deserve it. what other punishments do kids respect....detention , the naughty corner, lines don't be ridiculous the only thing available to teachers these days is "exclusion" which really is an admission of defeat and about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike
  10. to the extent that some pupils started assaulting the teachers coupled with a general breakdown in discipline "spare the rod and spoil the child" never a truer saying
  11. How could you possibly have too much sensual pleasure? be a bit difficult when they can't even sit next to a woman on the bus. Although considering some recent stories in the news, some of them haven't been doing so bad for themselves Not to mention the ones that amass personal fortunes. Religion should not be involved in this or anything else for that matter
  12. If they were clearly underage then you could have reported them .Its illegal for under 20's It would surely be the most responsible thing you could have done, saving them from the horrors of the devils lettuce, and a short sharp shock might have put them back on the straight and narrow In not doing so you might be considered as complicit by a concerned parent or similar. would you have intervened if they had attempted to buy alcohol? If people like you are prepared to turn a blind eye what chance does society have
  13. going off those figures its a miracle anybody is actually smoking at all so what's all the fuss about
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