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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. 0.02% ? what on earth are you talking about ? where have you been getting your information from ? you need to change your sources as you are misinformed
  2. In this post and a previous post you claim you "don't care what others do" yet you seek to deny them medical attention, because they haven't , according to you, taken sufficient precautions, and for that reason are not worthy of hospital treatment. People who wear masks and yet still contract covid could also be judged to have not taken appropriate precautions somewhere along the line so perhaps they should also not receive treatment . Do you sleep under a mosquito net ? Do people who don't sleep under a mosquito net and contract malaria deserve all they get too ? I'm Just wondering how many peoples health care in thailand you think you have paid for and what it has cost you so far.?? interesting that you use a phrase like R,I,P as I have had covid twice and at the moment I and the vast majority of others who have had it (about 98% give or take) are not dead , however i am resting in peace, and enjoying myself (without a mask)
  3. There are plenty of people still "working" from home, most of the UK civil service for example, this has little to do with covid anymore, But it has plenty to do with enjoying an easy life, people soon get used to not having to jump out of bed at 6am and make their way to work, when they can lie in bed as long as they want and have no need to change out of their pyjamas. A survey by B'day prang has proved this beyond doubt
  4. It is not covid that has ravaged economies, it is a combination of the authorities reactions to Covid and the end result of project fear. Simple as that !
  5. I wonder how many of the "perpetually concerned" actually know anything about the things they are concerned about. Also how many of them have based their concern on information other than the usual outdated and fiction based "reefer madness" type propaganda that has been their only source of information for their entire lives Not many would be the correct answer
  6. Likewise the only people I know who haven't had it are all unvaxxed
  7. contesting a will based on "soundness of mind" is virtually impossible in practice, A no win scenario for you and a win -win scenario for the lawyers. It will take so long that the effects of inflation alone will decimate any inheritance. and have you considered the effects of a long drawn out family feud , bearing in mind that there is more than money at stake here, there is also a good portion of "face"
  8. The last thing he needs is a lawyer of any description, He as already said there is little at stake in real terms, lawyers' charges will soon eat into that
  9. not much likelihood of any offspring being involved any time soon with those three so no need to worry about propagating another mans DNA. so that would remove the "fundamental" reason for sexual jealousy! I can almost guarantee there's money at the root of this evil I would suggest that none of those involved could be classed as "the best of us" and I doubt I will feel differently when i hear his side of the story which i expect to be significantly different than their version of events I reckon he was doing both of them and , My money is on the two Thais fighting over his money he tries to split them up but in the struggle 1 thai stabbed the other, he ran off and by the time the police arrived they quickly kissed and made up when they realised they could pin it on him and split the payout
  10. lucky to have a dump, No garbage collection where we live there's a recycle guy and his misses in fact there's a few ,who deal with plastic glass and some cardboard but they seem to be very selective about what they want any "organic" waste is mainly dealt with by dogs and chickens the rest just has to be burnt sorry to any environmentalists out there but that,s the way it is At one time you could sneak bulky Items into the bins at supermarkets and 7/11 s but they clamped down on that Various pu yai bahn's come and gone without sorting this out, the main sticking point seems to be nobody will pay the extra 100 baht a month required to set something up
  11. yeah right, like they weren't even needed before the legalisation of that mind bending poison. as people with 10 bottles of chang and gut full of saengsom would never have had a problem forming an orderly cue and calmly walking out would they? I could see that being the basis for a tv game show maybe even using celebrities or better still celebrity couples , two pi$$ heads and two pot heads competing against each other in a series of tests of co-ordination and dexterity, I think I know who my money would be on
  12. "This after the devastating Mountain B fire earlier this month that killed many people and the legalization of weed in June." Maybe its because I'm stoned, but as a native english speaker I'm sure there is something fundamentally incorrect with the structure of that sentence, Its almost as if the last 7 words were added on a whim by somebody else later on
  13. I thought normal people drank outside the 7/11 and went back to their houses after
  14. guinness has very small bubbles and a lot of them why don't you drink that?
  15. He just "tagged along" apparently , she was the one saving lives, as we'd expect from a DR, There must have been some glaring irregularities if she spotted anything. Just imagine what a qualified H&S guy might have spotted If one of those places went up in flames tonight she's going to look so stupid That was not part of the inspection " The trip included visits" They just nipped in to score a bit of weed for themselves. That's, the only reason why the gutter press didn't mention it Look at the photo there's an official checking out his next purchase, and you can see his mate in the background saying "no this is the one you want " the press where silenced lol
  16. https://shopee.co.th/teichi77?categoryId=100639&itemId=21033565573 Is this the same stuff / seller looks like you got a good price it seems to be going up
  17. well just go and buy one why are you telling us anyway?
  18. The people involved in the Ya-ba business at the highest level have no reason to make it legal they and their associates are all doing very nicely out of it personally, Legalization would "complicate" things and probably lose them money . It would never happen. for the same reason as it will never be stopped. The people who control that business are often not just very well connected , but are often the actual people who well connected people are connected to. If you get what I mean The cannabis industry was a much easier take over option as it was so undervalued nobody of any consequence was making any money off it so the "nationalisation" of the business was easy, It was a brilliant move by Anutin and co. and has left the others looking like fools
  19. Nice One I Glad too hear you are back on form maybe if you feel like letting your hair down a bit just up the dosage for a day no need to drink alcohol
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