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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. And not just the "met." and to be honest there's plenty of reason to fear the uk police
  2. excellent post and I still cannot understand why some posters on here will never be happy until they have, by their constant whinging. changed this place into a carbon copy of the places they have chosen to leave
  3. why would you wish to cause problems for yourself, I can assure you that would be the most likely result of such a stupid act. unless you were already out of the country with little intention of returning. I suppose you could make an anonymous complaint but that would probably end up in the bin (where it belongs)
  4. I'm not so sure about that,I know quite a lot of Thais in various provinces and most of them have at least 1 policeman somewhere in the extended family In the case of my misses as an example there's her two brothers , two brother in laws, and two uncles all living within 50 meters of me, can't say I've ever had a problem, quite the opposite to be honest.
  5. A 20 year strategy !! says a lot about the perceived loss of confidence in the police force. ie that it ie to all intents and purposes irreparable ! Most of the "bright sparks" who came up with this Idea will be long gone in less than 20 years
  6. I see were you are coming from but the victim didn't die at the scene and there was no obligation or reason to accompany her to the hospital, Once she was in the care of the medics there is nothing more he could have done "|Carrying on as normal" might not really be an accurate description, I am sure the MP and the guy who was actually driving would have been as shaken as anybody else contrary to what other on here seem to alledge, most people MPs included are not cold blooded killers. As a general point and not directed at you, isn't it only in Saudi Arabia where the passenger in a taxi is held responsible for any accidents that occur? Most civilised countries put the responsibility on the driver and in my opinion that is the only logical way to go
  7. maybe so but that particular detail was notably not preceded by "he said" as were the other remarks , and neither was it in quotation marks so that makes me question whether or not it was an assumption on behalf of the author or even the journalist that wrote the original story. Do you not think that could be possible? especially considering the reason to publish that story on this forum.
  8. Not in the North West they don't I can assure you of that
  9. In my experience Thai women have no problem sounding very authoritive when they want to
  10. have you ever been to the UK? Probably not if you need to ask a question like that !! I 've never been to Australia but I doubt that its much different. Or do they really all look like Kylie and Danni Minogue in which case you may have a point, but again, I doubt it
  11. definitely I would ride that like a stolen bike I bet she's as dirty as a dogs @ss
  12. Or maybe they just don't know any better, and having been hen pecked and browbeaten into submission are unable to break free
  13. you don't have to marry them that's the whole essence of P4P think of it like renting a car for a while in order to check it out, if you don't like it you can give it back but if it suits you there is the option to buy it should you wish
  14. That is how you count friends ???? so they are like "facebook friends" after all
  15. Thanks for trying to explain things to him, saved me a job, I re read what I posted and still think It was clear enough , I'm not sure what he didn't understand, Or is it that he was so uncomfortable with truth he just couldn't reply coherently
  16. Is that like "facebook friends" ? people you have never met
  17. I don't think you understood what i wrote, and I sure didn't understand your reply, Thankfully another poster has explained it for you .
  18. banging an 18 year old does not make one a pedo though does it
  19. oh dear i notice you used the plural, is it as bad else where ? I was hoping it was confined to this place, wishful thinking I suppose
  20. Spot on "Looking for rubber necking readers" and trying (sucessfully) to rouse blood lust within the notorious TVF hang 'em high squad " Quite a lot of virtue signalling going on too, I thought that was just a leftie student activity, looks like I was wrong
  21. The response from some people to this very vaguely written article is astonishing and a very good reason why hanging round at the scene of an accident is often not the sensible cause of action. Talk about a lynch mob. I know politicians are not favourites for many people (esp on here) but this guy is receiving kind of aggression normally saved for pedo's and it all seems to be based on that very vague and ambiguous article Talk about reading between the lines ! Jesus the guy wasn't even driving and who says he was in a rush? just empty words from a journalist maybe ? , somebody even "assumed" there was a pedestrian crossing involved !!
  22. And even if that was true what's the problem, you claim your concern is for the "vulnerable" youth of Thailand, hardly a demographic likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction or lack of libido . Or are you now "standing up " for all the impotent geriatric ex pats as well
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