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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. not much point in having an issue with somebody indulging in a perfectly legal and non intrusive activity next door. What are you worried about ? Do you think that drug crazed zombies will climb over the fence and attack your family? I cant think of any other reason for your objection
  2. The original ban (prohibition) did not work very well at all did it ? Thank god they have seen sense and removed it
  3. You are of course entitled to your opinion, and ,as it follows the "official " narrative, it probably won't get deleted or edited... I have had 3 shots as I said before in a previous post. However I still recognise the fact that people have a right not to be vaccinated and I don't consider them to be "crazed retards" Why would I ? or more to the point why do you?
  4. You are absolutely correct storms do not cause flu, but I think bad weather can be a contributing factor in the prevalence of the disease. That would be why the UK medical authorities roll out the flu vaccine at a certain time of the year, every year and also refer to a "flu season" and "seasonal flu" However It was an incorrect choice of words on my behalf You second comment advising me to "get your booster" i find somewhat strange, I don't expect members on here to be issuing me or anybody else with medical "advice" ever ! and what you wrote was more like an instruction. As regards to my personal choice regarding vaccines, That's what it is , a personal choice, I have had 3 shots and have had 2 doses of covid, the real "covid", before vaccines were developed and the joke called omicron, after i was 3 times vaccinated , Neither covid infection was of any significance, What a surprise eh. As far as I am concerned that is enough vaccines for me. Why would you even concern your self, as long as you have had the vaccines you think you need, my vaccine status is of absolutely no consequence to you I certainly don't need your unqualified medical advice or the unqualified medical advice from any other member of this forum
  5. do you really think they are any worse than their euro , American or Australian or UK counterparts ? lets be honest they are all the same
  6. Usually only used to be in operating theatres and was to stop them dribbling into the open wounds. I can think of several other procedures that would create pretty awful smells too so i wouldn't blame them and these days hospitals are dirty smelly places, and that's probably got something to do with it as well
  7. Well maybe he can explain this to you , That as long as you have yours on ,you'll be just fine and there's no reason to concern yourself about other people, as they have chosen to listen to all the experts' often conflicting advice, and have weighed up the pro's and cons, no doubt done a full risk assessment , and then, and only then, and bearing in mind the removal of the blanket mask mandate by the relevant authorities, have made a personal decision, as to whether or not to wear a mask , local regulations permitting of course ,,Some have chosen not to and that's up to them, they are as entitled to their views as you are now that the mask mandate has ended.. The "authorities and so called experts" sanctioned that themselves, and you have to accept that ! Of course like I said you are entitled to wear yours, forever if you wish but you can't berate people for not choosing to do the same Its really none of your business I'm not an anti vaxxer I've had my 3 pfizers but I really couldn't nor shouldn't care less whether other people choose to be vaccinated or not .I'm certainly not in a position to label somebody as " stupid" for not wanting to be its vaccinated . They have made their decision and I have made mine, their decision would be absolutely non of my business (or yours) ... For what its worth I actually always wear a mask whenever required or expected and also whenever I'm around anyone else who is also wearing a mask, its not that I think I'm actually doing anything worth while or positive or polite, its just that I'd hate to run into somebody like you when i wasn't wearing one
  8. I'm sure i have seen adverts for Thai airways on TV ("smooth as silk" is the slogan if i remember correctly) not seen one for a while though, maybe the money has run out. however, for several reasons, I have never been tempted to fly on one of their planes
  9. An alternative view to nearly everyone these days, except of course the very vocal minority of TVF "karens, who have decided to believe and accept everything that the authorities tell them, and, consequently continue to live their lives in a state of abject terror, Its a good job that there are not many of them. as if theirs was the majority view, we would still be living in lockdown and the Thailand pass would still be a requirement For the rest of us life goes on, but if some people want to stay confined to their houses , wear their masks and visors 24/7 and sanitise their hands every time they touch something then they are quite free to do so, we don't try to stop them, but in return, could they please, stop trying to force their fears and insecurities onto the rest of society
  10. A pathetic and somewhat offensive attempt a stereotyping. Its very fortunate for narrowminded and ignorant people like you that its still open season on cannabis users. as the normal victims of this sort of behaviour are now protected Considering your obvious lack of first hand knowledge regarding cannabis or users thereof, I worry that you have developed an irrational phobia, Have you ever considered seeking professional help?
  11. More "experts" with their meaningless figures, It seems to be the fashion these days for everything from covid to climate change, but I must admit the TAT are the masters of it
  12. some info in the 2nd link doesn't look to promising Cannabis and cannabis resin will now be classified as having a similar degree of abuse and dependence potential as medicines such as morphine and oxycodone. still got a long way to go
  13. From a previous thread .....yesterday According to Dr Kiattiphum, people with severe or moderate COVID symptoms occupy an average of 13% of hospital beds nationwide, so people with only moderate symptoms are allowed to occupy hospital beds but then they get all worried and start trying to frighten people again with "the beds are filling up" Didn't they stop hospitalization of non urgent cases, they obviously should
  14. Dr Opas also reported an increase in fatalities among the elderly and those with underlying diseases who received their third COVID vaccination dose more than three months ago. ... The DDC director-general said people infected with the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants reported experiencing sore throat, irritation and muscle and body aches. He advised those exhibiting any of the symptoms to test themselves immediately and seek medical care at their nearest hospital. so for what equates to a very infectious but also very mild dose of flu an obviously senior doctor recommends leaving the house to seek medical care at hospital No wonder they're filling up but why did he want them to test themselves first? the average number of daily fatalities increased from 16 to 21. from covid or with covid either way its not many out of 70 million i bet more have died of flu in the same period esp wth the storms don't they get a mention
  15. Do you still clap the nurses ? or are they not worth it anymore? Maybe you can start again when the next covid wave arrives
  16. this could be a fiery thread nothing winds the puritanical up like sex, children and drugs, sounds a bit wrong wrong that doesn't it ?
  17. "Fact checked" if you say so, I think I'll leave it at that
  18. who says its untrue ? as I have just said I don't remember for certain which channel it was on , only that i saw it on TV. Either way its the only point I've raised that any of you seem to disagree with and in no way discredits any of the other BS I have highlighted.
  19. Just because something is removed from face book for twitter does not mean it wasn't true! For god sake where have you been hiding. As an example were you even aware that whilst Donald Trump was banned from twitter ISIS were not and continued their recruitment drive on there as well spreading their messages of islamic hatred. Whether you like Trump or not something is obviously going on there isn't it Face book and twitter do as they are told by the powers that be, when the powers that be feel the need to reign them in Truth has nothing to do with it
  20. Actually your link doesn't actually confirm or deny whether or not the BBC actually ran the story, in the first place, It just confirms that they found a few (other) allegations which turned out to be unfounded and where probably urged by the government to publish these as a way of discrediting the original revelations without issuing an embarrassing retraction of what was actually true but considered ,retrospectively, not appropriate for release So i may well have seen it on the BBC after all or possibly one of the other TV channels on either the news or a world in action type production so no link available , sorry
  21. I never said vaccines don't work, I've had 3 so far, but I am somewhat sceptical to say the least about masks, however I have always worn one when required. To be honest I don't care about strangers dying from covid or anything else, most people don't care either if the truth be known, good job really as life does have to go on we can't all be permanently distressed or in perpetual mourning for person or persons unknown. If that was an attempt to put me on a guilt trip or scare me it failed, miserably I do find it strange that you feel the need to collect or search fo photos of people who have died from covid whether they were vaccinated or masked or otherwise
  22. I don't use face book or twitter and links to the BBC are by their nature worthless so i don't intend to waste my time looking at them either
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