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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Of course it makes a difference A credit card is easily and instantly distinguishable from a debit card by its number didn't you know that? As another option they could always nip round the corner to the local dealer as they have done for years regardless of its legal status. and pay in cash or even obtain it on a sale or return basis shocking eh! And as for your one example, it is hardly evidence of the mass corruption of youth by the relaxation of cannabis restrictions as the "child" in question also had quite a stash of methamphetamine which is still as illegal as it ever was and also readily available to anybody who wants it
  2. the article referred to in your 2nd link reads like a perfect indictment of the american legal system for example spending 3.6 billion dollars on cannabis arrests......why? defense costs of up to 20,000 dollars........why 600,000 arrests every year.....why No wonder some people want the prohibition status to remain unchanged, as usual follow the money
  3. Plenty of Thais that I know have credit cards but not at 15 I did not mention debit cards I specifically said credit cards. So all it takes is that they pay by bank transfer? , Pray tell how do they collect their weed when they are at school? presumably they put down the school as the delivery address and simply ask to be excused when the courier arrives I don't think so somehow.
  4. my original response is now tagged as a "Popular post" enough said lol
  5. I have strayed off topic no further than anybody else today
  6. I'm glad to hear it as i wouldn't wish that on anybody
  7. Actually a child can buy alcohol from just about any "licensed" shop in Thailand and in many cases would actually be served by a child ! the only exceptions being 7/11 Big C and Tesco, that is a fact of life over here AS far as a child buying cannabis from a store run by "unlicensed 20 year olds" has that ever actually happened ? I assume you must have a link to confirm this? And how are you so sure that the "unlicensed 20 year olds" would rather take the money than worry about age? You cannot be sure ,it is just an assumption (they are selling cannabis so they must be bad people ?) based purely on your personal dislike of cannabis and its users And as for buying on line there is a simple way of controlling that, just making it necessary to pay by credit card would solve that issue Its not actually that easy even as things stand at the moment, for example having ordered on line, does the child then remain absent from school,for days , whilst hanging round the front of the house all day, cash in hand , eagerly awaiting the arrival of the delivery man so they can receive and pay for their drugs Cannabis users have their own experiences to draw upon and also the experiences of fellow users , friends, and friends of friends, one consequence of prohibition is the underground network and camaraderie of similar minded people that are often formed I must know hundreds of fellow users personally and 1000's indirectly, Due to prohibition supply was not guaranteed and shortages were common (known as droughts) I never heard of a single person going "cold Turkey" or suffering any withdrawal symptoms . So for me, any non user talking about addiction or any other perceived aspect is worse than inappropriate. As for rules and regs what part of "prohibited for those under 20 years of age" do people find so difficult to understand
  8. I don't share your willingness to accept anything stated as fact by either a doctor or anybody else in a white coat, I prefer to make up my own mind based on personal experience . I probably take after my mother who was always sceptical of doctors who in her eyes were always just a bit too keen to hand out pills "like popcorn" as she used to say .Very fortunate for me really as it was her skepticism of these "professionals" that influenced her decision to refuse to take the wonder drug "thalidomide" during the time she was pregnant. Our next door neighbour at the time was some what more traditional with her blind belief of medical advice and dutifully did as she was told, That was something she lived to regret for the rest of her life, she was even asked by the same doctor to try to persuade my mother to change her mind as "doctor knows best" . Thank god she wasn't very persuasive as I would not be typing this now Consequently , I am not convinced by anything that these people say, like I said I prefer to base my views on personal experience whenever possible and I doubt there is anything you can say to make me change my mind
  9. Well I choose personal experience which for me is far more palpable and relevant than anything written in the article referred to by your link, which by the way is nothing more than a scaremongering advertisement for a commercial profit making organisation. "American Addiction centers" On accessing the site I was immediately presented with a "pop up" offering access to a 24hr "emergency" telephone hotline (for gods sake) together with a link for me to click on to helpfully enable me me to check out my payment options . The whole website looks like it has been written by professional marketing types (as it so obviously was) and is. as usual, just a rehash of the same old "reefer madness" propaganda that we are all too familiar with.
  10. That would appear to be what some posters on here are advocating, ....amazing isn't it
  11. if that's what you choose to believe, carry on. I on the other hand and with the benefit of personal experience . which you do not have, disagree,
  12. Why can't you wait? What is it about that somewhat unlikely scenario that appeals to you ? Cannabis is not a physically addictive substance . I'm having difficulty in establishing the motivation for anybody to bother writing something like that. Could it be just another example of somebody with limited knowledge and blinkered views on a subject seeking a a few "likes" from other people of a similar nature? Surely not, but I have wasted enough time thinking about it and its the only reason I can think of, A perfect example of virtue signalling in my opinion, whilst at the same time expressing an unnatural and almost sadistic desire for people you have never even met to encounter serious problems I'm also curious as to why you refer to people as "farang" are you Thai? I doubt it as none of the Thai people I know would consider writing something like that. Come to think of it . nobody I know would write something like that
  13. So why don't they breathalyse all arrivals just in case they might be planning on driving ?, Does any country do that,? I don't think so. not even countries where alcohol is banned !
  14. You will be able to answer that yourself should you ever get caught.
  15. I I merely posted a bit of info regarding the results of urine tests certainly not an aggressive or inflammatory comment, I think my response to his smarmy, condescending and sarcastic remark was quite appropriate
  16. I think you'll find that is not exactly a test for intoxication, it is just the lowest level that can be positively detected, It is effectively zero tolerance. conversely alcohol users are given a generous lee way of 50mg Although having seen my misses after half a glass of chang that seems overly lenient to me However these were urine tests which cannot detect actual THC and there was no mention of blood tests
  17. perhaps you should wind your neck in
  18. The concept of marriage is well known and can be summed up in the following words " find someone you hate and buy them a house", most people change as they get older and what worked years ago might not work so well in the present . People would not mate for life if they were to follow their natural instincts. Rather they would be inclined to stay together long enough to give the off spring a chance to survive., which some anthropologists estimate would be around 7 years which kind of explains the "seven year itch" Marriage has been forced/ inflicted on people for perceived religious and societal reasons and is not really the natural way of life Your romantic fantasy about people wanting to share everything and spend the rest of their lives together is straight out of a mills and boon novel
  19. As far as I am aware most if not all of the mass produced urine tests for cannabis do not actually test for THC . They actually test for "metabolites" of THC which can be present in the urine for , as others have stated, up to 90 days The metabolites detected are not psychoactive neither are they "controlled substances" in the rest of the world (although that might not be the case in Malaysia) The Urine test is in no way indicative of intoxication, it merely indicates that cannabis was used some time during the previous months Its use is somewhat controversial in work place settings as It really is only a check on somebodies lifestyle. Why is it that with all the world renowned medical minds desperately trying to find more and more reasons to restrict the availability of cannabis, not one of these "geniuses" has managed to come up with a valid test for intoxication
  20. That's the kind of thing those kind of people think
  21. The Uk pension is absolute disgrace I think its the lowest in western europe
  22. not a bad result compared to how it would have been if caught in the UK. for example,The system over here has its advantages, despite the almost continuous criticism it receives
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