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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Forgot to say, the only thing that didn't return to normal in a few days was the price, of course !!!!!
  2. Looks like the panic mongering has started already ! Happened in the UK a few months ago, a couple of petrol stations had a temporary delivery problem, it wasn't an issue until the idiots in the media got hold of it and blew it out of all proportion ... within a few hours the fuel "crisis" was in full swing. They found the first queue and helicopter footage was all over the tv, film crews were sent out to garage forecourts showing arguments between people desperate for fuel . There were a few "fuel industry" types on the TV telling everybody that there was in fact plenty fuel available, but the media got their way in the end and panic buying started, When 20million people who normally drive around with 5 - 10 litres in their tanks suddenly decide to fill up at the same time it's obvious what is going to happen, and as the pumps ran dry the media frenzy continued...first. It was all down to Brexit causing polish lorry drivers to go home, then there was a World shortage of lorry drivers. then more women needed to become lorry drivers, The prime minister appeared on TV learning to drive a truck, presumably to encourage some of the 3million unemployed to get of there <deleted> and learn to drive To keep the panic going there were, of course, reports that the Military would have to get involved with the usual film footage of uniformed soldiers driving trucks. There was talk of a priority system so that the "vulnerable" would get their fuel before others. With the usual references to the "winter of discontent" and the probable need for rationing and fuel coupons, and we all needed to change to electric cars etc. etc. It went on and on and on ! Meanwhile once all the terrified sheep had filled up their tanks and any other containers they could get hold of, the sudden spike in demand stopped and despite the best efforts of the media things returned to normal in a few days.. It doesn't take much to upset the delicate balance of life so I think the original post of this thread should have been taken down by the monitors and the person who wrote it informed why ......either way he should be ashamed of himself.....Panicmonger
  3. Applied last Friday for mine, got the scam email on Saturday, then the registration seemed to go missing for a while on Monday (but it might have been my mistake when logging in) Finally got the approval today 6 days almost to the minute ! strangely I received 3 emails each containing a Pass, they all had the same number etc but the QR codes are different on each one
  4. these are the people that listen to ,and believe all they hear, on mainstream media they have had the fear of god put into them and will probably never be able to listen to reason, For gods sake the queen of UK has just had it , she's 95, she reduced her workload to "light duties" for a week or so and just carried on Can we please just stop going on about it?
  5. I can't believe people are still wittering on about this... Its over ...just accept it..
  6. i wish the actual Thailand pass arrived as quickly as the spam email, I applied on Friday and got the spam on Saturday, Its Tuesday now and still no sign of the elusive Thailand pass yet . I applied for a visa on the same day and i received that already
  7. Oh for Gods sake, another retired teacher ,we bow to your superior knowledge of the English language, why don't you keep your corrections to yourself ?
  8. "poo" !! how old are you like 5 or 6 ????
  9. I find it very strange that you appear to have been researching laws regarding prostitution, is that a hobby of yours ??
  10. The quick emergence of alleged mental health issues could indicate that the perpetrator maybe has "connections" and will be used to justify a lenient sentence if necessary
  11. Me Too I've smoked weed for 40+ years and I'm not addicted, and even if I am so what
  12. Are you for real ? The clue is in the name , They are freelancers. they work for themselves
  13. Well maybe he should be announcing a change in the law to enable it to be "legal" would you still want to stamp it out if it was ?
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