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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I'm wondering how, despite the overtly childishly trolling nature of every single one of your posts on this thread, no other members have called you out, and none of the moderators have reigned you in .
  2. Indeed it will, and despite what the likes of the BBC would have people believe, pretty much the entire invasion force consists solely of young 20 something males, hundreds of thousands of them so far. Bad news for the UK women who will bear the brunt of this , one way or the other
  3. and possibly employ less qualified or experienced counter staff
  4. Exactly, go fund yourself, she's just another freeloader
  5. They were there but they didn't want to break cover
  6. spot on , I can't understand why you got 7 laughing emojis, some people have no idea
  7. What film was that in? I cant remember the name and its killing me
  8. That was a big ugly bad tempered dodgy farang vs a petite Thai female doctor with a hiso internet savvy father. This is (in my opinion) a Thai cop vs a Thai woman who was out drinking in a bar, there are subtle differences and he'll be paying nothing
  9. I saw his comment, and I thought of, tattooed thugs with crew cuts and a uniform fetish, goose stepping up and down walking street, brown nosing around the Thai cops (who hate them) and grassing up tourists for minor littering offences. Ex Traffic Wardens , Ex "special"constables, Ex magistrates, etc etc. Pathetic narcissists and control freaks who need to supplement their pensions. To suggest that one of them was capable of even attempting to impersonate a Thai cop is laughable
  10. Why are so many on here prepared to accept it was not a real cop, based purely on the suspicions of a bargirl, whose own account of what happened suggests that it could easily have been a genuine cop, they often go out drinking in large groups and if they have recently divvied up the spoils of corruption, How else would anybody realistically expect drunk Thai cops to behave around Thai whores?
  11. I would say a natural desire for some semblance of personal freedom, and an aversion to being subject to control by electronic devices, being used by authoritative governments would be a good reason why not . Can you not see what's happening, governments are broke , they need more money , they are setting us up as cash cows at every opportunity,
  12. ....but actions have consequences, this obsession with saving life is all well and good , but what to do with all these saved lives? It's one thing inventing a cure for malaria which kills millions every year Its a totally different matter to provide food and water for those millions of extra lives who did not require it before
  13. In the UK big trucks are limited to 60 mph try driving at 60 mph on a motorway (when its possible these days) and the majority of those trucks will be flying past you. That's the reason the police sneakily drive around at 60mph , its easy for them to see the trucks which are either gaining on them or pulling away
  14. And yet another source of revenue for governments will disappear, along with extortionate tax rates on petrol and diesel and of course the road tax due on the vehicles that use those fuels. The money lost as a result of this will have to be found elsewhere, Anybody considering or currently owning a battery powered car would do well to bear this in mind. It won't happen for a while, as there are not enough of them on the road yet, but once there is, they will be coming for you, no more cheap road tax or other incentives, and a special tariff for charging up your batteries, probably around 5x the price of normal domestic electricity, or whatever they think they can get away with charging , just like they have done before. The roads still need to be built and maintained and it all costs money Another commodity taxed to the hilt , Tobacco, is also being phased out , same story , large loss of revenue, and increased costs, people living a bit longer puts stain on the pension system, and renders them liable to contract a whole host of other age related diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's . All needs to be paid for Once they eventually get round to banning alcohol and AI has put us all out of work where is the money going to come from for anything ?
  15. A far from ideal situation, and one that's not going to go away,. Insurance companies were always going to be keen on this sort of technology Its always rolled out under the guise of "health and safety",or "for our own good" but any increase in driving standards or reductions in accidents never seems to be reflected in even the slightest reduction in the cost of insurance premiums. This kind of intrusion into peoples lives is happening more and more and will continue to do so. most of it we never even hear about, Soon enough "they" will manage to do away with cash and will inflict this digital currency abomination on us. no doubt combining it with some record of ones "carbon footprint" "red meat consumption" etc etc . Once they have the ability to measure things like that, "appropriate limits" will be set , which would be a pretty pointless exercise unless some sort of punitive social credit score system also be implemented, to punish those who exceed the limits or fail to comply, Bearing in mind the rather unpredictable and somewhat unreliable performance of freshly rolled out and relatively new technology especially now its likely to include AI i think things in general are going to become a whole lot worse for everybody On reflection, I am much happier to now be in the autumn years of life, and I'm glad I'm not just starting out never thought I'd think this way but I genuinely believe that pretty much the best of everything is behind us now, and the future is bleak
  16. they have long since paid up and departed, before this story surfaced
  17. Nah its not dogging if there are only 2 people involved and they both know each other where would they shower before intercourse ? that would be more of a concern for me if I was in that situation
  18. I don't think the police have any authority to "legally punish" anybody. Unless there is a fixed penalty system in place for this, there is nothing they can (legally) do other than to charge them and have them brought before a court. The only thing the police are determined to do is extort as much money as possible from them in order to make all this disappear Of course they will have to find them again first, Unless of course its already a done deal, no reason to go to the hospital for any medical reason, but maybe it was the nearest place that had an ATM ? I reckon they paid up already and sgt Somchai and the boys have already divvied up. Obviously just like the chinese couple they would rather this all just disappeared now, this kind of publicity is the last thing they want
  19. He wouldn't have served jailtime for a drugs offence in the immigration detention centre , he was awaiting deportation for overstay it would appear from his 4 month stay there that nobody was in a rush to put the money up for him to return
  20. Where does it say he "got done for drugs" did I miss that bit or are you just making things up ! Read it again he was caught on overstay and sent to the IDC to await deportation, No mention of a drugs conviction. You and a few others on here seem to be so triggered merely by seeing the word "drugs" in a story that you start inventing all sorts of imaginary scenarios to express your outrage. Exactly the sort of people this journalistic trash is written for,
  21. I don't care one way or the other, but then again why not, he won't be the first overstayer to return and I doubt he'll be the last. Apparently he's married now so I doubt he'll be back
  22. I don't know how this sort of thing works, but my guess is that this guy is attempting to promote the launch of his online "business" back home in the UK. He appears to have managed to persuade his local newspaper to run a (non) story about him, in fact I googled it and there was an article published about 6 days ago in a Birmingham "newspaper" (which probably only actually exists on line) and the OP is an exact cut and paste job. Amazingly google also revealed that the exact same non- story is also being covered by , amongst others The Uk's Daily Mail and Daily Express, Yahoo news, Microsoft news, The Thai Examiner, and believe it or not The New York Post. all word for word exactly the same Why they all saw fit to cover this is beyond me, as a "banged up abroad" story its nothing particularly exciting or out of the ordinary , but even worse, out of all these established media giants not one single person appears to have noticed the appalling lack of detail and they have all quite happily cut and pasted a piece of absolutely pointless rubbish about something that happened 5 years ago
  23. As is counting the number of words in other peoples posts, (11 in this one just to save you the trouble )
  24. I would much prefer a spray that does kill them.
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