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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. A truly revolting case, but unlike the Asian grooming gang incident, the police were not at any time "advised" to take things easy for fear of upsetting the communities involved. Why would that be? Asking a question like that, too loudly, is all it takes for one to become the target of a lefty hate campaign, the ultimate target of such campaigns being to utterly destroy the victim by any means possible The predictable outpouring of hatred for Tommy Robinson by certain members on here, who know little about the guy or what he believes in shows how effective this cancel culture can be .
  2. Sadly it only takes one bad (or woke) apple to spoil everything, The police under normal circumstances would have pursued the Rotherham grooming case with relish, but their hands were effectively tied when they were instructed by "whoever" to step back a bit due to fears of upsetting racial sensitivities or attracting accusations of racism. I don't know who instructed that, and no doubt they have been allowed to quietly resign but they should be imprisoned, Unfortunately us English unlike our Irish neighbours, do not have a paramilitary organisation to fall back on I would imagine any influence our own gangsters may have traditionally held has rapidly been diminished following the unchecked rise of foreign lead gangs who now call the shots
  3. I would say that unless one knows the guy personally it would be impossible to form an accurate opinion of him . its pretty obvious he has been the target of the usual prolonged hate campaign and as such it is impossible to find any unbiased or impartial information on him.
  4. There were Pakistani rape gangs, yet their victims were exclusively white, I think that's a valid point that needed mentioning. If the rape gangs were white and the victims were exclusively asian it would also be a valid point. Why do you think they only targeted white girls, might it be something to do with racism perhaps
  5. I believe those who were not contracted out of the "serps" additional pension scheme receive additional money
  6. Well those working today may be making a contribution, but I would imagine most of the money is borrowed, I believe the funding requirements for the NHS alone are at least equal to, if not more than, the total tax take. But yes I have also heard that the "pot of money" story was a lie
  7. unless you are an "asylum seeker" looking for a fully funded human rights lawyer "to get you in"
  8. And what effect, if any, does that have on your day to day existence ? Why would anybody other than immigration officials, the agents , or those using their services even want to talk about that, ? Other than a few sanctimonious, small minded expats who for some reason really get their panties in a bunch over things like this
  9. They actually do know how to attract tourists and expats, Millions upon millions of tourists every year reportedly, and I'm guessing hundreds of thousands of expats. I'm no expert on tourism but as a lay observer and based on what I've seen at the airports I'd say they are nearing capacity so I would imagine that in their minds they think they are doing ok. They are probably not too concerned about the relatively few tourists / expats who can't exist here without their home comforts, "essentials" which they now consider unaffordable due to a 7% price increase.
  10. Well it will be illegal again next year so things will revert to how they were. " It will take a fatal collision to change things." You seem to almost relish that scenario ,
  11. When being tested for drugs the last thing one wants is a "false positive" A negative result is what one wants !
  12. did one last month needed 1) Wife! 2) Original Marriage Cert (which they copied) Copies of 3) Wifes Tabian Barn 4) Wifes ID 5) Passport pages for current entry and Photo/ Data Page 6) Passport photo 7) 1900 bt It wasn't an issue for me, but might be worth noting that the 60 Days they gave me started from day of application, as opposed to end of current permission to stay , but I was on a ME tourist visa and had already extended by 30 days as a "tourist" so I think the fact that I was changing the purpose of my stay might have something to do with that. As you are, presumably, on a marriage Non O. you aren't changing your reason to visit, so I think there's a fair possibly that they might add it on to the end of your current permission to stay
  13. And the police don't know which if any hospital he is in? How many are there i the area? No mention of how the comatose guy made his exit from the scene, somehow I doubt that he walked and one of his mates was in no fit state to carry him. Surely there must have been an ambulance involved? They know full well where he is It makes it a strong possibility as does receiving a kick to the head like that.
  14. yes i remember that, a nasty business in the "Tunbridge Wells" of Thailand, I may be wrong but i seem to remember the perpetrators actually got some jail time for that
  15. is it any wonder that people need some respite from the messed up world we live in How many turn to alcohol is rarely mentioned but the reasons and the consequences are pretty much the same
  16. i'm not sure that they test for cannabis, it may be only for methamphetamine (Ya Bah) It would depend on what test kit they use
  17. following the appalling example set by the UK in such matters
  18. They are keeping very tight lipped about his condition, Had he made a full recovery it would have been mentioned as part of the PR clean up , but the silence is indeed deafening, I fear the worst and at the very least I expect him to be seriously injured I just saw it on the lunchtime news the 3 thugs apologised to Muang Pattaya with a wai as another member posted earlier. The news readers did condemn the attack , moreso than I expected to be honest
  19. Mr ball got snotted twice during the melee, couldn't have happened to a more deserving gentleman
  20. These thugs are not security guards or bouncers, just wrongun's trouble makers earning a bit of cash in hand and just waiting for an opportunity to kick off. The Thais refer to them as Nak Raeng its not a compliment
  21. The kicking of the doctor pales into insignificance by comparison if he even did kick her, it certainly was not shown clearly in the related video. What part of the video and cctv footage of this incident would you say were not clear? The only rumours connected to this incident were the broken nose of a bar girl which has never been mentioned in any report , and the death of one of the guys which has not yet been confirmed or denied' Exactly what point of yours have I ignored due to it being true?
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