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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. So are you implying that we should all remain silent , and not dare to offer an opinion, That would make for a really exciting and interesting forum wouldn't it
  2. I think I remember that article or have read something very similar, but there is no way these two have jumped from that gravy train, more likely just had their tickets upgraded to first or business class
  3. looking at the smiles on their faces I'm guessing that is exactly what they have decided to do. a fine foundation for their new "bro-mance"
  4. That won't be the case for either of these two, However I can't help wondering what particular "inactivity" they will be tasked with to pass the time over the next 60 days
  5. I very much doubt anybody in Thailand , particularly government employees, are ever promoted or assigned positions based on personal merit
  6. They both seem delighted at their transfer to an inactive post at the Pm's office, Perhaps they see it as one step closer to the position they really covet, Maybe they think they are both genuinely in with a chance of that, and have decided to bury the hatchet, so to speak, on the basis that whoever eventually gets there will look after the other? Either way I don't think a temporary transfer to an a inactive post for people in their position will have any ot the negative repercussions that apply to more junior ranking officers.
  7. I agree also, it can be a bit worrying these days in the west, regarding certain services that one may require, especially of a medical nature. now that quotas are required to be met, you can never be sure if the woman (or tranny) is the best person for the job or if there position was granted as a purely box ticking exercise. In Thailand one never knows if they got the job due to who their father is and / or how much money they were able to stump up
  8. didn't even pay for 1/2 of lager or a bag of chips, c'mon that's stretching it a bit
  9. If I was a gambling man I would bet everything I own and all I could borrow that it was costing him, one way or the other, and I would win
  10. Everybody pay's for it one way or the other, except perhaps in our teenage years when we might be given a free taster or two , but that's only to get us hooked.
  11. I 'm sure every word is true, but some might be forgiven for asking why you have waited until now to release the results of your social experiment.
  12. hmmm, an already pregnant Thai woman or a crazy Russian, ? that's a tough decision to have to make ,, I'd go with "none of the above" if that's an option
  13. Now I'm getting confused, who exactly does the island belong to?
  14. And don't forget the delights of the regular internal examination for cervical cancer screening which you would be fully entitled to, along with a mammogram too if you wanted it.
  15. however a male senior manager would be quite reluctant to dismiss the excuse in these "enlightened times"
  16. not only violent women, its a common excuse shoplifting and other bad behaviour
  17. Its not the first time this has been used as an excuse, In the UK a woman literally got away with murder by using the same b/s https://www.upi.com/Archives/1981/11/11/A-British-woman-who-said-pre-menstrual-tension-drove-her/4609374302800/ There are other examples on google, Women's problems have always been a convenient, "no questions asked" excuse for a few days off work, few male bosses would ask any questions or request the "victim" to go into detail, those who did would be up before a disciplinary themselves In my limited experience as a third party in such matters, the temper tantrums generally appear prior to the actual period its self/ Things tend to calm down once the red flag is flying I am now fully expecting to be attacked by any women who might be reading this , and also any half men who are currently identifying as women
  18. A common fantasy for many on here is men getting bummed in prison, like i said earlier some blokes get a bit weird when they reach a certain age, some are weird from birth
  19. Not here they won't pal we are not talking "in general" we are specifically discussing Thailand, and things are done differently here The best legal advice would be telling them to plead guilty,it is their only way of reducing whatever sentence they will receive when they are invariably found guilty ! unless some serious irrefutable further evidence appears, which in this case is very very unlikely even if it did exist it would never be made public Just recently there was an event in Sa kaew were a woman was murdered by a teenage gang. Her husband was the initial suspect and he confessed to the crime despite having nothing to do with it. It was effectively an open and shut case as they say and his fate was sealed Only the investigative skills of a TV journalist who unearthed some cctv footage saved him from a long stretch in prison and caused the real suspects to be apprehended. Amazingly he was still admitting to the murder for a while after the new evidence was discovered and swore he had not been pressured by the police. You can totally forget any comparisons to the legal process here and what may occur in any other civilised western country, the same goes for the concept of justice. When you are in the $hit here you will be in it up to your neck and it will be impossible to claw your way out regardless of innocence, and regardless of what legal help you may think you have bought. probably not that much different than north korea in real terms
  20. apologies, if i have spoken out of turn or been misquoted, I am a bit confused now, However I did claim a conviction rate of around 95% I'm guessing the link you provided kind of confirms that but to be honest I started reading it but gave up after the first few paragraphs,
  21. from genuine real "experience" or simply from what you have heard ? Have you any Idea what the conviction rate is by Thai courts for "normal" people ? That would explain their willingness to plead guilty regardless of whether they actually are or not
  22. Absolutely , if I remember correctly the conviction rates by Thai courts ( for normal run of the mill people at least) is somewhere around 95% possibly even more, so generally speaking if one is unfortunate to be appearing in court its pretty much a certainty that one will be found guilty anyway. Pleading guilty regardless of actual guilt is the only way to reduce what sentence one would inevitably receive. A no brainer in anybodies book, unless one is suffering from "principles" and is prepared to cut one,s nose off to spite one's face
  23. fortunately most of them are too old for jury service, Something weird happens to some blokes when they get to a certain age,
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