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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. have people been sent to prison for wearing fake watches? first i have heard of it , But I cant say anybody wearing a real one impresses me at all to be honest
  2. if you could not afford a real one at 50 you have failed I bought a fake rolex in the 70's using money I earned from delivering newspapers, it only cost £10.
  3. and who needs a smart phone ? I have a normal nokia, tells the time just fine, and allows me to communicate with others too
  4. what is the photo alleged to be showing, other than a recent cheap haircut? Is it supposed to show injuries of some sort?
  5. you could include social media and the accumulation of wealth in that list,
  6. i don't he was criticising your grammar, I think He questioning the accuracy of what you wrote. ie, its always been the case that there was more money to be made from using ones skills for illegal endeavours. its not a modern anomaly
  7. The legalisation of cannabis seems to have caused no problems at all , This certainly has the potential to cause a lot more issues
  8. Its an Asian thing, not just in Thailand! That would explain the title of this thread, would it not ?
  9. Maybe after seeing you loitering around hospital premises the smokers retreated to their designated smoking area to avoid your intrusive prying eyes. People who want to smoke will do so regardless of your opinions The smoking of cannabis in public is generally discouraged and could lead to prosecution, and somebody with your claimed "high education" should be aware that users of cannabis do not need or crave " a fix" You have been watching reefer madness again haven't you? Another know it all who know clearly knows nothing
  10. You need to get a life, walking around hospital premises looking for evidence of smoking is not normal behavior by anybody's standards, even somebody with a very limited education like me can see that. Using a"lawyer" to obtain a visa is the sole preserve of peoplle who either do not know the system of fail to meet the requirements , Plenty of people managed during Covid without resorting to that So you consider yourself "too educated " to smoke, personally I would expect you to get through 60 a day
  11. The fact that dogs don't sweat would surely limit how much use a fan is at cooling them down, surely it would be akin to pointing a hairdryer at them.
  12. I hope that finally put an end to the endless whinging from some on here " but but but Anuyin said" etc etc
  13. PLenty of relatively low educated people work in hospitals, they are not all doctors, did you not know that ? the reason hospitals don't have ashtrays is because smoking is not allowed on the premises, therefore ashtrays are not required, now you have been educated All pick up drivers smoke do they? what a ridiculous statement. Although, as somebody who needs to consult with a lawyer in order to obtain a visa, your basic education is obviously incomplete. How many do you smoke per day,? I suggest you pause for thought before answering
  14. Most people will have no issue contributing to a thread like this , and it would make no difference if the word "russians" was replaced with almost any other nationality British , are always fair game, whether their antics make the headlines or not, along with all the english speaking nations, And currently as we know the swedes are also in the firing line based on the behaviour of a few of them, Everybody joins in in pulling the subject to pieces and stereotypes are rife, only the very uber woke, unable to miss an opportunity to take offence, bother surfacing from the bottom to utter their predictable and rather boring accusations of "racism" At which they expect us shrivel up and die like dracula when exposed to holy water or sunlight This inclines me to believe that there is more than a little bit of racism and xenophobia in nearly everybody, its just getting increasingly difficult to find a legal target, and a good enough excuse but when they do they don't hold back . IAs far as I can see it appears to be an inherent part of human nature, However change the word "russian" to Pakistani , Moroccan , Indian , Gazan, for example, and the cry from the lefties would be deafening, Many who enjoyed joining in ranting about the Brits, will quickly change their tune, suddenly becoming virtue signalling supporters of diversity , and begin to attack those making similar comments to those they themselves made on threads like this By the way I'm no great fan of Russians either! I know they can't be all bad, but enough of them are.
  15. Totally agree, I'd even go as far as to say any crime committed under the influence could warrant a more severe punishment like driving offences for example, 35 in a 30 is no big deal unless you blow 180 They should all be legalized, if only for the reason you gave above, but the health benefits to users as a result of access to pharmaceutical quality drugs would be a worthwhile bonus. Also removing the allure of "forbidden fruit" when coupled with some real education and not just the usual "just say no " "drugs are bad" rubbish, and there would probably be a huge reduction in usage. In my opinion its the only way they will ever succeed, It needs to be instilled in young minds quite early though, when peoples brains really are receptive to what they are told by adults, afterall that's why they ram religion down kids throats from just about the moment they are able to walk. only a minute number of idiots start believing that stuff in adulthood and it seldom works out well when they do! , but 99.9 % of the world's population take some religious guidance on board and moderate their behaviour positively as a result of being indoctrinated as a kid whether they realise it or not
  16. For absolutely no other reason whatsoever? That's absolutely astonishing, A full blown cannabis "addict" driven to slaughtering his own family, solely due to the intensity of the psychosis suffered during withdrawal ? That's probably a "world first" I have never heard a report of that nature, ever if it was true it would probably occupy a more prominent position in a news paper than the social and lifestyle section of the Bangkok Post. Its no surprise that its readership would easily fall for such a ridiculous attempt at anti cannabis reefer madness rubbish
  17. somebody said Donald Trump, I would say Tony Blair set the bar considerably lower
  18. But surely with kids involved they can't just allow anybody to set up a nursery employ a few strangers, and have total control over other peoples kids! I'm pretty sure there are plenty of kiddie fiddlers out there who would be more than capable of abusing a loophole like that
  19. I'm usually wrong ,but It doesn't look very big for a commercial tour boat , looks like the sort of boat a wealthy long stayer might own There may have been no tour operators involved, Possibly no Thais on board at all. No doubt every detail will be revealed as the latest shock horror headline hits the news The media will be delighted at this latest incident which will help them feed the current frenzy I think they are in danger of contributing to some possible anti social reprisals if they keep up this campaign. The Thai population is conditioned from birth to have a healthy disdain for foreigners, the younger generation are very influenced by the crap they read on their smartphones there's plenty of nut jobs and general wronguns amongst them, who invariably hang around in gangs with a pack mentality, it doesn't take much to set them off at the best of times I think there is a heightened possibility we will soon hear some good old fashioned stories of 5 Thais kicking the $h1t out of a few foreigners on the news, doubt it will figure as prominently. I don't think this will be over for a while yet, these netizens can sulk for weeks and will be scouring the internet for further horrors, and the media will be perfectly happy pumping it out
  20. So its been bit by a shark or chopped by a propeller fascinating eh?
  21. and presumably different ticket numbers and booking references ? Not a good look for EVA air
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