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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 5 hours ago, george said:


    If you were the cop boss, how would you have handled this?

    Handled what? the knife gang ? find them arrest them and bring them before the courts

    Or were you referring to the grammar pedant arguing the toss about the definition of proactive?  in his case I think an official warning would be in order, followed by deportation of course

    Personally I think a 10pm curfew for under 18's should be the norm

  2. 19 minutes ago, sambum said:


    From "Vocabulary.com":-


    Active means "doing something." The prefix pro- means "before." So if you are proactive, you are ready before something happens. The opposite is being reactive, or waiting for things to unfold before responding. 


    "Don't know what the word means"? Correct!


    In this respect then  the curfew was not a proactive measure as it was implemented after the events took place, so it was in fact a reactive measure.

    Although it could be considered proactive in so much that they sought to prevent any recurrence.

    No internet vocabulary guide required

    • Like 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    The short answer is: YES.
    However, if you buy an electric car, it might be okay to leave the engine running for cooling air.

    would it be best to leave the engine of an electric car running to avoid draining the battery too  ? lol

  4. 30 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    Everyone's blames here - youth, foreigners gangs - no explanation of verification, jut nape-of-the-neck reaction from the police (who don't seem very upset,BTW). Just a public display of incompetence.

    The police are not supposed to get "upset"  They are expected to remain "professional" when carrying out their duties, emotion should not come into it 

    • Agree 1
  5. 3 hours ago, newbee2022 said:

    How do it in your home country?

    In many EU countries you would be fined!

    But hey, it's Thailand. No rules, no laws? No politeness?

    You should not stay here🙏

    How things are done in ones own country are of course irrelevant, likewise the penalties for noncompliance in EU countries.  "But hey"  you got one thing right, this is indeed Thailand, They do indeed have their own laws, and those are the only  laws one needs to concern oneself  with.

    It is not you who dictates who should or should not stay here, 

    • Sad 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, BKKKevin said:

    When you get home leave your car running in the drive and get a nice comfy lawn chair and sit it about 2 meters from the back of your truck... Have a nice sit for about 20 minutes and ponder your initial question...


    Btw... Don't try this in a closed garage as it could kill you... :coffee1:

    Considering modern diesels are all fitted with catalytic converters it could be a very very slow death

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  7. 4 hours ago, bluejets said:

    Don't be such an arrogant ignorant a-hole.

    The guy was merely asking for advice, is that your usual reply to a polite question .  Or just the one you use when you don't know the answer but would like to indulge in a bit of virtue signalling?  Apparently  a self appointed D.I.Y. "expert"    perhaps you should limit your replies to questions relating to that subject.  

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  8. 4 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    Please, explain the resemblance to this thread. Were they at war?

    didn't really think it would be necessary but , just for you....  Grown men fight , always have and always will, they will fight for a variety reasons its human nature, To label them as babies is incorrect, babies do not fight, and are not capable of doing so.    To protect ones self, ones family , or ones possessions would be considered a justifiable reason for fighting by most people and for some  protecting or preserving ones honour would also be considered a good enough reason. Add some alcohol and some will always  find  a reason.    In my opinion any of the above are more valid to most than fighting under the orders of a military commander due to a hostile situation created by politicians

    Your simplistic and inaccurate  labelling of people fighting as babies, was nothing more than an attempt to present yourself as in someway superior

  9. 3 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    The majority of heroin addicts die a lot younger than they otherwise would have lived - and that includes prescriptions opioids. Sure some get clean and are 'saved' but a lot die early - both from complications sue to extended usage and also overdoses.  Plus they have a seriously high rate of 'self-harm' and they commit an extremely high rate of crime (to pay for them). 

    as I said then, death is not a forgone conclusion.  Death from prescription opiates might also have something to do with the condition they were prescribed for.     Shoplifting and the other petty crime they get involved with are rarely fatal either.  Most die from overdoses (due to the wildly varying quality) or from contaminants used to dilute the drug,  both of which are a direct consequence of the drugs illegal status. 

    Many more would die from alcohol  for similar reasons if it was made illegal

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