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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. 22 hours ago, webfact said:

    This sentiment is echoed by disillusioned farmers who have witnessed a dramatic decline in profits since the liberalization of cannabis in 2022.

    How exactly has the liberalisation of cannabis dramatically reduced farmers profits and why would they call for the recriminalization of it ?  The profit from all cash crops is subject to variation but I have never heard of farmers calling for other crops which have given a lower profit than expected to be banned So that is just total fiction   

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  2. 1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Why? I don't think many that want to open bank accounts do so to launder money. I used to travel a lot as a journalist and be paid in different countries, and it was useful to have an account in New York and another in Melbourne as well as my native UK, in order that I could be paid into those accounts and draw on them when in that country. Not everyone is a money launderer. What should be dealt with is people handling millions, or in this case billions of baht. Which, it seems, they are doing as this case demonstrates.

    Exactly, nothing wrong with a bit of profiling

  3. 17 hours ago, Jenkins9039 said:

    one of my old neighbours can hardly walk but his passport goes over the border once a year for example.

     Do you not think a disabled person should receive any assistance in this respect?   A guy I know  has just suffered a stroke, do you think he should be summarily deported if he can't attend immigration at extension time ?  

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Smokey and the Bandit said:

    Quite so, but just imagine having to look over your shoulder, for 6 years, not knowing if or when you will get caught?

     I guess one eventually becomes complacent , and then the minute you let your guard down this happens 

    Wonder who grassed him up?  

  5. Now about regulation,    The current laws regarding the consumption of the state endorsed, addictive, mind altering drug known as alcohol are well known There is an age limit below which one is not legally able to purchase it,It cannot be sold in certain locations. Some outlets like supermarkets have even introduced minimum amounts that must be purchased. All  establishments that sell it are obliged to be licenced, and  the times when it can be sold  are restricted, although I'm not sure if pregnant women are forbidden from purchasing it or not.

    Many people, evidenced by numerous threads on here over the years consider some of the above to be well over the top.and pretty much an affront to their dignity,      Some of these restrictions also apply to cannabis but  many who don't indulge seem to wish for stronger and stronger restrictions to apply.  Why is that?  Cannabis is in no way more noxious or inherently dangerous than alcohol ,its no more addictive,  and the side effects especially regarding anti social and violent behaviour pale into insignificance when compared to those from alcohol. is it a legacy of reefer madness propaganda or just a fear of the unknown. I reckon its a bit of both

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  6. On 5/10/2024 at 8:38 PM, Dogmatix said:

    Thaksin has family reasons relating to his son for hating drugs of all types.  He also found his war on drugs in the early 2,000s played well with the general public who liked the idea of alleged drug dealers being murdered indiscriminately in so called "silence killings" by other drug dealers, or so the narrative encouraged by him went. It was all smoke and mirrors because they only targeted small time dealers and consumers and left the big fish who were protected by police, army and politicians. So there was no improvement in the amphetamines situation. 

    Standard M.O. here. Thailand has never been the best place to be a low hanging fruit. but it really  must be the nearest thing to " heaven on earth" for those who enjoy a certain status

    • Agree 1
  7. On 5/11/2024 at 10:34 AM, sambum said:


    I have to agree with HappyExpat57 on this one. I smoked a bit of "weed" in the 60's/70's, and remember  Moroccan Black, Lebanese Gold/Red etc and the type of "buzz" it gave me.


    However, one day somebody turned up with some "Skunk" one day, which was "nit noi" higher in THC content, and I was almost "tripping"! 


    A point that was made by the late great musician David Crosby in one of his interviews. (For the record, David Crosby - of the Byrds, and Crosby Stills and Nash was heavily involved in all kinds of drugs during his life from "weed" right through to heroin) In the interview he said that the only drug problem he had in the 60's was getting ENOUGH ! But he also said that "the stuff that the kids are smoking these days would have blown my head off - they should make it illegal!" He said it jokingly, but he did say he was serious about the possible hallucogenic effects of the "new breed of weed"

    My personal take on this is a little different, having smoked since the late 70's I agree that the selectively bred stuff of recent years is undoubtedly stronger but I also find that tolerance is built up a lot quicker and the "high" lasts a much shorter time.  Back in the UK there is not much else available other than what we nowadays refer to as "green" or "skunk"  regardless of whatever the currently fashionable name has been given to it by those who supply it. Some is stronger than others but its always the first few joints out of a bag that appear the strongest, if one buys in ounces by the time one has reached the bottom  of the bag, which  for me takes around 3 weeks,  it has  always lost its initial kick, due to the effect of increased  tolerance.  I actually think I have damaged my cannabis receptors in some way as I find tolerance breaks more and more necessary.  I also generally pack it in a couple of weeks before coming here and to be honest I am perfectly satisfied smoking reasonable quality brick when over here, I find the high "more rounded" and longer lasting and don't seem to build up tolerance so much either.

    On my return to the uk I get the benefit, albeit, short-lived from abstaining from the green for a while but it soon wears a bit thin on me   Others I know report  similar experiences, so its not just me

    I'm no expert but i suspect that this may be due to the obsession with more and more THC. generally at the expense of the other cannabinoids which I think also contribute to the effects. I may be wrong and I'm sure somebody will be along shortly to put me right.

    I am surprised that Dave Crosby or anybody else of that ilk has reservations regarding the sales of "the strong stuff. possibly a side effect of getting old and a little more responsible,   Lets not forget that alcoholic drinks are available in various strengths, a 700 cc bottle is the standard, and consuming a full bottle of scotch has the potential for many to result in far worse side effects than some mild hallucinations,  sometimes even death, 

    Bizarrely in the UK supermarkets have imposed limits on how many packets of paracetamol or aspirin one can buy at one time, yet no such limit applies to  40+%   bottles of alcoholic spirits, not that I am advocating that there should be one

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  8. 16 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Introduce a law that tells all Thai's it's fine to become a pothead and all shops and roadside shacks are welcome.


    what could possibly go wrong     !


    I'm in a circus ....   tickets please '    ......       all clown jobs are full     !!

    So do the current alcohol laws encourage all Thais to become an alcoholic?    mom and pop shops, 7/11, and major supermarkets all very welcome. what could possibly go wrong ?   As regards cannabis what exactly did go wrong ?  answer,, nothing , exactly as expected, despite the best efforts of the media and all the other naysayers,

    • Agree 2
  9. 1 hour ago, sambum said:

    It's almost like saying "We want your money, but we don't want you, so come here,  have your holiday, and then b****r off back to where you came from. And those of you who live here are not welcome, but we wil take your money, and if we can squeeze even more out of you by taxing the money that you spend here, we will do." 

     Regardless of what any of them are saying,  That is pretty much how they think, The fact that people are still visiting here for holidays and the fact that others are still prepared to live or retire here, means they have no incentive to change their ways.    Any publicity mishaps are smoothed over with sickly TAT marketing campaigns or if the worst comes to the worst a reduction iv visa fees for a few months.

         Its not just foreigners they dislike or treat with contempt , the political elite have scant disdain for their own people too

    Sill preferable to living in the UK  

  10. 7 hours ago, sambum said:

    so we can see where his priorities lie!

    not really surprising considering he is a Thai government minister and this is Thailand.

    No it does not particularly concern me, Anotin is rather outspoken but his sentiments are shared by all the others including that slimy rat Pita So if one is prone to worrying there are many others to worry about,regardless of what they have or have not said publicly,  one could easily worry ones self into an early grave,  and then none of this will matter at all

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