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Bday Prang

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Posts posted by Bday Prang

  1. It seems somewhat perverse that what one can do today, without consequence,  regarding cannabis use, may shortly have the potential to land one  in prison.along with all the other problems one may face with a "drugs" conviction on ones record , despite harming nobody,  All due to the personal whims of a politician/ convicted criminal

    By all means target under age users and those who supply them , as the regulations allow for, just like alcohol.   but where is the logic in hunting down and prosecuting everybody else  

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  2. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    What sense is that....... is there some advantage to having a subset of people impacted by this drug driving around or doing whatever it puts them in mind to do? Alcohol is bad enough in that respect, but do we need to add to the issues?

                      Well if the last couple of years was to be looked at as an experiment or a trial run,at least socially there appears to have been no issues at all, despite the best efforts of the nay sayers and the ever eager media.   If it had not been for 100 years of" reefer madness " and all the negative propaganda which has shaped people's attitudes, discussions like this would not happen.

                      Prior to the legalisation, I personally cannot remember a single incident hitting the headlines where cannabis was mentioned as a contributory factor either,  yet there were plenty of people using it  even then. Now with the number of users having vastly increased , by up to ten times according to some estimates, there is still , contrary to all the doom and gloom predictions by some people , a distinct lack of  evidence or reports of any negative consequences in the news despite the best efforts of the media,   In fact the only issue mentioned on here by the anti cannabis brigade is that they "don't like the smell"  hardly a valid reason to subject people to what can be severe punishments just for possessing a plant

                     "Whatever it puts them in mind to do"   "Alcohol is bad enough"     you are suggesting that cannabis is worse in that respect than alcohol, and  that is clearly not the case.  any assertion  that it is, is purely the result of years and years of negative propaganda clouding ones judgement, and not based on  any reported instances




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  3. 3 hours ago, steven100 said:


    you miss the point ....   

    It's the use of this that leads to social issues and problems.  How to mess up a country more than it is already ...




     The point is ,alcoholics really should not be commenting,  There have been no significant  problems or social issues, unless you are talking about alcohol of course, which is responsible for violence, traffic accidents every single day , and many long term health issues, and waking up next to ugly women to name just four  of the" positives"  It is indeed the best way to mess up a country.  Just imagine life without it ,  oh sorry , you can't, at least not without breaking into a cold sweat

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  4. Duplicated  but whilst i'm here,,,, I don't  equate the smell exactly  with "rotting trash" there is an element of that ,  but it puts me more in mind me of the smell released when removing a manhole cover from a live public sewer, especially one of the larger ones.  

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  5. 8 hours ago, kwilco said:

    you are  not good at this game ar you? You end up trying to change the goalposts - it's fairly obvious you didn't understand the initial comment before blurting out irrelevancies.


    as usual a pretty much incomprehensible reply .  Designed to divert attention from your original incorrect comment,   

    You said" the police do not seem upset " 

    I said they are not supposed to get" upset" and are" EXPECTED to remain professional"  

    To which you replied , in an attempt to discredit my statement  "so whats professional about smiling and holding a sword" ?   Obviously nothing professional about that  Which is why my previous comment contained the word "expected"

    Is that so difficult for you to understand ?

    Maybe I am not so good at this game but I am clearly better at it than you you need to recognise your own failings before attempting to denigrate others. 

    No goalposts were moved as a result of any of my comments,  

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