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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I bet the list of directors and shareholders makes interesting reading
  2. Unless one worked for pfizer on the development or promotion of the vaccine, or was actually part of the approval process or committee,( in which case they probably have immunity anyway) How could, or why would anybody refuse to accept the the vaccine may yet be proven to have significant negative side effects, why would anybody flatly refuse to accept current evidence, and how could anybody without the ability to see into the future be so incredibly sure of future developments of lack of them. Its really quite astonishing
  3. little Pharma and plenty of others did very nicely out of it too this thread being a fine example
  4. Pfizer and all the others, were gifted governments who did not have a clue what to do, and who had also fallen victim to their purposely self generated panic and desperation, so, armed no doubt with some of the best medical sales people on the planet, coupled with a well known veracity for making as much money as possible and as a bonus an immunity clause were onto a winner from the start. they could have presented saline solution as a vaccine and it would have been approved. Didn't they claim it had a 96% success rate, how did that stand up in reality. Once the powers that be said "yes" nobody else disagreed, and if it turned out to be wrong they are unlikely to admit it They were trying to give it to 6 month old babies for god's sake
  5. so rare it was withdrawn Yeah right and not that promptly either You may remain convinced by what you are told I do not. maybe I inherited my scepticism from my mother, who thankfully refused to take Thalidomide, which was also approved, and no doubt under a much longer timeframe as emergency protocols were not deemed necessary for morning sickness.
  6. You may be convinced I am not, And why would an "approved" vaccine be withdrawn? That really inspires confidence doesn't it, both in the vaccine and the reason given for its withdrawal whatever that might have allegedly been
  7. You seem very sure about that How many people are you responsible for having suspended. just because they didn't agree with what you were preaching ?
  8. Not certain about "vaccine injury" but "experimental vaccine" did not go down very well at all on this forum, which is bizarre because that's exactly what it was and still is, Why was their an immunity clause granted to them all ? Didn't the Astra Zenneca one get withdrawn ? None of them prevented infection or transmission, the best they could come up with was "reduced the chances of" and that was dependant on repeatedly injecting ones self every six months. I was regularly described as an "anti vaxxer" or "denier" just for doubting the effectiveness, despite making it clear I'd had 3 albeit reluctantly.
  9. The whole truth will never come out and its probably only a relatively very small number of "influential " people that require the protection of the selective censorship, People were intentionally panicked and panic is at least as infectious as covid is supposed to be, Peoples reactions to panic are quite well known , children seek reassurance from their parents, Adults seek comfort in the advice from those they perceive, ( and who claim to be) better informed, in this case laughably , governments . Two comfort blankets were provided, masks and vaccines. Anybody who questioned the validity of those, was seen, by those in fear, to be effectively removing their comfort blankets, the almost violent response was therefore sadly predictable, and is even showing its self in this thread some 3 years later.
  10. That's the problem, It's becoming obvious, that just like racism and all the other "Phobias" allegedly going on in the world, for a very very small number of people there just isn't enough covid . and for some reason they feel it necessary to exaggerate it with a plethora of charts and statistics that could have been drawn / collated by anybody (official or not) to suit there own agenda, yet are presented as absolute facts . Since when did anybody have such faith in, or express a totally unquestioning, belief in anything that governments tell them ? Since they got scared perhaps
  11. I was going to say that there is no more money left, but i guess they will just print some more. This isn't over , nowhere near, The actual virus part is , but now that its been seen how easy it is to control people through fear, and how much money there is to be made ,we may never hear the end of it. The name Covid was just made up so that the rest of the world didn't refer to it "as chinese bat flu" The word Covid is now associated with fear and wholesale death. There is no reason why any of the less severe versions should share the same name, unless of course the intention is to keep the masses terrified. It should in my opinion be given a new name that is less synonymous with terror
  12. Mandatory testing would soon put them into their misery. Then with sufficient propaganda many will develop symptoms
  13. Well there is always a lot of talk about the placebo effect and apparently its well proven scientifically I certainly believe there is something to be said for it and especially when combined with the power of positive thought, I doubt many would dismiss it ' So first question is , for relatively mild infections , why is a placebo not the first prescribed treatment, I think the answer to that is something to to with the lost profits for the drug companies, Second question, have any of the "experts" both on here and in real life given any consideration, as to what the effect of putting the fear of god into people might be, concerning their ability to overcome infections naturally. If there is a placebo effect , and I don't doubt that there is , it must work both ways. This constant scaremongering with charts and statistics is at best counterproductive and at worst downright dangerous and should have been stopped years ago , In my opinion those responsible have a lot to answer for
  14. more likely to be horrific , terrifying, petrifying
  15. But but but its so much more infectious, they say that every time, The next version will be transmitted just by whining about it on internet forums, so make sure you mask up before you log on , if it saves just one life it will be worth it
  16. indeed , what was the average of death ? 82 ?
  17. Sounds like something straight out of a TAT promotional video. There is no culture here of caring for others welfare Have you seen how they drive,
  18. I saw a video clip on the news of a guy standing on the back step of a songthaew,, with his genitals clearly exposed, as he unloaded a good few bottles of chang, on to the pristine tarmac of beach road.! probably considered quite acceptable behaviour by those on here crying about a bit of weed. I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of them, Ai least it wasn't "drugs" though eh?
  19. He probably wouldn't even bother, there are plenty of people who will make an excuse for him, No nation of people have perfected the art of grovelling to the degree that the Thais have. If he is in fact there those that go to check on him will approach him on their knees. The same could be said for any of these journalists who appear to criticise him, they are nothing more than keyboard warriors, who would fight amongst themselves for the privilege of administering annilingus if he asked them
  20. https://shopee.co.th/ร้านส่งไว!-Grinder-บดสมุนไพร420-พร้อมส่ง!!-i.115120834.18795987533?sp_atk=9db1bcb1-864c-43b8-b200-0d94c54a2dce&xptdk=9db1bcb1-864c-43b8-b200-0d94c54a2dce How cheap do you want it ? 5bt a gram ok? or buy 10g taster for 100bt Not tried it myself but for that kind of money I think its worth a try
  21. That's not quite how things work in Thailand. Unlike in the west, the legality of something like this is nothing to do with what's written in a statute book . In Thailand, the legality of such actions is a very subjective concept, it is totally dependant on the status of who is causing the disturbance and the status of who is complaining, and any relationship either party may have with the police, should things descend to that level, As the guy only does his spraying every 3 months and has now agreed to pre warn you I personally don't see your problem. "Graeng Jai" is also based on status, As a foreigner your place in the pecking order has been pre established for you, so if you are expecting any of that to come your way automatically you will be disappointed. Best not to rock the boat, or get involved, leave it to the Mrs
  22. So now they will be arriving in smaller groups and running around by themselves completely unsupervised ? Who on earth has allowed this? Still what do I care there interest in authentic experiences is unlikely to tempt them beyond the usual tourist ghettos, They certainly won't be coming to Surin any time soon
  23. Well i would imagine that would be least of Andrews worries
  24. Ok I'll accept what you are saying as I'm sure you have researched the matter, But surely,if arrested, and therefore cautioned in the UK. the caution you are obliged to receive should mention that specifically, It not really fair for them to tell you that you have the right to remain silent, if there are specific circumstances where exercising that right would automatically render you liable to prosecution. It only states that "it may harm your defence....."
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