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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I do own a car, i never said other wise " Don’t take trips in taxis, motorcycles taxis, tuk tuks, buses, baht buses?" correct ..see above i have a car I am not a hypocrite because I don't care about my pollution or yours I was not criticising the pollution of either EV or ICE powered vehicles I was calling out the smug sanctimonious attitude that many owners of EVs like to display
  2. and god forbid anybody takes a detailed look at what the gargoyles might be doing
  3. and another baseless uninformed article https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-02-13/the-horrors-behind-the-mining-industry-that-powers-your-life What would greta thunberg say ? I can only imagine deary deary me the more I look the worse it gets, just like my mirror
  4. some more bad news for you https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/02/01/south-america-s-lithium-fields-reveal-the-dark-side-of-our-electric-future it will run out very soon too probably not a bad thing either
  5. Or more specifically "Cobalt used in Lithium ion batteries" same same but different, so how much of the article did you read?
  6. Likewise I see the news daily and there are very very few negative stories , compared to the daily deluge of alcohol related incidents and those related to general stupidity, which is something else that can't be banned
  7. But I have happily accepted the damage my current choice of vehicle causes, I'm not overly bothered about the problems your choice of vehicle causes either now or in the future should they become the alternative that some wish for and that would involve an awful lot of lithium . It is you who are in denial and very touchy about the whole affair
  8. I have already stated I am not an EV hater I have no idea what "CH" means either so I very much doubt I hate that. An unsourced meme was good enough to highlight that EV cars are not the green gift from the gods that many of their sanctimonious advocates claim with an almost ecclesiastical zeal. I then provided a link to an Amnesty International article which provided some evidence and insight to the somewhat unethical methods of lithium mining that makes many EV proponents rather uncomfortable. Or judging by the nasty venomous insult filled responses not only to me but to anyone criticising EVs very uncomfortable indeed, if not downright ashamed in reality. Is there any real need for any of you to go on the attack ? to such a degree, when a quiet admission of complicit guilt regarding the plight of those unfortunate kids would have been much more appropriate........ IMHO. I mean if all it takes to save the world is the death of a few kids in the short term so be it no skin off my nose
  9. or rather have they put "an attempt" at military reform on the backburner, Try it and see what happens
  10. Exactly, the same scared old men who wrongly predicted the end of the world was nigh prior to legalisation, continuing with the same illogical predictions of what will happen if it isn't suddenly recriminalized all based on the original old reefer madness rubbish which has been revamped, updated by "experts" to suit a modern narrative and uploaded on to the internet with a convenient link for them. But its still the same rubbish it was 100 years ago Live and let live you moaning irrelevant geriatrics go pour yourselves a whisky
  11. you love a puff as much as the next guy but gave it up 5 tears ago so you obviously don't, at least not anymore. What part of "not for sale to under 21's" do you not understand Its considered an acceptable and appropriate safety measure for allowing alcohol to continue to be sold to consenting adults so why not weed ?
  12. How long ago did you "work for the large insurance company" ? the word "once" implies it was presumably some time ago. you must have seen many astonishing claims "I turned into the wrong driveway and collided with a tree I didn't have" sort of thing Is / was it even possible to insure oneself against the alleged side effects of cannabis use. Hardly a case of medical negligence, and insurance companies don't normally pay out for self inflicted injuries due to illegal drug use or anything else . Intoxication by alcohol being a favorite cop out clause heard often on this forum. I didn't think they coughed up for suicide either I think you are making this up
  13. Well I thought that was brilliant, and worthy of a comment as opposed to just an emoticon
  14. Nice one, I think many will also quietly continue here as they have done for centuries, My brother in law , a police inspector, confirmed a long time ago that he considered "Lao" to be the best
  15. I once discussed this with my mrs , I said that I was far more materialistic than her , I actually am but as expected she vehemently disagreed, I said in order to prove it I would ordain as a monk. Her horrified response "You can't who would keep up the payments on the car"
  16. Most intelligent debates consist of opposing points of view, I have merely highlighted an opposing point of view I don't care if you are the OP I am quite entitled to call out your holier than thou hypocrisy, Your venom illustrates a fragile state of mind,
  17. You should live in accordance with your opening sentence, as what people choose to put in their bodies is really none of your business. But as a self professed vigilante and hard man how many cannabis "addicts" have you subjected to your summary justice "Mr Mccall" and what pro doper $hit to you think I am responsible for starting back home (in the UK) Time for your afternoon nap I think
  18. So restricting its use to non teens as at present is of no use , but banning its use by everybody will solve the problem with a few schizo teens ? I found the documentary laughable to be honest, a few "experts" and concerned parents reading from a script
  19. And the amnesty international report that I provided a link to was pure nonsense too was it ? Likewise you are perfectly entitled to continue to drive your battery powered car but it does not entitle you to any moral high ground,
  20. I am fully aware of the definition of hypocrisy but I have no strong feelings either way regarding OIl lithium or cobalt etc I really don't care one way or the other to be honest. Unethical I may be but hardly hypocritical My comment merely demonstrated the hypocrisy of others virtue signalling about their oh so ethical love of electric vehicles whilst conveniently ignoring a few valid facts that dispute their moral stance
  21. And its not like making it illegal again will ever stop those who want to smoke it from doing so, That much has already been proved beyond all doubt, has nobody in favour of recriminalization noticed that ?
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