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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. Its a racing certainty that the hapless husband was indeed threatened and forced to confess, I just can't for the life of me figure out who might be responsible for such threats or indeed capable of carrying out such threats. Meanwhile " a reporter from Channel 8, Natdanai Narath," might be well advised to revue his own personal security arrangements
  2. Does that even make sense to anybody with an IQ above the level of a half wit ?
  3. even out here in the outback of darkest Surin there are very few over 7 years old that don't have their own (smart) phone
  4. But they are well on the way to ensuring compliance with Schwab's objectives
  5. Give a scouser a fishing rod and he'll poke it through your letter box , hook up your car keys and steal your car
  6. I get the distinct impression that some of these oh so tolerant lefties ( and its always the same few) have been waiting years for this opportunity to openly express their anti semitic views. It's the most grotesque example of virtue signalling I have ever seen, Truly sickening
  7. personally I can't believe that anybody supporting a terrorist organisation like Hamas is even allowed to post or comment on this forum, Considering some of the things I have been suspended for posting it's only right and proper that they should be banned, permanently. What on earth is going on?
  8. For god's sake this is a freaking war, not a gender identity crisis on some woke college campus, So as far as I am concerned the bleeding heart lefties need to keep their anti semitic mealy mouths shut , and just for once let those living in the real world do their best to stop this once and for all . Yes people are dying, yes some of them are innocent, that is the nature of war. The second world war did not end with a cease fire, it took the total destruction of Japan to achieve that, and a similar solution will sooner or later be required regarding this conflict.
  9. you seem to have been disproportionally affected I don't think cannabis or the relaxation of regulations has anything to do with it. you need to look much much closer to home if you wish to find the source of your problems
  10. Oh dear looks like a fan is offended, aren't you a bit old for that sort of thing.
  11. on amarin TV last night the reporter spoke to an offended woman who had not actually witnessed the incident, but who was more than willing to point to where she thought it happened
  12. Well I'm not American and don't follow this as closely as maybe I should, its nice to know there is a name for the condition, I believe one of the worst infected on here comes from Australia but he certainly does not let that hold him back in his outspoken hatred. On a slightly different level one thing I personally found disgusting were the protests that were allowed to take place in the UK prior to one of his presidential visits, with the usual woke suspects even displaying grotesque caricatures of him in the form of orange balloons painted to resemble him. why such a total lack of respect was allowed Is beyond belief. Furthermore the uber woke BBC virtually rolled their eyes and tut tutted after every mention of his name Now the woke are otherwise occupied publicly demonstrating in support of Hamas unbelievable and makes me ashamed to be British
  13. There are one or two Uber woke members not here yet, either still sleeping off last night's intake or currently enjoying happy hour. I am pretty confident a lynch mob will soon assemble, and anybody who does not hate trump with a vengeance, or does not say so in strong enough terms will be targeted, Let's wait and see I would mention some user names but its probably against forum rules, and anyway I'm sure we all know those who I'm referring to
  14. I agree with all you say , particularly about his lack of warmongering , which for me separates him from many of his predecessors, Unfortunately his anti woke stance has made him a target of the "Oh so tolerant" progressive liberals who's fury would put a scorned woman to shame. A few of them on here manage to mention his name in almost every single thread on this forum in some sort of negative context. He was even alluded to in yesterday's thread regarding the sun bathing women at the temple ! The hatred they display for him is really quite astonishing
  15. Not quite sure what use a UK tax return would be to the Thai authorities , they would really need to speak to the inland revenue department in the uk if they needed to confirm one's income and tax paid. All very taxing indeed (sorry couldn't resist) My gut feeling is the fears of many on here will not be realised, however hope for the best but plan for the worst as they say
  16. certainly worrying times and interesting how it will all pan out , As many people in the UK for example have no obligation to submit an annual tax return, PAYE employees and state pensioners being 2 examples, not sure about those with company/ private pensions but I doubt they are obliged to complete a tax return either. Interestingly as a company director who receives most of my income through dividends I am req'd to complete one every year however for the last financial year I elected not to pay myself any dividends just my nominal salary , I was surprised to be quickly informed by the inland revenue that no tax return was required
  17. Perhaps you had trouble understanding my comment, I thought It was clear enough, but you obviously have no idea about the realities of driving a vehicle in the environment of a major motorway construction project. The toyota prius were only present on the site to "tick a green box " and benefit from certain tax advantages on behalf of the contractor there were about 20 of them provided for the engineers, surveyors and supervisors, my fuel consumption was perfectly typical of that experienced by everybody else. They proved to be totally uneconomical to operate and were phased out when the second phase of the work started You can say what you like about my old diesel smoker , I really couldn't care less, but any comment I might make regarding the environmental failings of EV's Ie the issues surrounding the mining of lithium and cobalt, the problems of dealing with the spent batteries, the consequences of their excessive weight on tyres , brakes and road surfaces, and the fact that most are charged using electricity generated from fossil fuels, is guaranteed to provoke a very defensive response. As demonstrated in this thread
  18. if you are so sure borrow the money or do it on your credit card or one of those venture capital go fund me type sites , how much would you really need ? No waiting for people to pay up no cashflow problems , just a few palms to cross, what could possibly go wrong,
  19. if I had £1 just £1 for everybody who has said those words in Thailand I would have enough money to make my own goldmine
  20. If as was mentioned earlier, by another literally any degree will do , its all a bit of a joke isn't it ? I understand that they have to try to maintain some minimum level of intelligence when hiring teachers, but is the simple possession of a degree in "anything" the best way of setting the bar ? Shouldn't they have a teaching qualification? Some of the misfits the uni's turn out these days with their gender studies and applied social sciences "degrees" are hardly capable of stringing a coherent sentence together, the woke ones actually don't speak normal English. i heard stories that incorrect spelling was no longer penalised, if true those sorts are hardly fit to teach anything , not withstanding no teacher training and no teaching experience What possible use is my degree in civil engineering from over 40 years ago when it comes to teaching English, or anything else for that matter? none whatsoever is the answer The whole thing has some sort of blinkered academic elitism about it There are probably plenty of native speakers who didn't bother or didn't need a Bachelor's degree earlier in life who could easily obtain some sort of TEFL qualification and become perfectly capable teachers.It seems totally illogical to exclude them. Perhaps the "real teachers" are afraid of the competition ? If they apply the same principals to their own "teachers" it pretty much explains the state of the education system here especially considering that "who ones father is" could guarantee a "pass", probably without even turning up In the Uk apparently its virtually impossible to sack a teacher for being useless, they can pretty much only be sacked for abusing kids is it the same here, ? wouldn't surprise me , few uniform wearers ever get sacked for incompetence from what I've seen
  21. I'll take your word for it but maybe the water was just turned off, It does look like it was trying to "control its stream" directionally though don't you think ?
  22. Correct , I had a toyota prius provided for me at work whilst working on a motorway construction project years ago , Averaged about 35mpg worse than my diesel van. But it did feature a ridiculous and distracting display showing how free wheeling and braking was allegedly recharging the battery. Presumably to give drivers that eco smugness. that purchasers of such vehicles crave. Not quite sure what else it was meant to achieve
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