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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 1 hour ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    You don't need to ask the Pentagon's think tank the Rand Corporation, helpfully snuck out a report very quietly back in the spring. Basically, the US will force Ukraine to peace negotiations assuming Russia actually wants them with the threat of ending aid and arms.


    President Biden has said that this war will end at the negotiating table.[74] But the administration has not yet made any moves to push the parties toward talks. Although it is far from certain that a change in U.S. policy can spark negotiations, adopting one or more of the policies described in this Perspective could make talks more likely. We identify reasons why Russia and Ukraine may have mutual optimism about war and pessimism about peace. The literature on war termination suggests that such perceptions can lead to protracted conflict. Therefore, we highlight four options the United States has for shifting these dynamics: clarifying its plans for future support to Ukraine, making commitments to Ukraine's security, issuing assurances regarding the country's neutrality, and setting conditions for sanctions relief for Russia.


    A dramatic, overnight shift in U.S. policy is politically impossible—both domestically and with allies—and would be unwise in any case. But developing these instruments now and socializing them with Ukraine and with U.S. allies might help catalyze the eventual start of a process that could bring this war to a negotiated end in a time frame that would serve U.S. interests. The alternative is a long war that poses major challenges for the United States, Ukraine, and the rest of the world.



    Which say exactly ZERO about terms of settlement. 

    • Thanks 2
  2. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    He nailed it. Follow the money.


    It took the GOP a while to wise up, but the light bulb has finally illuminated. If they can take the senate and the W H, I expect the end of the Ukraine conflict to follow soon after.

    Curious as to what you envision that "end" would look like. ie: terms of settlement... 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Stocky said:

    I couldn't find any available in Hat Yai, which is why I have one in Bangkok. 


    Google all you want, but that won't tell you if they actually have any boxes available.



    So you have contacted every supplier in the South, eh? Somehow I doubt it. Just keep whinging then. We had no issues getting a box in a small village in the south... 

  4. 2 minutes ago, likerdup1 said:

    Again, this is your opinion. Alcohol does not naturally occur in nature any more or less than cocaine.. Humans intervened. Humans intervened in eating or smoking the leaves of plants. This is pot head logic.

    Alcohol does most certainly exist in nature. Rotten fruit ferments. Animals eat it and get drunk. 

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  5. 7 hours ago, DonniePeverley said:
    7 hours ago, DonniePeverley said:

    You are rite - it from the Juristic. 


    But in my agreement it is listed the times i can use common areas. It mentions nowhere (other than for repairs) that it can be used. No where does it say you cannot go into a common area due to a private function being held. 

    The issue seems to be between you and your landlord. Are you absolutely sure your rental agreement with them conforms to the juristic bylaws of the condo? The landlord's stated "right of access" many not match the condo's...


  6. 8 hours ago, DonniePeverley said:

    This is not a cheap condo. It's of the higher end condos, and one of the bigger condos around. 


    The condo obviously has some form of committeee. I am not the owner of the condo, but rent it. So i am assuming the committee team in charge have decided to do this. 


    It's just very poor. 

    So... you have no fiduciary interest in the condo building. You just ASSUMED you would have NYE access. Now its time to whinge.


    That's just very poor.

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