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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 34 minutes ago, jingjai9 said:

    What I do not like about the countryside in Thailand is the poor infrastructure; it can be bothersome to navigate roads with holes and more holes, pass dilapidated or unpainted houses and see dry, parched yards with no life, or walk in villages or stroll along country roads with buffalo feces abound. I find this to be the norm in rural areas around Thailand. Experiencing this on a daily basis can be depressing. 

    Also, I do not feel as if I can walk freely in rural areas as I never know if I will encounter a dog protecting its turf. Some people carry sticks for protection to ward off aggressive canines. To me this is the Thai equivalent of arming yourself in America if you drive or walk through rough neighborhoods (cars are susceptible to car jackings). I know people in America who keep guns in their cars because they commute to work and pass through rough neighborhoods. They are afraid of problems if they are forced to sit in their cars during a long traffic light or traffic jams. Neither situation sounds relaxing and the former certainly does not conform to a positive image of the pastoral life.

    I post this as this may be one aspect of rural life that is not often articulated. Yes, there are  many wonders of nature, but there are many other considerations. 

    I do not wish to demean life in the country as many people are quite happy living a rural life. I merely want to share my sensibility concerning rural life in Thailand. Perhaps it is cheaper, but there are non-monetary costs for people who share my sentiment.

    Sounds like u wouldn't like rural anywhere. 

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  2. 44 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

    I took and understand statistics quite well. You are saying as a percentage nearly half of a demographic NOT VOTING in the 2020 USA elections is an awesome stat. I'm not talking about the 1960's or 1970's etc.  Nothing incoherent going on here.  Don't try to pretend that 18-24 year olds care about climate change so much when they don't even lift a PEN in their home and then drop a ballad in the mail. 

    See above. I'm done talking to walls. 

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  3. 51 minutes ago, bignok said:

    Nonsense. 50% means half dont care enough to vote. Thats millions of people. 90% voting would be high.

    Why would you double down on wrong? More 18-24 yr olds turned out to vote in 2020 than had, demographically, since the 1960s. Obfuscate all you want, it means more 18-24 year olds were motivated to vote than had been for 60 years. 

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  4. Just now, alex8912 said:

    No. When almost 1/2 don't vote but others ( like you ) think that is impressive or " QUITE HIGH" and others even SAY it's the number one important issue for a " demo". Then your blinders or pure stubbornness are infiltrating your thought process. 

    It's ok if you do not understand statistics, just say so, no need to blather on incoherently. 

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