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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 13 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


    According to the distorted/pixelated photo the "baseball bat" is thicker in the middle than at either end ...can you post a link to a standard baseball bat that is thickest in the middle?


    Where are you seeing the knob at the end in the above picture?


    Is it not more likely a stick that has been distorted due to the low quality of the image?



  2. 3 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

    If you attend a protest and you can see people on either side are armed is the rule of law is being abided by?

    Once the violence, against people, or property starts you are outside of the rule of law.

    If you choose to stick around up to you.


    Uh, yeah it is. In many places open carry is fine, which is fine by me, i just don't expect anyone but a lunatic to open up with their open carry.


    Merely being present at a protest which becomes violent does not mean that you are breaking the law only the perpetrators of the violence are.

  3. 4 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

    I was just pointing out that it was a fact, which some were strangely denying.

    With regard to the car attack it makes no odds.

    However as I said when you go out in armed groups to protest and or counter protest, you better know you are putting yourself in harms way. Obviously this was extreme, but the situation is different to an attack on people innocently going about their daily business. You are putting yourself into an armed confrontation.

    Are you seriously contending that anyone who attends a protest, for or against, should not expect the rule of law to be abided in America?

  4. 23 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

    A car against a group of protesters, with or without baseball bats is not a fair fight. And it was a terrible act of violence.

    I just don't understand, why you cannot conceded the point that there was a baseball bat used on the car immediately after the incident.

    You have to keep denying the simple fact both sides went out armed and looking for a fight.

    It does not seem to me to be a fact in the least that both sides went out armed and looking for a fight. One driver did and successfully killed someone, and, as far as i have read one other group took to successfully beating a young black man. Aside from the minor property damage to the killer's car I have yet to see a verified report of violence from the counter-protestors.

  5. 15 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

    A car against a group of protesters, with or without baseball bats is not a fair fight. And it was a terrible act of violence.

    I just don't understand, why you cannot conceded the point that there was a baseball bat used on the car immediately after the incident.

    You have to keep denying the simple fact both sides went out armed and looking for a fight.

    I'm sorry iReason but there definitely IS a bat there.


  6. 4 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

    Indeed. It was a terrible act.

    There was violence on both sides, that does not condone what happened.

    If you decide to take to the streets in an armed angry mob people are going to get hurt.

    If we are strictly talking about the vehicle driving into the crowd and killing one and injuring many then yes, pedantically, there was violence on both sides. One person INITIATED the violence which resulted in death and injury, the others RESPONDED to it causing minor property damage. Both acts of violence yes, but not equivalents in the eyes of the law or any rational person.

  7. If I was contemplating being anywhere near a KKK/Neo Nazi/White Supremacist rally would I contemplate bringing a weapon for self-defence or would I be OK with being a possible victim/martyr? 


    WWJD? Be a victim/martyr no doubt. I just don't think I'm there.


    If I had just seen a crowd of people bowled over like skittles would I punch, kick, strike the guilty vehicle with anything at hand? Yeah, without hesitation.


    Et tu PJ?



  8. Far be it for me to defend Trump but I am old enough to remember Billy  Clinton  (1992 campaign)  when he picked his communications   director  ,  had a similar  long name - George Stephanopoulos -  he was a total embarrassment and only lasted a few weeks longer .than Tony and was replaced.
    George and Clinton however , were supposed to be polished , experienced   politicians and  not   real estate moguls
    and talk show hosts. 

    And I am old enough to remember Reagan's neo nazi guy lasting 11 days... what's your point?
  9. On 2017-07-17 at 5:41 AM, cornishcarlos said:

    Don't go to Khanom.... I have a plot there and it sucks !!

    Well it will do if more people move there :)

    It's a great spot... Some nice restaurants, a few bars and quiet beach. You can still get most things in the town and Surat is just an hour drive, same to NST... 

    Agreed. DO NOT go to Khanom. (We like it just the way it is... LOL!!!).

    • Like 2
    Sadly I did watch it, and that video is a disgrace isn't it? Imagine if a republican came forward calling for blood in the streets. Liberals minds would explode. I didn't claim Schumer or Pelosi made any statements, other than their standard hate and vitriol we hear every time they open their mouths. The nation is still trying to take in why a deranged liberal tried to assassinate republican congressman yesterday to focus on much else at this point.  Michelle Obama told us that when they go low, we go high.....I guess she is a liar.

    If you think a call for MLK style civil disobedience is a disgraceful call for blood in the streets you are not much of a student of US history.
  11. 20 minutes ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

    Trump is correct. How can there be obstruction if there is not underlying case?

    Stop and think for a moment. Obstruction of justice... obstruction of an investigation... An investigation does not have a predetermined outcome. Whatever the outcome of an investigation you certainly can obstruct it. The two things are mutually exclusive.

  12. 7 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

    I am opposed to the level of rancor and discord on display which, sad to say, eventually, and inevitably, will lead to events like this.   I also put the blame for this new "low bar" in American politics at the feet of both Candidate and President Trump. 


    And to HRC, if anything, I would expect her to take sensible leadership role and not engage in hysterics; and I think she could have a calming effect, if she's so inclined.   End of the day, Trump can be taken down (if he doesn't do it to himself first) without the ever-escalating drama.  You can chew somebody out and fire them without ever raising your voice. 

    Thanks for the reasoned response. I certainly agree with your last line. But I have a bit of trouble with, "I also put the blame for this new "low bar" in American politics at the feet of both Candidate and President Trump." Not that either are without blame, far from it, but I see the timeline of this "low bar" going back further. I see the start of it at the beginning of 44's term and the birtherism movement, progressing to the ACA debate and repeated futile attempts to scuttle it, and then blossoming in the resolute obstructionism of the GOP, fertilize this with Benghazi, email server, and theft of SCOTUS nomination... add in the bizarre GOP and DNC nomination races and finally the presidential race itself and the "low bar" is set in place.

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