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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 16 hours ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

    Thanks, MikeBike.


    That's interesting and very useful. I was also well acquainted with the staff, but I was told just prior to my departure (a few days before), even though I had a tacit agreement that had been made 1 year prior to departure, that I would need to have now a power of attorney which was impossible to set up in the time that I had. It would seem that some managers of banks have more power or leeway than I thought.


    I have made an effort to contact TD, Toronto (not the branch). So far one response and I had to ask twice. I have sent another message asking for another way, as the way I was given was unpractical. That was one week ago! If I don't make any headway there, I will contact my branch and see what they say. If I am able to make a case that this is happening routinely, they might have to comply, especially if I mention that I will write to TD, Toronto, about this issue. This might bring them to move on this.


    I have a few other ideas on how I could make some transfers using my family, bit I would rather, if I can avoid it. Thanks for your reply.

    If you have a relative you trust why not add them to the account (which you can do remotely - they would have to attend the branch to sign etc) and let them initiate the SWIFT transfer. Then when done transferring remove them from the account.

  2. 4 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


    Really? All of these butthurt anti-Trumpers disagree with me because I'm saying that Antifa are a violent anti-Trump terrorist group. That surprises you why?

    Like I said, as time goes on there is going to nothing but more proof that Antifa are a violent hate group and no proof that they are an anti-Nazi group.

    Since Charlottesville they have already rioted in Boston and Berkeley and now they are planning to riot for a week against free speech in Berkeley. Where are these Nazis at these events they are opposing?

    Can we just all be grown ups and call it what it is. You hate Trump, they hate Trump, let's have an adult conversation without pretending something isn't what it really is.

    Btw, I saw the Washington Post ran an article yesterday about Antifa causing the trouble at Berkeley. So even the media which bashed Trump for blaming both sides is now admitting that there IS two sides.


    1. I do not think I ever declared I was "surprised" about anything. Its been quite a while since anything anyone says has "surprised" me.


    2. You are using your crystal ball again trying to predict an unknowable future.


    3. There have undoubtably been instances where those linked to the Antifa movement have been bad actors.


    4. I do not hate Trump, or anyone else for that matter. I do believe he is not the best person for the job he now occupies.


    5. There are an infinite number of sides, actors, provocateurs, dogmas, ideologies, etc... as many as there are human minds which ponder and act upon these things. The more pertinent question is: is there absolute right and wrong or is there a proportionate sliding scale of right and wrong?

  3. 5 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


    Yes, and when you all post CNN and NYT material I discuss the subject not the fact you've posted a biased left wing fake news outlet.


    So again, looking at the timeline of Antifa's riots and violence this year, If you'd never heard of them before and was reading about Antifa for the first time here, would you say they were anti-fascists or anti-Trump??


    Feel free to fact check the timeline I posted and let me know if it's all a lie or if it's true.


    The reason you all refuse to debate properly is because I'm correct and the only way you have of ignoring it is either calling me names or saying everything is fake or a lie.

    This is because we already know the biases of CNN and NYT. Unfortunately the Dailywire is a wee bit less well known so it is salient to point out its bias.


    I sincerely hope you are not falling into the trap of painting everyone who comments with the same brush. Most commenters have not resorted to name calling nor condemning "everything" as fake or lies.


    Most just seem disagree with you.

  4. 5 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


    Like I said, you attack the source, not the content. Yesterday I posted a page just because it contained a bunch of YouTube and Vimeo vids showing Antifa doing what they do and instead of discussing the content of the videos everyone just attacked the container.

    So feel free to discuss the content of the posts and the points I make.


    I am not attacking anything Matt. I am however pointing out that all news reporting has a bias and that debaters should be mindful of the biases within the the organizations they quote to support their positions. Not doing so could make a poster appear deficient in an otherwise logical narrative. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, KunMatt said:


    Haha. Always attacking the source, never the facts within the content.

    You know why you do this, right? Because you are wrong and you know the facts are not on your side.

    There's a week of free speech at Berkeley in a couple of weeks which Antifa are planning to riot. No Nazis will be there but Antifa are already shutting it down.

    Now If it does go ahead despite Antifa's best efforts, do you think after that week the world is going to have more proof that Antifa are a group of anti-fascist who just hate Nazis or will there be a whole lot more proof that Antifa are in fact a mob of violent anarchists who just hate Trump and his supporters?


    What exactly am I wrong about Matt? I make no comment on the "facts" you have presented. I don't know enough about it. 


    I do see an inherent problem of quoting a source without an acknowledgement of the intrinsic bias of said source.

  6. 34 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

    Here's a timeline of your heroes' violent riots just for the year to date.




    If you'd never heard of them before and was reading about Antifa for the first time here, would you say they were anti-fascists or anti-Trump??


    It's getting harder and harder to keep defending the big lie.


    Let's just all admit now that they are an anti-Trump violent hate group and that's why you all love them.

    Quoting a Ben Shapiro founded/run website is akin to quoting TASS. The bias runs deep.

  7. 5 hours ago, KunMatt said:

    But this is the point. If you take any historical figure of course there will be something they said or did in their lifetime which, when compared to modern day morals, would be seen as wrong.

    Destroying history isn't going to change that. I don't see the point with this new wave of wanting to destroy statues of people.

    They did it in South Africa with a statue of Cecil Rhodes and in Ghana with a statue of Gandhi too (which is what the London protest is based on).

    This isn't really about fascism is it?


    No. The point is Gandhi is Gandhi. Please draw parallels for me to illustrate the breadth of REL's humanitarian efforts.

  8. 6 hours ago, zydeco said:

    You have answered a question I did not ask. The question remains why were Confederate widows and survivors given US veteran survivor benefits.  We didn't hand them out to the Spanish in Cuba, the Germans in World War I and II, the Japanese in World War II, or Mexicans in the Mexican American war. That's the question. And while we're at it, I thought news sources had to be approved for TV Forums.  This one you cite looks to me like nothing more than a partisan blog, masquerading as "news." Pretty much fits the definition of fake news then, doesn't it?

    One more time, very slowly : R-E-C-O-N-C-I-L-I-A-T-I-O-N... Look up WWll reconciliation if you are having a hard time with the concept.

  9. 4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    Your point is well made.  The Civil War statues represent an Era which is being glorified but rather than have open disagreement- I would hope that local communities could come together and work out a reasonable compromise.  There is no place for hate groups such as the KKK or Neo Nazis to latch onto this issue and try and spew their hatred.


    The question is how far do we go - George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were slave owners yet they are responsible for the establishment of the Republic. Do we tear down their statues also?   I just watched a documentary on Robert E. Lee who  graduated from West Point and served for 30 years in the Union Army and then resigned and joined the Confederate Army. Lee wrote that slavery was wrong but he felt an allegiance to his families Virginia History and felt that the issue of States Right was worth fighting for.  The World was completely different then.  I don't know the answer as I think there are points on both sides. As mentioned, I would hope individual communities could openly discuss the issue and reach accommodation without rancor.

    Think of it in todays terms to make it easier.


    I am a muslim. I think ISIS/Taliban/extremist groups are wrong but I feel an allegiance to my Muslim brothers and sisters and my Arab history and feel that the issue of foreign hegemony is worth fighting for.


    Howz that sit with y'all?

  10. 2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    You seem to have forgotten what started all this. Going through another terrorist attack like the WTC is unacceptable. Time to get tough on nations that support terrorists. Pakistan being one.


    The troops know exactly what they are fighting for. Preventing a safe harbor for terrorists. Sadly, the current tactics don't seem to be working.

    You'd be right if he was starting with Saudi... Absolutely pointless to be in Afghanistan.

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