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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 12 minutes ago, daboyz1 said:

    No of course it shouldn't happen, but that's not reality. These kids aren't being thrown in jail so the word "punish" is a bit subjective. Kids are "punished" for the mistakes of their parents all the time.

    If someone wants to change that, then go to Congress and get them to pass a law saying it's perfectly fine to bring children to the US without following the process. Until then it's illegal.

    Deportation may, in this circumstance, be considered a worse "punish"ment than jail... somewhat cruel and unusual I would posit.

  2. 5 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

    No one asked me or my family who immigrated the painfully legal way. No, you're wrong to make such a statement.

    Their parents knowingly put their kids in harms way. When will this insanity stop.


    You want to legalize these 800,000, won't be long before you have double that.

    So maybe deport the parents if you can prove criminal intent of putting helpless children in harms way. Do NOT take out your bellicose attitude on the innocents.

  3. 8 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

     You fail to consider how proper "legal" immigrants feel about this saga. They jumped through multiple hoops and it took a huge effort to get legal residency or a passport, and yet there are people now saying all anybody must do is illegally cross the border and then we should give them a passport. I can't believe we are even having this argument. Obama was absolutely wrong to implement this scheme, and that it must end now is absolutely Obama's fault. Trump is merely trying to enforce the law.

     Understanding how this problem arose is crucial to avoid such a snafu occurring again.

    Legal immigrants have been strongly on the side of the dreamers. They understand that these children had no choice in where they ended up and that humanity dictates caring for them.

  4. 9 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

    If you stayed in Thailand illegal,you were found out.you will be in goal straight away a fine get a ticket out and banned.Amercia  should be just as tuff too. 

    Yes so true and an excellent analogy. The huddled masses of the world have been beating a path to Thailand's shores for centuries because of its perceived position as leader of the free world and the bounty of opportunities here.

  5. 38 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    Several thoughts come to mind:  

    >>>  Bad stuff happens.  People chose to reside in a Hurricane Alley, whether wittingly or not.  Should the Feds, using taxpayer money, have to pay for everyone to rebuild?  I don't think so.


    >>>  When an individual's house gets flooded in an isolated scenario, the Feds don't step in to give him big money.  Yet, when it's many houses, the Feds step in.  I saw the same difference, in California, when a house burned down, ...in contrast to when many houses burned down.  A destroyed house is a destroyed house.  Is it more grave when it's individually destroyed compared to collectively destroyed?


    >>>  Those with insurance, planned ahead.  



    Funded rebuilding occurs for economic reasons, not out of any sense of altruism. The lion's share of "aid" goes to businesses and corporations not individuals.

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