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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 45 minutes ago, KunMatt said:

    A step closer to the inevitable:


    I was right from the beginning to condemn all of the hate groups on both sides.

    You really aren't doing yourself any favours by posting this link and claiming some sort of vindication. Seems like the wackier the better at We The People...


    How 'bout this one:


    11. Shut down White House petitions, since they never get a sincere response, few read them & they are ultimately worthless.

    Since the White House never actually responds to any petitions in sincerity (like letting the one man whose job it is to oppose marijuana to respond to the marijuana legalization initiative, or having the head of the TSA respond to why we can't de-fund the TSA) we should immediately de-fund and dismantle the White House petition website.

    In recent days it has become a mockery with petitions for secession from almost every state, and cities wishing to de-secede in such events.

    We ask the administration to admit that this is a mockery of democratic process and immediately dissolve this joke of a website.

    Total signatures: 852

  2. 30 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

    that's not an explanation.  it's too vague....

    exactly what my post ain't... not any more and not any less than it needed to be.

    show me why I am wrong.  something remotely logical, and leave the girlie stuff out. there's way too much emotional nonsense.

    many Americans... but not Trump.. are Christians... including his base. 

    OK, I'll try again. Your stream-of-consciousness writing style and constant flitting from thought to thought make it difficult, if not impossible, to suss out exactly what the point of your post(s) are, making salient responses a trying exercise.

  3. When you only have one border, and its with the USA, it may be a wee bit more surprising the first time the numbers grow so rapidly compared to previously. Has there been a new or inflated conflict to bring about this change in the numbers Canadians are seeing? Did Canada start a new conflict that I was unaware of? No. So other than the regime change south of their border little as changed for Canucks. The current exponential rise of asylum seekers to Canada has little to do with global politics and a lot to do with US politics.

  4. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

                       I think slavery was a lesser part of the reason the South rose up against the North.  I spoke with an 80-something yr old American woman the other day, and she opined that the war revolved mostly around economic issues.   Slavery was, among other things, economic in the sense that a slave was property owned by the man of the house (much like a wife and kids are, today).   


                        The south had a lot of ag products (cotton, tobacco, etc) and didn't want the North controlling the economics of it.   Yes, slavery was an issue, but even if the South had won (which it almost did), slavery would have been soon abolished, as it was everywhere else in the world, before and soon after the mid 19th century.


                           I just watched a special about how the Canadian Maple syrup industry is controlled by a small group of bureaucrats in Quebec.   I didn't think about it until just now, but it's somewhat similar to the situation which fueled the Civil War:    A group of bureaucrats (the North) controlling prices and commerce of products from the southern states. 



    <deleted>? What century are you living in?


    I am at a loss for words.



  5. 6 hours ago, csabo said:

    Right, because you can't logically defend yourself because the poorly thought out comment you made had no relation to mine in any way whatsoever. Go back to what you are good at, being a sheep.

    No, because I didn't think it was necessary to spell it out for you twice.


    You believe in free speech, great, who the fark doesn't?


    Where your Venn crosses Neville's is, obviously, in the appeasement department.

  6. Just now, csabo said:

    I support free speech so that makes me "of the Neville Chamberlain school"?  Your logic is mesmerizing truly.  Do you even know what you are talking about?  Wait is this John McCain?  Is your tumor acting up?

    I'll let Thakkar answer:

    Just now, Thakkar said:

    Clear thinking requires immediate, unambiguous condemnation of bigoted white Supremacist Nazis.


  7. 8 minutes ago, csabo said:

    Everyone crying foul but when the Muslims start marching demanding Sharia Law be implemented what should the President do then? Support freedom of religion/speech or condemn it?  Bottom line is talk is talk and it's protected under the Constitution.  Running people over with cars is not.  However when the KKK breaks the law or the liberal protestors rip down a confederate statue in Durham, you enforce it.  I would no more need my President to condemn speech then I would need him to declare morning when the sun comes up every day.  It's overstating the obvious.

    So you are of the Neville Chamberlain school... good to know.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

    Good point, JT.


    The troll succeeded in getting everyone talking about baseball bats and forgetting for a while that this is about mothereffing NAZIS marching shamelessly in an American city in 2017 and then legitimately feeling that THE PRESIDENT has their back!!



    The counter-protesters having weapons is a salient fact here. It is not a 1"x2" softwood placard stick. Not that I fault them, nor do I think they misused them.

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