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Posts posted by mikebike

  1. 22 minutes ago, rijb said:

    Give it up!  This is off topic.  And you're being disrespectful to people a lot better than you.

    Japan invading China in 1939 is on topic to 45 and N. Korea today more than the equivocation of loss of innocent lives? How pray tell?


    To whom am I being disrespectful? How do you judge who is better than whom when you have no personal knowledge of anyone you are referring to?


    I know          -          guessing right!!??!!??

  2. 2 hours ago, tryasimight said:

    Rubbish....you have never heard of religion....where are the 'facts' in that?


    People can have whatever opinion they choose regardless of your insistence that it must be based on facts.

    Yes, of course, those would be what are called erroneous opinions i.e.: the earth is flat.

  3. 3 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

    It is not a legal question; it is a scientific question.  In science, the burden of proof is on those who claim effectiveness.

    No it is not. It IS a debate. I claim no scientific knowledge - I don't make these devices, or even know how to. I only make the claim that in my experience it has been 80-85% effective in making dogs run away from the device. You also claim that in your experience it does not work. Fine with me. All experiences may differ. Let others test for themselves.

    3 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

    If ultrasonic dog repellent devices with regulated by the FDA, like human medical devices, the burden of proof would be on the manufacturer who claims effectiveness.  I am unable to find studies of any kind that demonstrate the effectiveness of these devices, from which I conclude that it is unlikely that they work or else the manufacturers would publish such studies.

    Or the more logical summary: they publish reams of positively hyperbolic crap about the effectiveness of the devices - because they are not restricted by the FDA's regulations (http://www.dazer.co.za/dazer.html). Why would you look for studies which could nor would never be done to draw your conclusions?




    I note that the subscriber to the effectiveness theory of the dog repellent devices here mentions only two specific instances of conflict with vicious dogs and in both of those cases the device was completely ineffective.  So the summary of his claim is that the devices do work, except when you really need them to.

    It really depends on your definition of "vicious" doesn't it? I would not expect any electronic device to be effective in your pit bull analogy. But for my wife walking alone; for chasing dogs out of our yard (soi packs have killed cats in our neighbourhood recently), and; for random gnarly soi dogs on the beach, I have found these sort of devices to be quite handy when you need them to be.

    So, this discussion sounds like those with other superstitious people who have a deep emotional commitment to their belief in the absence of actual evidence.

    To me it sounds like those who have a bad outcome and expect that everyone else's will be the same and when that is not the case they are dumbfounded and unable to account for variation and nuances in expectation and experience.


  4. 2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    Keep the context in mind, here - it is de-facto policy to allow any married or retired applicant to skip all financial requirements entirely by using an agent.  As long as that is the case, enforcement of financials is a sick joke.

    Haven't yet had a Immigration office that would allow this. 10 years and three provinces so far. Further proving that you must be familiar with the requirements where YOU live.


    Otherwise sorry for big government financial oversight the laughable war on drugs foisted upon the USA peeps. Yeah we're all money launderers... easier for them to monitor everybody rather than doing their jobs.

  5. 1 hour ago, CaptHaddock said:

    Some people are unacquainted with the concept of "evidence," the burden of which falls entirely on those who assert effectiveness. 


      At least tell me a personal story about a vicious pit bull eager to rip your throat out who scurried off with his tail between his legs when you pressed the magic button. 


    No one has.  I am still waiting.

    Hahaha... like we are in a court of law. Its a debate mon ami. "When two parties are in a discussion and one makes a claim that the other disputes, the one who makes the claim typically has a burden of proof to justify or substantiate that claim..." Standard debating procedure. Since you claimed first that the devices do not work, "I notice that no one reports any actual experience using these devices successfully, just unsubstantiated opinion.  Well, they don't work.", the burden of evidence is on you.


    Just for my own pleasure, what makes you think your unsubstantiated opinion is of any more value than anyone else's?


    I haven't encountered any vicious pit bulls eager to rip my throat out as of yet but I would hazard an opinion that you would need a machete or gun in your ridiculous analogy.


    Ultrasonic chasers are fine for normal situations (80-85%) like the OP's though.

  6. 24 minutes ago, habanero said:

    Let me get this straight. You are comparing a quarrel between condo owners and the possibility that a nut job in N. Korea could potentially kill millions of people? Do I have this right?  You need some serious help! You remind me of an old western where the townspeople all hid in their houses while the sheriff had to fight it out with the outlaws that threatened the town. All the cowards hid until it was all over and then tried to act like they had something to do with ridding the town of the bad guys. 

    Let me gat this straight. You are all in for military solutions to diplomatic issues? The analogy was meant for you to see the absurdity of violent vs negotiated solutions. Although the scale is different the two situations are comparable. Needless death and destruction can be avoided - not necessary to plunge in guns ablazin' in either situation.


    The only nut job threatening to kill millions is 45. Un was relatively happy playing with his toys all by himself until 45's rhetoric stirred him up. Un actually realizes nukes are a deterrent, conversely, 45's first question to "his" generals was, "why don't we use nukes."


    I am happy and able to defend my family, home, neighbors, friends and countrymen from outside threats. I have no interest whatsoever in taking my butt to lands end to forcibly and violently inflict my values on others when negotiation and diplomacy are what's needed.


    You remind me of a sheeple who doesn't bother to think for yourself. Other than WWII there were no legitimate conflicts in the last century which could not have been resolved with negotiation and diplomacy.

  7. 24 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    The US didn't destroy NK before, otherwise, we wouldn't be where we are today! LOL.  As for sanctions, perhaps the leadership of that country should accept the blame.  They are calling the shots.  No other country in the world has sanctions like this.  And for good reasons.


    Don't rewrite history.  NK started the Korean war.  They would have been wiped out if it wasn't for the help of China and Russia.


    You're supporting brutal dictators like Hussein and Gadaffi?  The atrocities they committed against their own people are well documented.

    OK, NK started the war. Without US help SK would have been destroyed, without RU and China NK would have been destroyed. What is your point? NK suffered the same fate as Germany post WWI after the Korean War. Interesting that the results were more or less the same. Lesson should have been learned long ago.


    Un, Hussein, and Gadaffi are/were all leaders of sovereign nations. None are/were a direct threat to the USA. Yet they couldn't resist the temptation to meddle and made things far worse. Those who ignore history... etc!

  8. 19 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Yes, NK is an oppressed and "maltreaded" country to use your word. But it's not the U.S. or any other foreign power that's responsible for that. It's NK's own series of autocratic dictators that have kept the country in the dark and cut off from the rest of the world since the 1950s.


    And in fact, it was NK that started that war by invading SK, bringing in a reluctant U.S. (at least in terms of the country's citizens) and the United Nation's to SK's defense, and then China on the side of NK. So please stop blaming the U.S. for the woes suffered by NK the country and its citizens. NK's own leaders are responsible for the path they've taken.




    In context the USA wasn't all that reluctant at the time to fight communism on all fronts - domestic and foreign - using any means necessary. CIA ops, regime change, backing terrorists, dealing drugs to fund covert ops, boots on the ground and American lives given towards the great cause were/are all on the table. I say are because they have just changed protagonists. Replace "communists" with "muslims" and nothing has changed.

  9. 16 minutes ago, habanero said:

    The U.S. is not in disarray. That is what the liberal media would like you to think. The U.S. is doing just fine. Stock market has never been higher, unemployment low. More people working and getting off of welfare. Finally a president that the military supports. Trump is doing just fine. It could have been worst. 

    Could of had a president that couldn't remember a thing under oath, but remembers enough to write a 512 page book..............

    None of 45's executive orders, he has not passed any major legislation, have affected the stock market or employment numbers. He is riding on an economy which 44 built. Nice try though.


    There is ample evidence in all media, even at Brietbart and InfoWars, that 45's house is in disarray. The USA as a nation is a different matter. There are ample checks and balances built into the system, but those do require legislators who actually care for people rather than corporate and monied interests. Good luck on that.

  10. 28 minutes ago, habanero said:

    I respect your opinion. Don't agree with it, but I do respect it.  What is it you would like to have heard from him? Did he not say before the world body, that he will put America first?  What did you want him to do? Address the problems in your country?

    USA exists in the world, not a vacuum. To coexist in the world a nation must have some sort of sensitivity to other nations not just your own needs or desires. What he should have done is well described by TGJinBKK's post below. Looking at it at a personal level might be helpful. You are a condo owner and board member. Another board member (say Joe) is having major issues with the <deleted> in 4B. 4B can be a dick, we all know it. 4B and his nemesis are both the type that like to get drunk and play with guns. No one else in the condo likes either of them much. At the board meeting Joe goes on a rant to convince all others to join him in shunning and destroying 4B. In that rant he declares he will use all his, considerable, firepower to not just control 4B but to kill his entire family and, potentially, many of those in the units surrounding 4B will see their homes destroyed and loved ones injured or killed in the fight. Would YOU rush to back Joe in his obsession? 45 is, as he often is, his own worst enemy in getting anything he wants to do, done. Diplomatically bringing consensus to his side would have been a much more effective tactic than the bombastic rhetoric which appeals to few outside his base.

    10 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Despite my pessimism about NK sanctions, I do agree with the Swedish FM that it was the wrong speech at the wrong time to the wrong audience by Trump.


    One of the many problems with Trump is that he has no respect or appreciation for diplomacy and diplomatic customs/niceties. Yes, the U.S. can blow up N.K. and the world for that matter, with Trump holding the keys, unfortunately.


    But despite his America first rhetoric, the U.S. still needs allies in the world, and still needs the cooperation of other nations on a range of issues, despite the flaws/failings of the U.N. 


    When he gives a speech like that at the United Nations, he needlessly offends the leaders and diplomats of other nations, including U.S. allies, and probably reinforces the perhaps not-unfounded perception of many in the world that he's a dangerously crazy guy to have as a president of the United States.



  11. 12 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    I listened to part of it.  I've got a hard time listening to him at all. LOL.  But one thing I did like.  He said it like it is.  In one way, it's refreshing. 


    The UN isn't a place to deal with issues in your own country.  It's talking to the global community.  The state of the union speech is where Trump will talk about issues in the US.  I'll avoid that speech. LOL


    P.S. The US isn't a state sponsor of terrorism like Iran.  It's not threatening to nuke a neighboring country...or sink them.  The US isn't perfect, but it's far from the worst country on the planet.  I tend to ignore most of what Trump now says.  Sadly.

    It is very difficult to convince the global community of anything you may be passionate about without first establishing your own credentials on the same issues at home. If the world thinks you have one rhetoric for them and another for the home audience they are savvy enough to understand that you are talking out of both sides of your mouth and will have zero respect.


    The International Court of Justice and the facts would disagree with your statement that the USA is not a sponsor of state terrorism.


    No USA is not threatening to nuke or sink a neighbouring country. But they have threatened Mexico in many other ways. They are however threatening to nuke or sink a country on the other side of the world because... what? We are the World Police I guess... Which goes back to my original point - how can he believe he has a mandate to dictate world policy when his own house is in complete disarray?




  12. 2 minutes ago, habanero said:

    I listened to his speech from beginning to end. I can't see how anyone could disagree with what he said.  I think it was a great speech. For those of you that chastise him, I don't think you listened to it...........

    Watched the whole thang. Could not believe anyone could give a speech in which all the things complained about were applicable to his own country as much as those being called out. Hint... start by addressing the same issues in your own country before chastising the rest of the world.

  13. 55555.... always amuses me when someone comes upon new/different/changing rules and freaks out. Mai pen rai!


    NST immigration has required copies of bank card(s) along with income declaration for some time. Also photo of house master with us outside and inside. Also annual Foreign Ministry certification of home country marriage certificate.


    Just fit yourself into the pidgeon holes and enjoy!

    • Sad 1
  14. 11 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

    I did supply evidence of two kinds: my own experiment on dogs and the abstract of a study on cats, which showed no effect.


    Your "evidence" continues to lack verisimilitude.  Maybe you think we should just take your word for it?  Seems like superstition to me.


    Here's another reason why these products are bullshit.  It's not possible to produce a sound that is loud enough in the human hearing range to intimidate people using a couple of AA batteries.

    Yes they do not work on cats. No one is disputing that. I use the device to keep dogs away from my cats, dogs run, cats laugh.


    MY own experiment on dogs, as I previously stated, was about 80-85% effectiveness on dogs. Same verisimilitude as your "experiment", should we just take your word?


    The devices I have used all use 9 volt batteries. Never seen one with a couple of AAs.

  15. 20 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Why? For working with the UN Security Council and dozens of other countries who are trying to make the Korean peninsula nuclear free?  Even Russia and China are in on this. And doing military drills right next to NK now.  Maybe we should sanction the entire world! LOL

    Not sure if the tough-guy rhetoric and bullying constitute "working with the IN Security Council".


    No way RU and China are into this as much as 45.

  16. 26 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

    You have failed to provide any evidence at all.  Were you ever under attack or threatened by a dog and then drove him off by pressing the little button? 

    Same evidence you supplied that it does not work.


    The answer to your question is yes, many times.

  17. On 2017-05-31 at 9:00 AM, JAS21 said:

    Yes ... as do a number of other suggestions... take it back to Honda and let them sort ... don't tell them someone power washed the brakes though. As an aside have you got your english handbook yet?   Mrs J, well actually me, has been waiting a couple of month now for one for her RS Civic ... I'm now getting somewhat unhappy with our dealer as that was part of the deal.


    Take it back and let them have a go ... if they fix it fine ... if not ask them to have another go at your six month service.  Trans is probably spot on ... anti squeal compound gone ... 


  18. 5 minutes ago, habanero said:

    Trump is going to talk like this until he gets the rest of the world to isolate N. Korea.  They will have no choice but to reign in the Fat Boy or be involved in a global conflict.

    How exactly does his tired rhetoric motivate any other country to do his bidding?


    45: "we must stop this deranged idiot from destroying the world".


    ROTW: "he was a harmless little turd playing in his own sandbox until you stirred the pot".


    45: "I need a popularity bump and war seems to be a winner here in the USA, so please join my mission to destabalize the world".


    ROTW: "you are on your own. Hope your allies Japan and S. Korea survive your brinksmanship". 

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